blob: 64f5d57150823627152bd31b8221be821492399c [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.jenkins_job_trigger_operator
Module Contents
.. function:: jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, req)
We need to get the headers in addition to the body answer
to get the location from them
This function uses jenkins_request method from python-jenkins library
with just the return call changed
:param jenkins_server: The server to query
:param req: The request to execute
:return: Dict containing the response body (key body)
and the headers coming along (headers)
.. py:class:: JenkinsJobTriggerOperator(jenkins_connection_id, job_name, parameters='', sleep_time=10, max_try_before_job_appears=10, *args, **kwargs)
Trigger a Jenkins Job and monitor it's execution.
This operator depend on python-jenkins library,
version >= 0.4.15 to communicate with jenkins server.
You'll also need to configure a Jenkins connection in the connections screen.
:param jenkins_connection_id: The jenkins connection to use for this job
:type jenkins_connection_id: str
:param job_name: The name of the job to trigger
:type job_name: str
:param parameters: The parameters block to provide to jenkins. (templated)
:type parameters: str
:param sleep_time: How long will the operator sleep between each status
request for the job (min 1, default 10)
:type sleep_time: int
:param max_try_before_job_appears: The maximum number of requests to make
while waiting for the job to appears on jenkins server (default 10)
:type max_try_before_job_appears: int
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['parameters']
.. attribute:: template_ext
:annotation: = ['.json']
.. attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #f9ec86
.. method:: build_job(self, jenkins_server)
This function makes an API call to Jenkins to trigger a build for 'job_name'
It returned a dict with 2 keys : body and headers.
headers contains also a dict-like object which can be queried to get
the location to poll in the queue.
:param jenkins_server: The jenkins server where the job should be triggered
:return: Dict containing the response body (key body)
and the headers coming along (headers)
.. method:: poll_job_in_queue(self, location, jenkins_server)
This method poll the jenkins queue until the job is executed.
When we trigger a job through an API call,
the job is first put in the queue without having a build number assigned.
Thus we have to wait the job exit the queue to know its build number.
To do so, we have to add /api/json (or /api/xml) to the location
returned by the build_job call and poll this file.
When a 'executable' block appears in the json, it means the job execution started
and the field 'number' then contains the build number.
:param location: Location to poll, returned in the header of the build_job call
:param jenkins_server: The jenkins server to poll
:return: The build_number corresponding to the triggered job
.. method:: get_hook(self)
.. method:: execute(self, context)