blob: 972c9baa90375ac4ac057db5ae9bda5144e047cf [file] [log] [blame]
title: Community
weight: 1
<div class="community--accordion-container">
{{< accordion title="Join the devlist" description="If you want to stay up to date with what is going on in the project, want to discuss the features, talk about fixes or simply ask a question - this is the first step to take." logo_path="icons/join-devlist-icon.svg" open="true" >}}
<ol class="counter-blue mx-auto">
<p class="bodytext__medium--brownish-grey">
The preferred channel for discussion is using the official Apache Airflow mailing lists.
To subscribe, send an email to:
<ul class="ticks-blue mx-auto">
Users list: <a class="list-link" href=""></a> <small>and <a class="list-link" href=""></a> to unsubscribe</small>
Dev list: <a class="list-link" href=""></a> <small>and <a class="list-link" href=""></a> to unsubscribe</small>
<p class="bodytext__medium--brownish-grey">
For ad-hoc questions you can use the official Slack of Airflow. See <b>"Ask a question"</b> below.
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Start a discussion" description="Use our [GitHub Discussions]( to start a discussion." logo_path="icons/ask-question-icon.svg" >}}
<p class="bodytext__medium--brownish-grey">You can start discussions about anything:</p>
<ul class="ticks-blue mx-auto">
<li>propose a new feature,</li>
<li>discuss if what you observe is a real issue,</li>
<li>generally brainstorm about your ideas,</li>
<li>ask others how they solve their problems,</li>
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Report a bug" description="Use our [GitHub Issue]( to create an issue." logo_path="icons/bug-icon.svg" >}}
<p class="bodytext__medium--brownish-grey">Remember to put there as much information as you can, including:</p>
<ul class="ticks-blue mx-auto">
<li>scenarios to repeat problem (mandatory),</li>
<li>if you are unsure if this is a problem with Airflow - start a [GitHub Discussion]( first</li>
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Ask a question" description="In case of any questions or doubts, feel free to reach to our community. There are two ways to do that." logo_path="icons/ask-question-icon.svg" >}}
<ol class="counter-blue mx-auto">
<a href="">Join the Apache Airflow slack</a>.
After creating account in slack you can join
<a href="">#troubleshooting</a> and
<a href="">#development</a>
where you can look for help in using and developing Airflow respectively.
<li>Ask at the devlist, see <b>"Join the devlist"</b> link above</li>
<li>Check <a href="">Stack Overflow</a></li>
Remember that Airflow is a community driven project, so in case of
constant technical support please consider hiring a consultancy company.
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Add a new feature" description="There are two steps required to create feature request for Airflow." logo_path="icons/new-feature-icon.svg" >}}
<ol class="counter-blue mx-auto">
<li>Create account at GitHub <a href="">[Sign up]</a></li>
Create <a href="">new issue</a> and choose ‘Feature request’. Try to put in the description as much information as you can to clarify your idea.
We encourage you to open a PR with your implementation of the feature. It would be great if you would take a
look at our
<a href="">contribution guidelines</a>.
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Fix a bug" description="We don’t like bugs. If you found one please tell us as soon as possible using steps below." logo_path="icons/fix-bug-icon.svg" >}}
<ol class="counter-blue mx-auto">
<li>Create account at GitHub <a href="">[Sign up]</a></li>
Create <a href="">new issue</a> and choose ‘Bug report’. Try to put in the description as much information as you can including replication steps, tracebacks and screens.
We encourage you to open a PR with bug fix. It would be great if you would take a look at our
<a href="">contribution guidelines</a>.
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Improve documentation" description="Some people may want to improve documentation and this is mostly welcomed!" logo_path="icons/documentation-icon.svg" >}}
<ol class="counter-blue mx-auto">
<li>Open a PR with changes</li>
If you are not sure about your changes feel free to post a question on #documentation channel on our <a
{{< /accordion >}}
{{< accordion title="Propose fundamental changes" description="If you have an idea that will change Airflow fundamentally then there are more steps to take but still rather simple ones." logo_path="icons/project-icon.svg" >}}
<ol class="counter-blue mx-auto">
Create Airflow Improvement Proposal (AIP) on project wiki
(<a href="">Airflow
Improvements Proposals</a>),
describe your idea, discuss the pros and cons and explain why Airflow needs such changes.
When your AIP is ready, send it to our dev mailing list where the whole community will be able to discuss it
and elaborate the final version.
When community will approve your proposal then it’s a signal to start the work! Prepare your change as
single or sequence of PRs and voile!
{{< /accordion >}}