blob: a8628f46ba0dd7978bdaf701238e29d879cdba71 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: GoogleDeploymentManagerHook(gcp_conn_id = 'google_cloud_default', delegate_to = None, impersonation_chain = None)
Bases: :py:obj:``
Interact with Google Cloud Deployment Manager using the Google Cloud connection.
This allows for scheduled and programmatic inspection and deletion of resources managed by GDM.
.. py:method:: get_conn(self)
Returns a Google Deployment Manager service object.
:rtype: googleapiclient.discovery.Resource
.. py:method:: list_deployments(self, project_id = None, deployment_filter = None, order_by = None)
Lists deployments in a google cloud project.
:param project_id: The project ID for this request.
:param deployment_filter: A filter expression which limits resources returned in the response.
:param order_by: A field name to order by, ex: "creationTimestamp desc"
:rtype: list
.. py:method:: delete_deployment(self, project_id, deployment = None, delete_policy = None)
Deletes a deployment and all associated resources in a google cloud project.
:param project_id: The project ID for this request.
:param deployment: The name of the deployment for this request.
:param delete_policy: Sets the policy to use for deleting resources. (ABANDON | DELETE)
:rtype: None