blob: 674a0e60fbef5a8544a320070aa89deb88ad910c [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.models.dag
Module Contents
.. data:: ScheduleInterval
.. function:: get_last_dagrun(dag_id, session, include_externally_triggered=False)
Returns the last dag run for a dag, None if there was none.
Last dag run can be any type of run eg. scheduled or backfilled.
Overridden DagRuns are ignored.
.. py:class:: DAG(dag_id, description='', schedule_interval=timedelta(days=1), start_date=None, end_date=None, full_filepath=None, template_searchpath=None, template_undefined=jinja2.Undefined, user_defined_macros=None, user_defined_filters=None, default_args=None, concurrency=conf.getint('core', 'dag_concurrency'), max_active_runs=conf.getint('core', 'max_active_runs_per_dag'), dagrun_timeout=None, sla_miss_callback=None, default_view=None, orientation=conf.get('webserver', 'dag_orientation'), catchup=conf.getboolean('scheduler', 'catchup_by_default'), on_success_callback=None, on_failure_callback=None, doc_md=None, params=None, access_control=None, is_paused_upon_creation=None, jinja_environment_kwargs=None, tags=None)
Bases: :class:`airflow.dag.base_dag.BaseDag`, :class:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
A dag (directed acyclic graph) is a collection of tasks with directional
dependencies. A dag also has a schedule, a start date and an end date
(optional). For each schedule, (say daily or hourly), the DAG needs to run
each individual tasks as their dependencies are met. Certain tasks have
the property of depending on their own past, meaning that they can't run
until their previous schedule (and upstream tasks) are completed.
DAGs essentially act as namespaces for tasks. A task_id can only be
added once to a DAG.
:param dag_id: The id of the DAG
:type dag_id: str
:param description: The description for the DAG to e.g. be shown on the webserver
:type description: str
:param schedule_interval: Defines how often that DAG runs, this
timedelta object gets added to your latest task instance's
execution_date to figure out the next schedule
:type schedule_interval: datetime.timedelta or
dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta or str that acts as a cron
:param start_date: The timestamp from which the scheduler will
attempt to backfill
:type start_date: datetime.datetime
:param end_date: A date beyond which your DAG won't run, leave to None
for open ended scheduling
:type end_date: datetime.datetime
:param template_searchpath: This list of folders (non relative)
defines where jinja will look for your templates. Order matters.
Note that jinja/airflow includes the path of your DAG file by
:type template_searchpath: str or list[str]
:param template_undefined: Template undefined type.
:type template_undefined: jinja2.Undefined
:param user_defined_macros: a dictionary of macros that will be exposed
in your jinja templates. For example, passing ``dict(foo='bar')``
to this argument allows you to ``{{ foo }}`` in all jinja
templates related to this DAG. Note that you can pass any
type of object here.
:type user_defined_macros: dict
:param user_defined_filters: a dictionary of filters that will be exposed
in your jinja templates. For example, passing
``dict(hello=lambda name: 'Hello %s' % name)`` to this argument allows
you to ``{{ 'world' | hello }}`` in all jinja templates related to
this DAG.
:type user_defined_filters: dict
:param default_args: A dictionary of default parameters to be used
as constructor keyword parameters when initialising operators.
Note that operators have the same hook, and precede those defined
here, meaning that if your dict contains `'depends_on_past': True`
here and `'depends_on_past': False` in the operator's call
`default_args`, the actual value will be `False`.
:type default_args: dict
:param params: a dictionary of DAG level parameters that are made
accessible in templates, namespaced under `params`. These
params can be overridden at the task level.
