blob: 0fbdb55e18a02e8dfef18c879a57ca38e1be99bb [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
Launches PODs
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:exception:: PodLaunchFailedException
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.exceptions.AirflowException`
When pod launching fails in KubernetesPodOperator.
.. py:function:: should_retry_start_pod(exception)
Check if an Exception indicates a transient error and warrants retrying
.. py:class:: PodPhase
Possible pod phases
.. py:attribute:: PENDING
:annotation: = Pending
.. py:attribute:: RUNNING
:annotation: = Running
.. py:attribute:: FAILED
:annotation: = Failed
.. py:attribute:: SUCCEEDED
:annotation: = Succeeded
.. py:attribute:: terminal_states
.. py:function:: container_is_running(pod, container_name)
Examines V1Pod ``pod`` to determine whether ``container_name`` is running.
If that container is present and running, returns True. Returns False otherwise.
.. py:function:: get_container_termination_message(pod, container_name)
.. py:class:: PodLoggingStatus
Used for returning the status of the pod and last log time when exiting from `fetch_container_logs`
.. py:attribute:: running
:annotation: :bool
.. py:attribute:: last_log_time
:annotation: :Optional[pendulum.DateTime]
.. py:class:: PodManager(kube_client = None, in_cluster = True, cluster_context = None)
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
Helper class for creating, monitoring, and otherwise interacting with Kubernetes pods
for use with the KubernetesPodOperator
.. py:method:: run_pod_async(self, pod, **kwargs)
Runs POD asynchronously
.. py:method:: delete_pod(self, pod)
Deletes POD
.. py:method:: create_pod(self, pod)
Launches the pod asynchronously.
.. py:method:: await_pod_start(self, pod, startup_timeout = 120)
Waits for the pod to reach phase other than ``Pending``
:param pod:
:param startup_timeout: Timeout (in seconds) for startup of the pod
(if pod is pending for too long, fails task)
.. py:method:: follow_container_logs(self, pod, container_name)
.. py:method:: fetch_container_logs(self, pod, container_name, *, follow=False, since_time = None)
Follows the logs of container and streams to airflow logging.
Returns when container exits.
.. py:method:: await_container_completion(self, pod, container_name)
.. py:method:: await_pod_completion(self, pod)
Monitors a pod and returns the final state
:param pod: pod spec that will be monitored
:return: Tuple[State, Optional[str]]
.. py:method:: parse_log_line(self, line)
Parse K8s log line and returns the final state
:param line: k8s log line
:return: timestamp and log message
:rtype: Tuple[str, str]
.. py:method:: container_is_running(self, pod, container_name)
Reads pod and checks if container is running
.. py:method:: read_pod_logs(self, pod, container_name, tail_lines = None, timestamps = False, since_seconds = None, follow=True)
Reads log from the POD
.. py:method:: read_pod_events(self, pod)
Reads events from the POD
.. py:method:: read_pod(self, pod)
Read POD information
.. py:method:: extract_xcom(self, pod)
Retrieves XCom value and kills xcom sidecar container