blob: ccccc11ef8cf27459871cf262b0e776d2c3eacdf [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.databricks.hooks.databricks
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
Databricks hook.
This hook enable the submitting and running of jobs to the Databricks platform. Internally the
operators talk to the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit``
`endpoint <>`_.
Module Contents
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/clusters/restart']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/clusters/start']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/clusters/delete']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/jobs/run-now']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit']
:annotation: = ['GET', 'api/2.0/jobs/runs/get']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/jobs/runs/cancel']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/libraries/install']
:annotation: = ['POST', 'api/2.0/libraries/uninstall']
.. py:class:: RunState(life_cycle_state: str, result_state: str, state_message: str)
Utility class for the run state concept of Databricks runs.
.. attribute:: is_terminal
True if the current state is a terminal state.
.. attribute:: is_successful
True if the result state is SUCCESS
.. method:: __eq__(self, other: object)
.. method:: __repr__(self)
.. py:class:: DatabricksHook(databricks_conn_id: str = default_conn_name, timeout_seconds: int = 180, retry_limit: int = 3, retry_delay: float = 1.0)
Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook`
Interact with Databricks.
:param databricks_conn_id: The name of the databricks connection to use.
:type databricks_conn_id: str
:param timeout_seconds: The amount of time in seconds the requests library
will wait before timing-out.
:type timeout_seconds: int
:param retry_limit: The number of times to retry the connection in case of
service outages.
:type retry_limit: int
:param retry_delay: The number of seconds to wait between retries (it
might be a floating point number).
:type retry_delay: float
.. attribute:: conn_name_attr
:annotation: = databricks_conn_id
.. attribute:: default_conn_name
:annotation: = databricks_default
.. attribute:: conn_type
:annotation: = databricks
.. attribute:: hook_name
:annotation: = Databricks
.. staticmethod:: _parse_host(host: str)
The purpose of this function is to be robust to improper connections
settings provided by users, specifically in the host field.
For example -- when users supply ```` as the
host, we must strip out the protocol to get the host.::
h = DatabricksHook()
assert h._parse_host('') == ''
In the case where users supply the correct ```` as the
host, this function is a no-op.::
assert h._parse_host('') == ''
.. method:: _do_api_call(self, endpoint_info, json)
Utility function to perform an API call with retries
:param endpoint_info: Tuple of method and endpoint
:type endpoint_info: tuple[string, string]
:param json: Parameters for this API call.
:type json: dict
:return: If the api call returns a OK status code,
this function returns the response in JSON. Otherwise,
we throw an AirflowException.
:rtype: dict
.. method:: _log_request_error(self, attempt_num: int, error: str)
.. method:: run_now(self, json: dict)
Utility function to call the ``api/2.0/jobs/run-now`` endpoint.
:param json: The data used in the body of the request to the ``run-now`` endpoint.
:type json: dict
:return: the run_id as a string
:rtype: str
.. method:: submit_run(self, json: dict)
Utility function to call the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit`` endpoint.
:param json: The data used in the body of the request to the ``submit`` endpoint.
:type json: dict
:return: the run_id as a string
:rtype: str
.. method:: get_run_page_url(self, run_id: str)
Retrieves run_page_url.
:param run_id: id of the run
:return: URL of the run page
.. method:: get_job_id(self, run_id: str)
Retrieves job_id from run_id.
:param run_id: id of the run
:type run_id: str
:return: Job id for given Databricks run
.. method:: get_run_state(self, run_id: str)
Retrieves run state of the run.
:param run_id: id of the run
:return: state of the run
.. method:: cancel_run(self, run_id: str)
Cancels the run.
:param run_id: id of the run
.. method:: restart_cluster(self, json: dict)
Restarts the cluster.
:param json: json dictionary containing cluster specification.
.. method:: start_cluster(self, json: dict)
Starts the cluster.
:param json: json dictionary containing cluster specification.
.. method:: terminate_cluster(self, json: dict)
Terminates the cluster.
:param json: json dictionary containing cluster specification.
.. method:: install(self, json: dict)
Install libraries on the cluster.
Utility function to call the ``2.0/libraries/install`` endpoint.
:param json: json dictionary containing cluster_id and an array of library
:type json: dict
.. method:: uninstall(self, json: dict)
Uninstall libraries on the cluster.
Utility function to call the ``2.0/libraries/uninstall`` endpoint.
:param json: json dictionary containing cluster_id and an array of library
:type json: dict
.. function:: _retryable_error(exception) -> bool
.. py:class:: _TokenAuth(token: str)
Bases: :class:`requests.auth.AuthBase`
Helper class for requests Auth field. AuthBase requires you to implement the __call__
magic function.
.. method:: __call__(self, r: PreparedRequest)