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Autoscaling with KEDA
*This feature is still experimental.*
KEDA stands for Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling.
`KEDA <>`__ is a custom controller that
allows users to create custom bindings to the Kubernetes `Horizontal Pod
Autoscaler <>`__.
The autoscaler will adjust the number of active Celery workers based on the number
of tasks in ``queued`` or ``running`` state.
.. code-block:: bash
helm repo add kedacore
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace keda
helm install keda kedacore/keda \
--namespace keda \
--version "v2.0.0"
Enable for the airflow instance by setting ``workers.keda.enabled=true`` in your
helm command or in the ``values.yaml``.
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl create namespace airflow
helm repo add apache-airflow
helm install airflow apache-airflow/airflow \
--namespace airflow \
--set executor=CeleryExecutor \
--set workers.keda.enabled=true
A ``ScaledObject`` and an ``hpa`` will be created in the airflow namespace.
KEDA will derive the desired number of Celery workers by querying
Airflow metadata database:
.. code-block:: none
ceil(COUNT(*)::decimal / {{ .Values.config.celery.worker_concurrency }})
FROM task_instance
WHERE state='running' OR state='queued'
.. note::
Set Celery worker concurrency through the Helm value
``config.celery.worker_concurrency`` (i.e. instead of airflow.cfg or
environment variables) so that the KEDA trigger will be consistent with
the worker concurrency setting.