blob: dc3f4425b794524032b5002cff1321b6783ee7e0 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
Interact with AWS DataSync, using the AWS ``boto3`` library.
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: DataSyncHook(wait_interval_seconds = 30, *args, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:``
Interact with AWS DataSync.
Additional arguments (such as ``aws_conn_id``) may be specified and
are passed down to the underlying AwsBaseHook.
.. seealso::
:param wait_interval_seconds: Time to wait between two
consecutive calls to check TaskExecution status. Defaults to 30 seconds.
:raises ValueError: If wait_interval_seconds is not between 0 and 15*60 seconds.
:annotation: = ['ERROR']
:annotation: = ['SUCCESS']
.. py:method:: create_location(self, location_uri, **create_location_kwargs)
Creates a new location.
:param str location_uri: Location URI used to determine the location type (S3, SMB, NFS, EFS).
:param create_location_kwargs: Passed to ``boto.create_location_xyz()``.
See AWS boto3 datasync documentation.
:return str: LocationArn of the created Location.
:raises AirflowException: If location type (prefix from ``location_uri``) is invalid.
.. py:method:: get_location_arns(self, location_uri, case_sensitive = False, ignore_trailing_slash = True)
Return all LocationArns which match a LocationUri.
:param str location_uri: Location URI to search for, eg ``s3://mybucket/mypath``
:param bool case_sensitive: Do a case sensitive search for location URI.
:param bool ignore_trailing_slash: Ignore / at the end of URI when matching.
:return: List of LocationArns.
:rtype: list(str)
:raises AirflowBadRequest: if ``location_uri`` is empty
.. py:method:: create_task(self, source_location_arn, destination_location_arn, **create_task_kwargs)
Create a Task between the specified source and destination LocationArns.
:param str source_location_arn: Source LocationArn. Must exist already.
:param str destination_location_arn: Destination LocationArn. Must exist already.
:param create_task_kwargs: Passed to ``boto.create_task()``. See AWS boto3 datasync documentation.
:return: TaskArn of the created Task
:rtype: str
.. py:method:: update_task(self, task_arn, **update_task_kwargs)
Update a Task.
:param str task_arn: The TaskArn to update.
:param update_task_kwargs: Passed to ``boto.update_task()``, See AWS boto3 datasync documentation.
.. py:method:: delete_task(self, task_arn)
Delete a Task.
:param str task_arn: The TaskArn to delete.
.. py:method:: get_task_arns_for_location_arns(self, source_location_arns, destination_location_arns)
Return list of TaskArns for which use any one of the specified
source LocationArns and any one of the specified destination LocationArns.
:param list source_location_arns: List of source LocationArns.
:param list destination_location_arns: List of destination LocationArns.
:return: list
:rtype: list(TaskArns)
:raises AirflowBadRequest: if ``source_location_arns`` or ``destination_location_arns`` are empty.
.. py:method:: start_task_execution(self, task_arn, **kwargs)
Start a TaskExecution for the specified task_arn.
Each task can have at most one TaskExecution.
:param str task_arn: TaskArn
:return: TaskExecutionArn
:param kwargs: kwargs sent to ``boto3.start_task_execution()``
:rtype: str
:raises ClientError: If a TaskExecution is already busy running for this ``task_arn``.
:raises AirflowBadRequest: If ``task_arn`` is empty.
.. py:method:: cancel_task_execution(self, task_execution_arn)
Cancel a TaskExecution for the specified ``task_execution_arn``.
:param str task_execution_arn: TaskExecutionArn.
:raises AirflowBadRequest: If ``task_execution_arn`` is empty.
.. py:method:: get_task_description(self, task_arn)
Get description for the specified ``task_arn``.
:param str task_arn: TaskArn
:return: AWS metadata about a task.
:rtype: dict
:raises AirflowBadRequest: If ``task_arn`` is empty.
.. py:method:: describe_task_execution(self, task_execution_arn)
Get description for the specified ``task_execution_arn``.
:param str task_execution_arn: TaskExecutionArn
:return: AWS metadata about a task execution.
:rtype: dict
:raises AirflowBadRequest: If ``task_execution_arn`` is empty.
.. py:method:: get_current_task_execution_arn(self, task_arn)
Get current TaskExecutionArn (if one exists) for the specified ``task_arn``.
:param str task_arn: TaskArn
:return: CurrentTaskExecutionArn for this ``task_arn`` or None.
:rtype: str
:raises AirflowBadRequest: if ``task_arn`` is empty.
.. py:method:: wait_for_task_execution(self, task_execution_arn, max_iterations = 60)
Wait for Task Execution status to be complete (SUCCESS/ERROR).
The ``task_execution_arn`` must exist, or a boto3 ClientError will be raised.
:param str task_execution_arn: TaskExecutionArn
:param int max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations before timing out.
:return: Result of task execution.
:rtype: bool
:raises AirflowTaskTimeout: If maximum iterations is exceeded.
:raises AirflowBadRequest: If ``task_execution_arn`` is empty.
.. py:class:: AWSDataSyncHook(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:`DataSyncHook`
This hook is deprecated.
Please use :class:``.