blob: 78c424da0a941920b2b35355fed2c475262923c5 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.github.sensors.github
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: GithubSensor(*, method_name, github_conn_id = 'github_default', method_params = None, result_processor = None, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.sensors.base.BaseSensorOperator`
Base GithubSensor which can monitor for any change.
:param github_conn_id: reference to a pre-defined GitHub Connection
:param method_name: method name from PyGithub to be executed
:param method_params: parameters for the method method_name
:param result_processor: function that return boolean and act as a sensor response
.. py:method:: poke(self, context)
Function that the sensors defined while deriving this class should
.. py:class:: BaseGithubRepositorySensor(*, github_conn_id = 'github_default', repository_name = None, result_processor = None, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:`GithubSensor`
Base GitHub sensor at Repository level.
:param github_conn_id: reference to a pre-defined GitHub Connection
:param repository_name: full qualified name of the repository to be monitored, ex. "apache/airflow"
.. py:method:: poke(self, context)
Function that the sensors defined while deriving this class should
.. py:class:: GithubTagSensor(*, github_conn_id = 'github_default', tag_name = None, repository_name = None, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:`BaseGithubRepositorySensor`
Monitors a github tag for its creation.
:param github_conn_id: reference to a pre-defined GitHub Connection
:param tag_name: name of the tag to be monitored
:param repository_name: fully qualified name of the repository to be monitored, ex. "apache/airflow"
.. py:attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['tag_name']
.. py:method:: poke(self, context)
Function that the sensors defined while deriving this class should
.. py:method:: tag_checker(self, repo)
Checking existence of Tag in a Repository