Add and files (#171)

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84ffc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+## General directory structure
+├── dist
+├── docs-archive
+├── landing-pages
+│   ├── dist
+│   ├── site
+│   │   ├── assets
+│   │   │   ├── icons
+│   │   │   └── scss
+│   │   ├── content
+│   │   │   └── en
+│   │   │       ├── blog
+│   │   │       ├── community
+│   │   │       ├── docs
+│   │   │       ├── install
+│   │   │       ├── meetups
+│   │   │       ├── privacy-notice
+│   │   │       ├── roadmap
+│   │   │       └── use-cases
+│   │   ├── data
+│   │   ├── layouts
+│   │   ├── static
+│   │   │   ├── icons
+│   │   │   └── integration-logos
+│   │   └── themes
+│   │       └── docsy
+│   └── src
+│       └── js
+├── license-templates
+└── sphinx_airflow_theme
+    ├── demo
+    └── sphinx_airflow_theme
+## Working with the project
+In order to run an environment for the project, make sure that you have Docker installed. Then, use the ``
+script to work with the website in a Docker container.
+`` provides the following commands.
+    build-site              Prepare dist directory with landing pages and documentation
+    preview-site            Starts the web server with preview of the website
+    build-landing-pages     Builds a landing pages
+    prepare-theme           Prepares and copies files needed for the proper functioning of the sphinx theme.
+    shell                   Start shell
+    build-image             Build a Docker image with a environment
+    install-node-deps       Download all the Node dependencies
+    check-site-links        Checks if the links are correct in the website
+    lint-css                Lint CSS files
+    lint-js                 Lint Javascript files
+    cleanup                 Delete the virtual environment in Docker
+    stop                    Stop the environment
+    help                    Display usage
+### How to add a new blogpost
+In order to add a new blogpost, create a markdown file in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/blog/<filename>.md`.
+The filename will also serve as URL for your blogpost.
+Then, **at the top of the file**, add frontmatter in following format:
+    ---
+    title: "<blogpost title>"
+    linkTitle: "<blogpost link title>"
+    author: "<author's name>"
+    twitter: "<optional - author's Twitter ID>"
+    github: "<optional - author's Github ID>"
+    linkedin: "<optional - author's Linkedin ID>"
+    description: "<short description>"
+    tags: ["<tag1>", "<tag2>", ...]
+    date: <date in YYYY-MM-DD format>
+    ---
+Below frontmatter, put your blogpost content.
+### How to add a new case study
+In order to add a new case study, create a markdown file in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/use-cases/<filename>.md`.
+The filename will also serve as URL for the case study.
+Then, **at the top of the file**, add frontmatter in following format:
+    ---
+    title: "<case study title>"
+    linkTitle: "<case study link title>"
+    quote:
+        text: "<quote text>"
+        author: "<quote author's name>"
+    logo: "<logo filename (with extension)>"
+    ---
+Below frontmatter, put your blogpost content in following format:
+    #### What was the problem?
+    <text>
+    ##### How did Apache Airflow help to solve this problem?
+    <text>
+    #### What are the results?
+    <text>
+**Important** - put the logo file in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/static/icons/` directory. Then, in the frontmatter,
+refer to it just by filename.
+    Path to logo file: <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/static/icons/my-case-study.svg
+    Case study in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/use-cases/
+    ---
+    title: "<case study title>"
+    linkTitle: "<case study link title>"
+    quote:
+        text: "<quote text>"
+        author: "<quote author's name>"
+    logo: "my-case-study.svg"
+    ---
+    #### What was the problem?
+    <text>
+    ##### How did Apache Airflow help to solve this problem?
+    <text>
+    #### What are the results?
+    <text>
+### How to add a new integration
+In order to add a new integration, add an entry in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/static/integrations.json` file,
+following the format:
+  "name": "<integration name>",
+  "url": "<url to docs with integration description>",
+  "logo": "</integration-logos/<filename with extension>"
+Integrations are displayed in random order, which might be different on each site reload. To search
+for your integration, use the search functionality.
+Providing an integration logo is **optional**. However, please take note that integrations with logo are be promoted
+by being displayed before integrations without a logo.
+### How to add a new meetup
+In order to add an upcoming meetup, find your group in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/static/meetups.json` file
+and put the meetup's date in following format:
+`MON, JAN 01, 6:00 PM`
+If your meetup group isn't on the list, add it following the format of existing entries.
