blob: 9e3b0d5652b43077b2ccddf36b91728f33f88d51 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: ComputeEngineSSHHook(gcp_conn_id = 'google_cloud_default', instance_name = None, zone = None, user = 'root', project_id = None, hostname = None, use_internal_ip = False, use_iap_tunnel = False, use_oslogin = True, expire_time = 300, delegate_to = None)
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh.SSHHook`
Hook to connect to a remote instance in compute engine
:param instance_name: The name of the Compute Engine instance
:param zone: The zone of the Compute Engine instance
:param user: The name of the user on which the login attempt will be made
:param project_id: The project ID of the remote instance
:param gcp_conn_id: The connection id to use when fetching connection info
:param hostname: The hostname of the target instance. If it is not passed, it will be detected
:param use_iap_tunnel: Whether to connect through IAP tunnel
:param use_internal_ip: Whether to connect using internal IP
:param use_oslogin: Whether to manage keys using OsLogin API. If false,
keys are managed using instance metadata
:param expire_time: The maximum amount of time in seconds before the private key expires
:param gcp_conn_id: The connection id to use when fetching connection information
:param delegate_to: The account to impersonate, if any.
For this to work, the service account making the request must have
domain-wide delegation enabled.
.. py:attribute:: conn_name_attr
:annotation: = gcp_conn_id
.. py:attribute:: default_conn_name
:annotation: = google_cloud_ssh_default
.. py:attribute:: conn_type
:annotation: = gcpssh
.. py:attribute:: hook_name
:annotation: = Google Cloud SSH
.. py:method:: get_ui_field_behaviour()
Returns custom field behaviour
.. py:method:: get_conn(self)
Return SSH connection.