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AWS Glue
`AWS Glue <>`__ is a serverless data integration service that makes it
easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development.
AWS Glue provides all the capabilities needed for data integration so that you can start analyzing
your data and putting it to use in minutes instead of months.
Prerequisite Tasks
.. include:: _partials/prerequisite_tasks.rst
.. _howto/operator:GlueCrawlerOperator:
Create an AWS Glue crawler
AWS Glue Crawlers allow you to easily extract data from various data sources.
To create a new AWS Glue Crawler or run an existing one you can
use :class:``.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/amazon/aws/example_dags/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_glue_crawler]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_glue_crawler]
.. note::
The AWS IAM role included in the ``config`` needs access to the source data location
(e.g. s3:PutObject access if data is stored in Amazon S3) as well as the ``AWSGlueServiceRole``
policy. See the References section below for a link to more details.
.. _howto/operator:GlueJobOperator:
Submit an AWS Glue job
To submit a new AWS Glue job you can use :class:``.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/amazon/aws/example_dags/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_glue]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_glue]
.. note::
The same AWS IAM role used for the crawler can be used here as well, but it will need
policies to provide access to the output location for result data.
.. _howto/sensor:GlueCrawlerSensor:
Wait on an AWS Glue crawler state
To wait on the state of an AWS Glue crawler execution until it reaches a terminal state you can
use :class:``.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/amazon/aws/example_dags/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_sensor_glue_crawler]
:end-before: [END howto_sensor_glue_crawler]
.. _howto/sensor:GlueJobSensor:
Wait on an AWS Glue job state
To wait on the state of an AWS Glue Job until it reaches a terminal state you can
use :class:``
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/amazon/aws/example_dags/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_sensor_glue]
:end-before: [END howto_sensor_glue]
* `AWS boto3 library documentation for Glue <>`__
* `Glue IAM Role creation <>`__