blob: 08cd2a1da4b7c995510699bf2742c08bc8e716ff [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: WasbTaskHandler(base_log_folder, wasb_log_folder, wasb_container, delete_local_copy, *, filename_template = None)
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.utils.log.file_task_handler.FileTaskHandler`, :py:obj:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
WasbTaskHandler is a python log handler that handles and reads
task instance logs. It extends airflow FileTaskHandler and
uploads to and reads from Wasb remote storage.
.. py:method:: hook()
Returns WasbHook.
.. py:method:: set_context(ti)
Provide task_instance context to airflow task handler.
:param ti: task instance object
.. py:method:: close()
Close and upload local log file to remote storage Wasb.
.. py:method:: wasb_log_exists(remote_log_location)
Check if remote_log_location exists in remote storage
:param remote_log_location: log's location in remote storage
:return: True if location exists else False
.. py:method:: wasb_read(remote_log_location, return_error = False)
Returns the log found at the remote_log_location. Returns '' if no
logs are found or there is an error.
:param remote_log_location: the log's location in remote storage
:param return_error: if True, returns a string error message if an
error occurs. Otherwise returns '' when an error occurs.
.. py:method:: wasb_write(log, remote_log_location, append = True)
Writes the log to the remote_log_location. Fails silently if no hook
was created.
:param log: the log to write to the remote_log_location
:param remote_log_location: the log's location in remote storage
:param append: if False, any existing log file is overwritten. If True,
the new log is appended to any existing logs.