blob: 40a3a02944a0f317c16e2011063270c574edceb8 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SlackAPIOperator(*, slack_conn_id: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, api_params: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator`
Base Slack Operator
The SlackAPIPostOperator is derived from this operator.
In the future additional Slack API Operators will be derived from this class as well.
Only one of `slack_conn_id` and `token` is required.
:param slack_conn_id: :ref:`Slack connection id <howto/connection:slack>`
which its password is Slack API token. Optional
:type slack_conn_id: str
:param token: Slack API token ( Optional
:type token: str
:param method: The Slack API Method to Call ( Optional
:type method: str
:param api_params: API Method call parameters ( Optional
:type api_params: dict
:param client_args: Slack Hook parameters. Optional. Check airflow.providers.slack.hooks.SlackHook
:type client_args: dict
.. method:: construct_api_call_params(self)
Used by the execute function. Allows templating on the source fields
of the api_call_params dict before construction
Override in child classes.
Each SlackAPIOperator child class is responsible for
having a construct_api_call_params function
which sets self.api_call_params with a dict of
API call parameters (
.. method:: execute(self, **kwargs)
SlackAPIOperator calls will not fail even if the call is not unsuccessful.
It should not prevent a DAG from completing in success
.. py:class:: SlackAPIPostOperator(channel: str = '#general', username: str = 'Airflow', text: str = 'No message has been set.\nHere is a cat video instead\n', icon_url: str = '', attachments: Optional[List] = None, blocks: Optional[List] = None, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack.SlackAPIOperator`
Posts messages to a slack channel
.. code-block:: python
slack = SlackAPIPostOperator(
text="hello there!",
:param channel: channel in which to post message on slack name (#general) or
ID (C12318391). (templated)
:type channel: str
:param username: Username that airflow will be posting to Slack as. (templated)
:type username: str
:param text: message to send to slack. (templated)
:type text: str
:param icon_url: url to icon used for this message
:type icon_url: str
:param attachments: extra formatting details. (templated)
- see
:type attachments: list of hashes
:param blocks: extra block layouts. (templated)
- see
:type blocks: list of hashes
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['username', 'text', 'attachments', 'blocks', 'channel']
.. attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #FFBA40
.. method:: construct_api_call_params(self)
.. py:class:: SlackAPIFileOperator(channel: str = '#general', initial_comment: str = 'No message has been set!', filename: str = 'default_name.csv', filetype: str = 'csv', content: str = 'default,content,csv,file', **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack.SlackAPIOperator`
Send a file to a slack channel
.. code-block:: python
slack = SlackAPIFileOperator(
initial_comment="Hello World!",
:param channel: channel in which to sent file on slack name (templated)
:type channel: str
:param initial_comment: message to send to slack. (templated)
:type initial_comment: str
:param filename: name of the file (templated)
:type filename: str
:param filetype: slack filetype. (templated)
- see
:type filetype: str
:param content: file content. (templated)
:type content: str
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['channel', 'initial_comment', 'filename', 'filetype', 'content']
.. attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #44BEDF
.. method:: construct_api_call_params(self)