blob: caa0c4f4f755f31c6e20b1dffb0b443e47f1fb38 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: GlacierHook(aws_conn_id = 'aws_default')
Bases: :py:obj:``
Hook for connection with Amazon Glacier
.. py:method:: retrieve_inventory(vault_name)
Initiate an Amazon Glacier inventory-retrieval job
:param vault_name: the Glacier vault on which job is executed
.. py:method:: retrieve_inventory_results(vault_name, job_id)
Retrieve the results of an Amazon Glacier inventory-retrieval job
:param vault_name: the Glacier vault on which job is executed
:param job_id: the job ID was returned by retrieve_inventory()
.. py:method:: describe_job(vault_name, job_id)
Retrieve the status of an Amazon S3 Glacier job, such as an
inventory-retrieval job
:param vault_name: the Glacier vault on which job is executed
:param job_id: the job ID was returned by retrieve_inventory()