blob: f5dc4b356cb4c71bc36f98ededcf3fbd56f64e7a [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.docker.operators.docker_swarm
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
Run ephemeral Docker Swarm services
Module Contents
.. py:class:: DockerSwarmOperator(*, image: str, enable_logging: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.providers.docker.operators.docker.DockerOperator`
Execute a command as an ephemeral docker swarm service.
Example use-case - Using Docker Swarm orchestration to make one-time
scripts highly available.
A temporary directory is created on the host and
mounted into a container to allow storing files
that together exceed the default disk size of 10GB in a container.
The path to the mounted directory can be accessed
via the environment variable ``AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR``.
If a login to a private registry is required prior to pulling the image, a
Docker connection needs to be configured in Airflow and the connection ID
be provided with the parameter ``docker_conn_id``.
:param image: Docker image from which to create the container.
If image tag is omitted, "latest" will be used.
:type image: str
:param api_version: Remote API version. Set to ``auto`` to automatically
detect the server's version.
:type api_version: str
:param auto_remove: Auto-removal of the container on daemon side when the
container's process exits.
The default is False.
:type auto_remove: bool
:param command: Command to be run in the container. (templated)
:type command: str or list
:param docker_url: URL of the host running the docker daemon.
Default is unix://var/run/docker.sock
:type docker_url: str
:param environment: Environment variables to set in the container. (templated)
:type environment: dict
:param force_pull: Pull the docker image on every run. Default is False.
:type force_pull: bool
:param mem_limit: Maximum amount of memory the container can use.
Either a float value, which represents the limit in bytes,
or a string like ``128m`` or ``1g``.
:type mem_limit: float or str
:param tls_ca_cert: Path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority
to secure the docker connection.
:type tls_ca_cert: str
:param tls_client_cert: Path to the PEM-encoded certificate
used to authenticate docker client.
:type tls_client_cert: str
:param tls_client_key: Path to the PEM-encoded key used to authenticate docker client.
:type tls_client_key: str
:param tls_hostname: Hostname to match against
the docker server certificate or False to disable the check.
:type tls_hostname: str or bool
:param tls_ssl_version: Version of SSL to use when communicating with docker daemon.
:type tls_ssl_version: str
:param tmp_dir: Mount point inside the container to
a temporary directory created on the host by the operator.
The path is also made available via the environment variable
``AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR`` inside the container.
:type tmp_dir: str
:param user: Default user inside the docker container.
:type user: int or str
:param docker_conn_id: ID of the Airflow connection to use
:type docker_conn_id: str
:param tty: Allocate pseudo-TTY to the container of this service
This needs to be set see logs of the Docker container / service.
:type tty: bool
:param enable_logging: Show the application's logs in operator's logs.
Supported only if the Docker engine is using json-file or journald logging drivers.
The `tty` parameter should be set to use this with Python applications.
:type enable_logging: bool
.. method:: execute(self, context)
.. method:: _run_service(self)
.. method:: _service_status(self)
.. method:: _has_service_terminated(self)
.. method:: _stream_logs_to_output(self)
.. method:: on_kill(self)