blob: 865ed515560a11fa289e22fd4be7acedcc905d87 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
Module Contents
.. py:class:: CloudwatchTaskHandler(base_log_folder: str, log_group_arn: str, filename_template: str)
Bases: :class:`airflow.utils.log.file_task_handler.FileTaskHandler`, :class:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
CloudwatchTaskHandler is a python log handler that handles and reads task instance logs.
It extends airflow FileTaskHandler and uploads to and reads from Cloudwatch.
:param base_log_folder: base folder to store logs locally
:type base_log_folder: str
:param log_group_arn: ARN of the Cloudwatch log group for remote log storage
with format ``arn:aws:logs:{region name}:{account id}:log-group:{group name}``
:type log_group_arn: str
:param filename_template: template for file name (local storage) or log stream name (remote)
:type filename_template: str
.. method:: hook(self)
Returns AwsLogsHook.
.. method:: _render_filename(self, ti, try_number)
.. method:: set_context(self, ti)
.. method:: close(self)
Close the handler responsible for the upload of the local log file to Cloudwatch.
.. method:: _read(self, task_instance, try_number, metadata=None)
.. method:: get_cloudwatch_logs(self, stream_name: str)
Return all logs from the given log stream.
:param stream_name: name of the Cloudwatch log stream to get all logs from
:return: string of all logs from the given log stream