blob: 4a45387f5344b3ba30af7045d0e0c6e897646218 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau_refresh_workbook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: TableauRefreshWorkbookOperator(*, workbook_name: str, site_id: Optional[str] = None, blocking: bool = True, tableau_conn_id: str = 'tableau_default', **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator`
Refreshes a Tableau Workbook/Extract
.. seealso::
:param workbook_name: The name of the workbook to refresh.
:type workbook_name: str
:param site_id: The id of the site where the workbook belongs to.
:type site_id: Optional[str]
:param blocking: By default the extract refresh will be blocking means it will wait until it has finished.
:type blocking: bool
:param tableau_conn_id: The :ref:`Tableau Connection id <howto/connection:tableau>`
containing the credentials to authenticate to the Tableau Server.
:type tableau_conn_id: str
.. method:: execute(self, context: dict)
Executes the Tableau Extract Refresh and pushes the job id to xcom.
:param context: The task context during execution.
:type context: dict
:return: the id of the job that executes the extract refresh
:rtype: str
.. method:: _get_workbook_by_name(self, tableau_hook: TableauHook)
.. method:: _refresh_workbook(self, tableau_hook: TableauHook, workbook_id: str)