:type params: dict
:param concurrency: the number of task instances allowed to run
:type concurrency: int
:param max_active_runs: maximum number of active DAG runs, beyond this
number of DAG runs in a running state, the scheduler won't create
new active DAG runs
:type max_active_runs: int
:param dagrun_timeout: specify how long a DagRun should be up before
timing out / failing, so that new DagRuns can be created. The timeout
is only enforced for scheduled DagRuns, and only once the
# of active DagRuns == max_active_runs.
:type dagrun_timeout: datetime.timedelta
:param sla_miss_callback: specify a function to call when reporting SLA
:type sla_miss_callback: types.FunctionType
:param default_view: Specify DAG default view (tree, graph, duration,
gantt, landing_times)
:type default_view: str
:param orientation: Specify DAG orientation in graph view (LR, TB, RL, BT)
:type orientation: str
:param catchup: Perform scheduler catchup (or only run latest)? Defaults to True
:type catchup: bool
:param on_failure_callback: A function to be called when a DagRun of this dag fails.
A context dictionary is passed as a single parameter to this function.
:type on_failure_callback: callable
:param on_success_callback: Much like the ``on_failure_callback`` except
that it is executed when the dag succeeds.
:type on_success_callback: callable
:param access_control: Specify optional DAG-level permissions, e.g.,
"{'role1': {'can_dag_read'}, 'role2': {'can_dag_read', 'can_dag_edit'}}"
:type access_control: dict
:param is_paused_upon_creation: Specifies if the dag is paused when created for the first time.
If the dag exists already, this flag will be ignored. If this optional parameter
is not specified, the global config setting will be used.
:type is_paused_upon_creation: bool or None
:param jinja_environment_kwargs: additional configuration options to be passed to Jinja
``Environment`` for template rendering
**Example**: to avoid Jinja from removing a trailing newline from template strings ::
'keep_trailing_newline': True,
# some other jinja2 Environment options here
**See**: `Jinja Environment documentation
:type jinja_environment_kwargs: dict
:param tags: List of tags to help filtering DAGS in the UI.
:type tags: List[str]
.. attribute:: _comps
.. attribute:: __serialized_fields
:annotation: :Optional[FrozenSet[str]]
.. attribute:: dag_id
.. attribute:: full_filepath
.. attribute:: concurrency
.. attribute:: access_control
.. attribute:: description
.. attribute:: pickle_id
.. attribute:: tasks
.. attribute:: task_ids
.. attribute:: filepath
File location of where the dag object is instantiated
.. attribute:: folder
Folder location of where the DAG object is instantiated.
.. attribute:: owner
Return list of all owners found in DAG tasks.
:return: Comma separated list of owners in DAG tasks
:rtype: str
.. attribute:: allow_future_exec_dates
.. attribute:: concurrency_reached
Returns a boolean indicating whether the concurrency limit for this DAG
has been reached
.. attribute:: is_paused
Returns a boolean indicating whether this DAG is paused
.. attribute:: latest_execution_date
Returns the latest date for which at least one dag run exists
.. attribute:: subdags
Returns a list of the subdag objects associated to this DAG
.. attribute:: roots
Return nodes with no parents. These are first to execute and are called roots or root nodes.
.. attribute:: leaves
Return nodes with no children. These are last to execute and are called leaves or leaf nodes.
.. method:: __repr__(self)
.. method:: __eq__(self, other)
.. method:: __ne__(self, other)
.. method:: __lt__(self, other)
.. method:: __hash__(self)
.. method:: __enter__(self)
.. method:: __exit__(self, _type, _value, _tb)
.. method:: get_default_view(self)
This is only there for backward compatible jinja2 templates
.. method:: date_range(self, start_date, num=None, end_date=timezone.utcnow())
.. method:: is_fixed_time_schedule(self)
Figures out if the DAG schedule has a fixed time (e.g. 3 AM).
:return: True if the schedule has a fixed time, False if not.
.. method:: following_schedule(self, dttm)
Calculates the following schedule for this dag in UTC.
:param dttm: utc datetime
:return: utc datetime
.. method:: previous_schedule(self, dttm)
Calculates the previous schedule for this dag in UTC
:param dttm: utc datetime
:return: utc datetime
.. method:: get_run_dates(self, start_date, end_date=None)
Returns a list of dates between the interval received as parameter using this
dag's schedule interval. Returned dates can be used for execution dates.
