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.. _howto/operator:DatabricksSqlCopyIntoOperator:
Use the :class:`~airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks_sql.DatabricksCopyIntoOperator` to import
data into Databricks table using `COPY INTO <>`_
Using the Operator
Operator loads data from a specified location into a table using a configured endpoint.
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Input
* - table_name: str
- Required name of the table.
* - file_location: str
- Required location of files to import.
* - file_format: str
- Required file format. Supported formats are ``CSV``, ``JSON``, ``AVRO``, ``ORC``, ``PARQUET``, ``TEXT``, ``BINARYFILE``.
* - sql_endpoint_name: str
- Optional name of Databricks SQL endpoint to use. If not specified, ``http_path`` should be provided.
* - http_path: str
- Optional HTTP path for Databricks SQL endpoint or Databricks cluster. If not specified, it should be provided in Databricks connection, or the ``sql_endpoint_name`` parameter must be set.
* - session_configuration: dict[str,str]
- optional dict specifying Spark configuration parameters that will be set for the session.
* - files: Optional[List[str]]
- optional list of files to import. Can't be specified together with ``pattern``.
* - pattern: Optional[str]
- optional regex string to match file names to import. Can't be specified together with ``files``.
* - expression_list: Optional[str]
- optional string that will be used in the ``SELECT`` expression.
* - credential: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
- optional credential configuration for authentication against a specified location
* - encryption: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
- optional encryption configuration for a specified location
* - format_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
- optional dictionary with options specific for a given file format.
* - force_copy: Optional[bool]
- optional bool to control forcing of data import (could be also specified in ``copy_options``).
* - copy_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
- optional dictionary of copy options. Right now only ``force`` option is supported.
* - validate: Optional[Union[bool, int]]
- optional validation configuration. ``True`` forces validation of all rows, positive number - only N first rows. (requires Preview channel)
Importing CSV data
An example usage of the DatabricksCopyIntoOperator to import CSV data into a table is as follows:
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/databricks/example_dags/
:language: python
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