blob: a565e5cb77ce02e17c9dcf53758bf5ae0d537d69 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.openfaas.hooks.openfaas
Module Contents
.. data:: OK_STATUS_CODE
:annotation: = 202
.. py:class:: OpenFaasHook(function_name=None, conn_id: str = 'open_faas_default', *args, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook`
Interact with OpenFaaS to query, deploy, invoke and update function
:param function_name: Name of the function, Defaults to None
:type function_name: str
:param conn_id: openfaas connection to use, Defaults to open_faas_default
for example host :, Conn Type : Http
:type conn_id: str
.. attribute:: GET_FUNCTION
:annotation: = /system/function/
:annotation: = /async-function/
.. attribute:: INVOKE_FUNCTION
:annotation: = /function/
.. attribute:: DEPLOY_FUNCTION
:annotation: = /system/functions
.. attribute:: UPDATE_FUNCTION
:annotation: = /system/functions
.. method:: get_conn(self)
.. method:: deploy_function(self, overwrite_function_if_exist: bool, body: Dict[str, Any])
Deploy OpenFaaS function
.. method:: invoke_async_function(self, body: Dict[str, Any])
Invoking function asynchronously
.. method:: invoke_function(self, body: Dict[str, Any])
Invoking function synchronously, will block until function completes and returns
.. method:: update_function(self, body: Dict[str, Any])
Update OpenFaaS function
.. method:: does_function_exist(self)
Whether OpenFaaS function exists or not