blob: 8ce79856a3ec6683397de3208a922a7e90dc3470 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.qubole.sensors.qubole
Module Contents
.. py:class:: QuboleSensor(*, data, qubole_conn_id: str = 'qubole_default', **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.sensors.base.BaseSensorOperator`
Base class for all Qubole Sensors
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['data', 'qubole_conn_id']
.. attribute:: template_ext
:annotation: = ['.txt']
.. method:: poke(self, context: dict)
.. py:class:: QuboleFileSensor(**kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.providers.qubole.sensors.qubole.QuboleSensor`
Wait for a file or folder to be present in cloud storage
and check for its presence via QDS APIs
:param qubole_conn_id: Connection id which consists of qds auth_token
:type qubole_conn_id: str
:param data: a JSON object containing payload, whose presence needs to be checked
Check this `example < /airflow/providers/qubole/example_dags/>`_ for sample payload
:type data: dict
.. note:: Both ``data`` and ``qubole_conn_id`` fields support templating. You can
also use ``.txt`` files for template-driven use cases.
.. py:class:: QubolePartitionSensor(**kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.providers.qubole.sensors.qubole.QuboleSensor`
Wait for a Hive partition to show up in QHS (Qubole Hive Service)
and check for its presence via QDS APIs
:param qubole_conn_id: Connection id which consists of qds auth_token
:type qubole_conn_id: str
:param data: a JSON object containing payload, whose presence needs to be checked.
Check this `example < /airflow/providers/qubole/example_dags/>`_ for sample payload
:type data: dict
.. note:: Both ``data`` and ``qubole_conn_id`` fields support templating. You can
also use ``.txt`` files for template-driven use cases.