:param start_date: the start date of the interval
:type start_date: datetime
:param end_date: the end date of the interval, defaults to timezone.utcnow()
:type end_date: datetime
:return: a list of dates within the interval following the dag's schedule
:rtype: list
.. method:: normalize_schedule(self, dttm)
Returns dttm + interval unless dttm is first interval then it returns dttm
.. method:: get_last_dagrun(self, session=None, include_externally_triggered=False)
.. method:: _get_concurrency_reached(self, session=None)
.. method:: _get_is_paused(self, session=None)
.. method:: handle_callback(self, dagrun, success=True, reason=None, session=None)
Triggers the appropriate callback depending on the value of success, namely the
on_failure_callback or on_success_callback. This method gets the context of a
single TaskInstance part of this DagRun and passes that to the callable along
with a 'reason', primarily to differentiate DagRun failures.
.. note: The logs end up in
:param dagrun: DagRun object
:param success: Flag to specify if failure or success callback should be called
:param reason: Completion reason
:param session: Database session
.. method:: get_active_runs(self)
Returns a list of dag run execution dates currently running
:return: List of execution dates
.. method:: get_num_active_runs(self, external_trigger=None, session=None)
Returns the number of active "running" dag runs
:param external_trigger: True for externally triggered active dag runs
:type external_trigger: bool
:param session:
:return: number greater than 0 for active dag runs
.. method:: get_dagrun(self, execution_date, session=None)
Returns the dag run for a given execution date if it exists, otherwise
:param execution_date: The execution date of the DagRun to find.
:param session:
:return: The DagRun if found, otherwise None.
.. method:: get_dagruns_between(self, start_date, end_date, session=None)
Returns the list of dag runs between start_date (inclusive) and end_date (inclusive).
:param start_date: The starting execution date of the DagRun to find.
:param end_date: The ending execution date of the DagRun to find.
:param session:
:return: The list of DagRuns found.
.. method:: _get_latest_execution_date(self, session=None)
.. method:: resolve_template_files(self)
.. method:: get_template_env(self)
Build a Jinja2 environment.
.. method:: set_dependency(self, upstream_task_id, downstream_task_id)
Simple utility method to set dependency between two tasks that
already have been added to the DAG using add_task()
.. method:: get_task_instances(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, state=None, session=None)
.. method:: topological_sort(self)
Sorts tasks in topographical order, such that a task comes after any of its
upstream dependencies.
Heavily inspired by:
:return: list of tasks in topological order
.. method:: set_dag_runs_state(self, state=State.RUNNING, session=None, start_date=None, end_date=None)
.. method:: clear(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, only_failed=False, only_running=False, confirm_prompt=False, include_subdags=True, include_parentdag=True, reset_dag_runs=True, dry_run=False, session=None, get_tis=False, recursion_depth=0, max_recursion_depth=None, dag_bag=None)
Clears a set of task instances associated with the current dag for
a specified date range.
:param start_date: The minimum execution_date to clear
:type start_date: datetime.datetime or None
:param end_date: The maximum exeuction_date to clear
:type end_date: datetime.datetime or None
:param only_failed: Only clear failed tasks
:type only_failed: bool
:param only_running: Only clear running tasks.
:type only_running: bool
:param confirm_prompt: Ask for confirmation
:type confirm_prompt: bool
:param include_subdags: Clear tasks in subdags and clear external tasks
indicated by ExternalTaskMarker
:type include_subdags: bool
:param include_parentdag: Clear tasks in the parent dag of the subdag.
:type include_parentdag: bool
:param reset_dag_runs: Set state of dag to RUNNING
:type reset_dag_runs: bool
:param dry_run: Find the tasks to clear but don't clear them.
:type dry_run: bool
:param session: The sqlalchemy session to use
:type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
:param get_tis: Return the sqlachemy query for finding the TaskInstance without clearing the tasks
:type get_tis: bool
:param recursion_depth: The recursion depth of nested calls to DAG.clear().
:type recursion_depth: int
:param max_recursion_depth: The maximum recusion depth allowed. This is determined by the
first encountered ExternalTaskMarker. Default is None indicating no ExternalTaskMarker
has been encountered.
