blob: 84497aa402ffe3468d80d51f26bebd0b95e2dd1a [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
This module contains Google Dataprep hook.
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: GoogleDataprepHook(dataprep_conn_id = default_conn_name)
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook`
Hook for connection with Dataprep API.
To get connection Dataprep with Airflow you need Dataprep token.
It should be added to the Connection in Airflow in JSON format.
.. py:attribute:: conn_name_attr
:annotation: = dataprep_conn_id
.. py:attribute:: default_conn_name
:annotation: = google_cloud_dataprep_default
.. py:attribute:: conn_type
:annotation: = dataprep
.. py:attribute:: hook_name
:annotation: = Google Dataprep
.. py:method:: get_jobs_for_job_group(self, job_id)
Get information about the batch jobs within a Cloud Dataprep job.
:param job_id: The ID of the job that will be fetched
.. py:method:: get_job_group(self, job_group_id, embed, include_deleted)
Get the specified job group.
A job group is a job that is executed from a specific node in a flow.
:param job_group_id: The ID of the job that will be fetched
:param embed: Comma-separated list of objects to pull in as part of the response
:param include_deleted: if set to "true", will include deleted objects
.. py:method:: run_job_group(self, body_request)
Creates a ``jobGroup``, which launches the specified job as the authenticated user.
This performs the same action as clicking on the Run Job button in the application.
To get recipe_id please follow the Dataprep API documentation
:param body_request: The identifier for the recipe you would like to run.