+### How to release new documentation
+To release a new documentation, follow these steps:
+1.  In Apache Airflow's website root directory, run:
+        <WEBSITE ROOT DIRECTORY>/ prepare-theme
+        cd <WEBSITE ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_template
+        pip install -e .
+2.  In Apache Airflow's (not website!) root directory, run:
+        pip install -e '.[doc]'
+        cd docs/
+        export GITHUB_VERSION="master"
+        make html
+3.  Copy generated files from `<APACHE AIRFLOW ROOT DIR>/docs/_build/html` to `<WEBSITE ROOT DIRECTORY>/docs-archive/<version>/`
+4.  Make a commit with generated documentation only.
+5.  To generate full website with documentation, run:
+        <WEBSITE ROOT DIRECTORY>/ build-site
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b01e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+Apache Airflow website
+[![Build Status](](
+This is a repository of [Apache Airflow website](
+The repository of Apache Airflow can be found [here](
+# General directory structure
+- docs-archive - directory containing archived documentation versions and shell script generating docs index,
+- landing-pages - directory containing the source code of landing pages,
+- license-templates - directory containing license templates,
+- sphinx_airflow_theme - directory containing source code of sphinx theme for Apache Airflow documentation site.
+For more detailed description of directory structure, please refer to [contributor's guide](
+# Getting started
+If you're a Macbook user, first install `coreutils`.
+`brew install coreutils`
+The Docsy theme required for the site to work properly is included as a git submodule.
+Hence, to clone the repository correctly, run the following command:
+`git clone --recurse-submodules`
+`git clone --recurse-submodules`
+In order to build site, run script `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/ build-site`.
+In order to preview landing pages, run script `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/ preview`.
+In order to work with documentation theme, please refer to
+[Sphinx Airflow theme's readme file](sphinx_airflow_theme/
+For more detailed description of `` capabilities, please refer to [contributor's guide](
+# [Contributor's guide](
+If you'd like to contribute to the Apache Airflow website project, read our [contributor's guide](
+where you can find detailed instructions on how to work with the website.
diff --git a/ b/
index ad78dc1..1df1a55 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,19 +32,18 @@
 These are  ${0} commands used in various situations:
-    stop                Stop the environment
-    cleanup             Delete the virtual environment in Docker
+    build-site          Prepare dist directory with landing pages and documentation
+    preview-site        Starts the web server with preview of the website
+    build-landing-pages Builds a landing pages
+    prepare-theme       Prepares and copies files needed for the proper functioning of the sphinx theme.
+    shell               Start shell
     build-image         Build a Docker image with a environment
     install-node-deps   Download all the Node dependencies
-    preview-site        Starts the web server with preview of the website
-    preview-docs        Starts the web server with preview of the Sphinx theme
-    prepare-theme       Prepares and copies files needed for the proper functioning of the sphinx theme.
-    build-landing-pages Builds a landing pages
-    build-site          Prepare dist directory with landing pages and documentation
     check-site-links    Checks if the links are correct in the website
     lint-css            Lint CSS files
     lint-js             Lint Javascript files
-    shell               Start shell
+    cleanup             Delete the virtual environment in Docker
+    stop                Stop the environment
     help                Display usage
 Unrecognized commands are run as programs in the container.
diff --git a/sphinx_airflow_theme/ b/sphinx_airflow_theme/
index 0d1aaa9..bcd9562 100644
--- a/sphinx_airflow_theme/
+++ b/sphinx_airflow_theme/
@@ -17,4 +17,32 @@
  under the License.
-# Sphinx theme for Airflow
+Sphinx theme for Airflow
+Sphinx theme for Apache Airflow website.
+# Getting started
+In order to start working with the theme, please follow the instructions below.
+1.  Make sure that your `python` shell command executes Python3 interpreter. If necessary, use a virtual environment:
+    `mkvirtualenv -p python3 <name_of_environment>`
+2.  To make Javascript and CSS code available for the theme, run the following command in the root directory:
+    `./ build-site && ./ prepare-theme`
+3.  To install the required Python packages, in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_theme` run:
+    `pip install -e .`
+4.  To launch the demo documentation page, in `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_theme/demo` run:
+    `./ build && ./ preview`
+# Theme's source files
+ - `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_theme/sphinx_airflow_theme` - HTML files
+ - `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/assets/scss` - SCSS files
+ - `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/src/js` - Javascript files. If you create a new JS file, **don't forget to include it
+  in** `<ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/src/docs-index.js