blob: 2361e691eaa2aadd178ccba85cc3696c725e673a [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.apache.kylin.operators.kylin_cube
Module Contents
.. py:class:: KylinCubeOperator(*, kylin_conn_id: str = 'kylin_default', project: Optional[str] = None, cube: Optional[str] = None, dsn: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[str] = None, offset_start: Optional[str] = None, offset_end: Optional[str] = None, segment_name: Optional[str] = None, is_track_job: bool = False, interval: int = 60, timeout: int = 60 * 60 * 24, eager_error_status=('ERROR', 'DISCARDED', 'KILLED', 'SUICIDAL', 'STOPPED'), **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator`
This operator is used to submit request about kylin build/refresh/merge,
and can track job status . so users can easier to build kylin job
For more detail information in
`Apache Kylin <>`_
:param kylin_conn_id: The connection id as configured in Airflow administration.
:type kylin_conn_id: str
:param project: kylin project name, this param will overwrite the project in kylin_conn_id:
:type project: str
:param cube: kylin cube name
:type cube: str
:param dsn: (dsn , dsn url of kylin connection ,which will overwrite kylin_conn_id.
for example: kylin://ADMIN:KYLIN@sandbox/learn_kylin?timeout=60&is_debug=1)
:type dsn: str
:param command: (kylin command include 'build', 'merge', 'refresh', 'delete',
'build_streaming', 'merge_streaming', 'refresh_streaming', 'disable', 'enable',
'purge', 'clone', 'drop'.
build - use /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/build rest api,and buildType is ‘BUILD’,
and you should give start_time and end_time
refresh - use build rest api,and buildType is ‘REFRESH’
merge - use build rest api,and buildType is ‘MERGE’
build_streaming - use /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/build2 rest api,and buildType is ‘BUILD’
and you should give offset_start and offset_end
refresh_streaming - use build2 rest api,and buildType is ‘REFRESH’
merge_streaming - use build2 rest api,and buildType is ‘MERGE’
delete - delete segment, and you should give segment_name value
disable - disable cube
enable - enable cube
purge - purge cube
clone - clone cube,new cube name is {cube_name}_clone
drop - drop cube)
:type command: str
:param start_time: build segment start time
:type start_time: Optional[str]
:param end_time: build segment end time
:type end_time: Optional[str]
:param offset_start: streaming build segment start time
:type offset_start: Optional[str]
:param offset_end: streaming build segment end time
:type offset_end: Optional[str]
:param segment_name: segment name
:type segment_name: str
:param is_track_job: (whether to track job status. if value is True,will track job until
job status is in("FINISHED", "ERROR", "DISCARDED", "KILLED", "SUICIDAL",
"STOPPED") or timeout)
:type is_track_job: bool
:param interval: track job status,default value is 60s
:type interval: int
:param timeout: timeout value,default value is 1 day,60 * 60 * 24 s
:type timeout: int
:param eager_error_status: (jobs error status,if job status in this list ,this task will be error.
default value is tuple(["ERROR", "DISCARDED", "KILLED", "SUICIDAL", "STOPPED"]))
:type eager_error_status: tuple
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['project', 'cube', 'dsn', 'command', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'segment_name', 'offset_start', 'offset_end']
.. attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #E79C46
.. attribute:: build_command
.. attribute:: jobs_end_status
.. method:: execute(self, context)