:type max_recursion_depth: int
:param dag_bag: The DagBag used to find the dags
:type dag_bag: airflow.models.dagbag.DagBag
.. classmethod:: clear_dags(cls, dags, start_date=None, end_date=None, only_failed=False, only_running=False, confirm_prompt=False, include_subdags=True, include_parentdag=False, reset_dag_runs=True, dry_run=False)
.. method:: __deepcopy__(self, memo)
.. method:: sub_dag(self, task_regex, include_downstream=False, include_upstream=True)
Returns a subset of the current dag as a deep copy of the current dag
based on a regex that should match one or many tasks, and includes
upstream and downstream neighbours based on the flag passed.
.. method:: has_task(self, task_id)
.. method:: get_task(self, task_id)
.. method:: pickle_info(self)
.. method:: pickle(self, session=None)
.. method:: tree_view(self)
Print an ASCII tree representation of the DAG.
.. method:: add_task(self, task)
Add a task to the DAG
:param task: the task you want to add
:type task: task
.. method:: add_tasks(self, tasks)
Add a list of tasks to the DAG
:param tasks: a lit of tasks you want to add
:type tasks: list of tasks
.. method:: run(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, mark_success=False, local=False, executor=None, donot_pickle=conf.getboolean('core', 'donot_pickle'), ignore_task_deps=False, ignore_first_depends_on_past=False, pool=None, delay_on_limit_secs=1.0, verbose=False, conf=None, rerun_failed_tasks=False, run_backwards=False)
Runs the DAG.
:param start_date: the start date of the range to run
:type start_date: datetime.datetime
:param end_date: the end date of the range to run
:type end_date: datetime.datetime
:param mark_success: True to mark jobs as succeeded without running them
:type mark_success: bool
:param local: True to run the tasks using the LocalExecutor
:type local: bool
:param executor: The executor instance to run the tasks
:type executor: airflow.executor.BaseExecutor
:param donot_pickle: True to avoid pickling DAG object and send to workers
:type donot_pickle: bool
:param ignore_task_deps: True to skip upstream tasks
:type ignore_task_deps: bool
:param ignore_first_depends_on_past: True to ignore depends_on_past
dependencies for the first set of tasks only
:type ignore_first_depends_on_past: bool
:param pool: Resource pool to use
:type pool: str
:param delay_on_limit_secs: Time in seconds to wait before next attempt to run
dag run when max_active_runs limit has been reached
:type delay_on_limit_secs: float
:param verbose: Make logging output more verbose
:type verbose: bool
:param conf: user defined dictionary passed from CLI
:type conf: dict
:param rerun_failed_tasks:
:type: bool
:param run_backwards:
:type: bool
.. method:: cli(self)
Exposes a CLI specific to this DAG
.. method:: create_dagrun(self, run_id, state, execution_date=None, start_date=None, external_trigger=False, conf=None, session=None)
Creates a dag run from this dag including the tasks associated with this dag.
Returns the dag run.
:param run_id: defines the the run id for this dag run
:type run_id: str
:param execution_date: the execution date of this dag run
:type execution_date: datetime.datetime
:param state: the state of the dag run
:type state: airflow.utils.state.State
:param start_date: the date this dag run should be evaluated
:type start_date: datetime
:param external_trigger: whether this dag run is externally triggered
:type external_trigger: bool
:param session: database session
:type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
.. method:: sync_to_db(self, owner=None, sync_time=None, session=None)
Save attributes about this DAG to the DB. Note that this method
can be called for both DAGs and SubDAGs. A SubDag is actually a
:param dag: the DAG object to save to the DB
:type dag: airflow.models.DAG
:param sync_time: The time that the DAG should be marked as sync'ed
:type sync_time: datetime
:return: None
.. method:: get_dagtags(self, session=None)
Creating a list of DagTags, if one is missing from the DB, will insert.
:return: The DagTag list.
:rtype: list
.. staticmethod:: deactivate_unknown_dags(active_dag_ids, session=None)
Given a list of known DAGs, deactivate any other DAGs that are
marked as active in the ORM
:param active_dag_ids: list of DAG IDs that are active
:type active_dag_ids: list[unicode]
:return: None
.. staticmethod:: deactivate_stale_dags(expiration_date, session=None)
Deactivate any DAGs that were last touched by the scheduler before
the expiration date. These DAGs were likely deleted.
