blob: cf7063811b3f399871d490f6e656d856c1505c57 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.sagemaker_training_operator
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SageMakerTrainingOperator(config, wait_for_completion=True, print_log=True, check_interval=30, max_ingestion_time=None, *args, **kwargs)
Initiate a SageMaker training job.
This operator returns The ARN of the training job created in Amazon SageMaker.
:param config: The configuration necessary to start a training job (templated).
For details of the configuration parameter see :py:meth:`SageMaker.Client.create_training_job`
:type config: dict
:param aws_conn_id: The AWS connection ID to use.
:type aws_conn_id: str
:param wait_for_completion: If wait is set to True, the time interval, in seconds,
that the operation waits to check the status of the training job.
:type wait_for_completion: bool
:param print_log: if the operator should print the cloudwatch log during training
:type print_log: bool
:param check_interval: if wait is set to be true, this is the time interval
in seconds which the operator will check the status of the training job
:type check_interval: int
:param max_ingestion_time: If wait is set to True, the operation fails if the training job
doesn't finish within max_ingestion_time seconds. If you set this parameter to None,
the operation does not timeout.
:type max_ingestion_time: int
.. attribute:: integer_fields
:annotation: = [['ResourceConfig', 'InstanceCount'], ['ResourceConfig', 'VolumeSizeInGB'], ['StoppingCondition', 'MaxRuntimeInSeconds']]
.. method:: expand_role(self)
.. method:: execute(self, context)