blob: b61329d11410c1219c41fa2173fff8a0f3a239a4 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.sensors.spark_kubernetes
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SparkKubernetesSensor(*, application_name: str, attach_log: bool = False, namespace: Optional[str] = None, kubernetes_conn_id: str = 'kubernetes_default', api_group: str = '', api_version: str = 'v1beta2', **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.sensors.base.BaseSensorOperator`
Checks sparkApplication object in kubernetes cluster:
.. seealso::
For more detail about Spark Application Object have a look at the reference:
:param application_name: spark Application resource name
:type application_name: str
:param namespace: the kubernetes namespace where the sparkApplication reside in
:type namespace: str
:param kubernetes_conn_id: the connection to Kubernetes cluster
:type kubernetes_conn_id: str
:param attach_log: determines whether logs for driver pod should be appended to the sensor log
:type attach_log: bool
:param api_group: kubernetes api group of sparkApplication
:type api_group: str
:param api_version: kubernetes api version of sparkApplication
:type api_version: str
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['application_name', 'namespace']
.. attribute:: FAILURE_STATES
:annotation: = ['FAILED', 'UNKNOWN']
.. attribute:: SUCCESS_STATES
:annotation: = ['COMPLETED']
.. method:: _log_driver(self, application_state: str, response: dict)
.. method:: poke(self, context: Dict)