:param expiration_date: set inactive DAGs that were touched before this
:type expiration_date: datetime
:return: None
.. staticmethod:: get_num_task_instances(dag_id, task_ids=None, states=None, session=None)
Returns the number of task instances in the given DAG.
:param session: ORM session
:param dag_id: ID of the DAG to get the task concurrency of
:type dag_id: unicode
:param task_ids: A list of valid task IDs for the given DAG
:type task_ids: list[unicode]
:param states: A list of states to filter by if supplied
:type states: list[state]
:return: The number of running tasks
:rtype: int
.. method:: test_cycle(self)
Check to see if there are any cycles in the DAG. Returns False if no cycle found,
otherwise raises exception.
.. method:: _test_cycle_helper(self, visit_map, task_id)
Checks if a cycle exists from the input task using DFS traversal
.. classmethod:: get_serialized_fields(cls)
Stringified DAGs and operators contain exactly these fields.
.. py:class:: DagTag
Bases: :class:`airflow.models.base.Base`
A tag name per dag, to allow quick filtering in the DAG view.
.. attribute:: __tablename__
:annotation: = dag_tag
.. attribute:: name
.. attribute:: dag_id
.. py:class:: DagModel
Bases: :class:`airflow.models.base.Base`
.. attribute:: __tablename__
:annotation: = dag
These items are stored in the database for state related information
.. attribute:: dag_id
.. attribute:: root_dag_id
.. attribute:: is_paused_at_creation
.. attribute:: is_paused
.. attribute:: is_subdag
.. attribute:: is_active
.. attribute:: last_scheduler_run
.. attribute:: last_pickled
.. attribute:: last_expired
.. attribute:: scheduler_lock
.. attribute:: pickle_id
.. attribute:: fileloc
.. attribute:: owners
.. attribute:: description
.. attribute:: default_view
.. attribute:: schedule_interval
.. attribute:: tags
.. attribute:: __table_args__
.. attribute:: timezone
.. attribute:: safe_dag_id
.. method:: __repr__(self)
.. staticmethod:: get_dagmodel(dag_id, session=None)
.. classmethod:: get_current(cls, dag_id, session=None)
.. method:: get_default_view(self)
.. method:: get_last_dagrun(self, session=None, include_externally_triggered=False)
.. method:: get_dag(self, store_serialized_dags=False)
Creates a dagbag to load and return a DAG.
Calling it from UI should set store_serialized_dags = STORE_SERIALIZED_DAGS.
There may be a delay for scheduler to write serialized DAG into database,
loads from file in this case.
FIXME: remove it when webserver does not access to DAG folder in future.
.. method:: create_dagrun(self, run_id, state, execution_date, start_date=None, external_trigger=False, conf=None, session=None)
Creates a dag run from this dag including the tasks associated with this dag.
Returns the dag run.
:param run_id: defines the the run id for this dag run
:type run_id: str
:param execution_date: the execution date of this dag run
:type execution_date: datetime.datetime
:param state: the state of the dag run
:type state: airflow.utils.state.State
:param start_date: the date this dag run should be evaluated
:type start_date: datetime.datetime
:param external_trigger: whether this dag run is externally triggered
:type external_trigger: bool
:param session: database session
:type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
.. method:: set_is_paused(self, is_paused, including_subdags=True, store_serialized_dags=False, session=None)
Pause/Un-pause a DAG.
:param is_paused: Is the DAG paused
:param including_subdags: whether to include the DAG's subdags
:param store_serialized_dags: whether to serialize DAGs & store it in DB
:param session: session
.. classmethod:: deactivate_deleted_dags(cls, alive_dag_filelocs, session=None)
Set ``is_active=False`` on the DAGs for which the DAG files have been removed.
Additionally change ``is_active=False`` to ``True`` if the DAG file exists.
:param alive_dag_filelocs: file paths of alive DAGs
:param session: ORM Session