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Set up a Database Backend
Airflow was built to interact with its metadata using `SqlAlchemy <>`__.
The document below describes the database engine configurations, the necessary changes to their configuration to be used with Airflow, as well as changes to the Airflow configurations to connect to these databases.
Choosing database backend
If you want to take a real test drive of Airflow, you should consider setting up a database backend to **PostgreSQL**, **MySQL**, or **MSSQL**.
By default, Airflow uses **SQLite**, which is intended for development purposes only.
Airflow supports the following database engine versions, so make sure which version you have. Old versions may not support all SQL statements.
* PostgreSQL: 10, 11, 12, 13
* MySQL: 5.7, 8
* MsSQL: 2017, 2019
* SQLite: 3.15.0+
If you plan on running more than one scheduler, you have to meet additional requirements.
For details, see :ref:`Scheduler HA Database Requirements <scheduler:ha:db_requirements>`.
.. warning::
Despite big similarities between MariaDB and MySQL, we DO NOT support MariaDB as a backend for Airflow.
There are known problems (for example index handling) between MariaDB and MySQL and we do not test
our migration scripts nor application execution on Maria DB. We know there were people who used
MariaDB for Airflow and that cause a lot of operational headache for them so we strongly discourage
attempts of using MariaDB as a backend and users cannot expect any community support for it
because the number of users who tried to use MariaDB for Airflow is very small.
Database URI
Airflow uses SQLAlchemy to connect to the database, which requires you to configure the Database URL.
You can do this in option ``sql_alchemy_conn`` in section ``[database]``. It is also common to configure
this option with ``AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN`` environment variable.
.. note::
For more information on setting the configuration, see :doc:`/howto/set-config`.
If you want to check the current value, you can use ``airflow config get-value database sql_alchemy_conn`` command as in
the example below.
.. code-block:: bash
$ airflow config get-value database sql_alchemy_conn
The exact format description is described in the SQLAlchemy documentation, see `Database Urls <>`__. We will also show you some examples below.
Setting up a SQLite Database
SQLite database can be used to run Airflow for development purpose as it does not require any database server
(the database is stored in a local file). There are many limitations of using the SQLite database (for example
it only works with Sequential Executor) and it should NEVER be used for production.
There is a minimum version of sqlite3 required to run Airflow 2.0+ - minimum version is 3.15.0. Some of the
older systems have an earlier version of sqlite installed by default and for those system you need to manually
upgrade SQLite to use version newer than 3.15.0. Note, that this is not a ``python library`` version, it's the
SQLite system-level application that needs to be upgraded. There are different ways how SQLIte might be
installed, you can find some information about that at the `official website of SQLite
<>`_ and in the documentation specific to distribution of your Operating
Sometimes even if you upgrade SQLite to higher version and your local python reports higher version,
the python interpreter used by Airflow might still use the older version available in the
``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` set for the python interpreter that is used to start Airflow.
You can make sure which version is used by the interpreter by running this check:
.. code-block:: bash
root@b8a8e73caa2c:/opt/airflow# python
Python 3.8.10 (default, Mar 15 2022, 12:22:08)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite3
>>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
But be aware that setting environment variables for your Airflow deployment might change which SQLite
library is found first, so you might want to make sure that the "high-enough" version of SQLite is the only
version installed in your system.
An example URI for the sqlite database:
.. code-block:: text
**Upgrading SQLite on AmazonLinux AMI or Container Image**
AmazonLinux SQLite can only be upgraded to v3.7 using the source repos. Airflow requires v3.15 or higher. Use the
following instructions to setup the base image (or AMI) with latest SQLite3
Pre-requisite: You will need ``wget``, ``tar``, ``gzip``,`` gcc``, ``make``, and ``expect`` to get the upgrade process working.
.. code-block:: bash
yum -y install wget tar gzip gcc make expect
Download source from, make and install locally.
.. code-block:: bash
tar xzf sqlite.tar.gz
cd sqlite/
-O2 \
export PREFIX="/usr/local"
LIBS="-lm" ./configure --disable-tcl --enable-shared --enable-tempstore=always --prefix="$PREFIX"
make install
Post install add ``/usr/local/lib`` to library path
.. code-block:: bash
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Setting up a PostgreSQL Database
You need to create a database and a database user that Airflow will use to access this database.
In the example below, a database ``airflow_db`` and user with username ``airflow_user`` with password ``airflow_pass`` will be created
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE USER airflow_user WITH PASSWORD 'airflow_pass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE airflow_db TO airflow_user;
.. note::
The database must use a UTF-8 character set
You may need to update your Postgres ``pg_hba.conf`` to add the
``airflow`` user to the database access control list; and to reload
the database configuration to load your change. See
`The pg_hba.conf File <>`__
in the Postgres documentation to learn more.
.. warning::
When you use SQLAlchemy 1.4.0+, you need to use ``postgresql://`` as the database in the ``sql_alchemy_conn``.
In the previous versions of SQLAlchemy it was possible to use ``postgres://``, but using it in
SQLAlchemy 1.4.0+ results in:
.. code-block::
> raise exc.NoSuchModuleError(
"Can't load plugin: %s:%s" % (, name)
E sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres
If you cannot change the prefix of your URL immediately, Airflow continues to work with SQLAlchemy
1.3 and you can downgrade SQLAlchemy, but we recommend to update the prefix.
Details in the `SQLAlchemy Changelog <>`_.
We recommend using the ``psycopg2`` driver and specifying it in your SqlAlchemy connection string.
.. code-block:: text
Also note that since SqlAlchemy does not expose a way to target a specific schema in the database URI, you need to ensure schema ``public`` is in your Postgres user's search_path.
If you created a new Postgres account for Airflow:
* The default search_path for new Postgres user is: ``"$user", public``, no change is needed.
If you use a current Postgres user with custom search_path, search_path can be changed by the command:
.. code-block:: sql
ALTER USER airflow_user SET search_path = public;
For more information regarding setup of the PostgreSQL connection, see `PostgreSQL dialect <>`__ in SQLAlchemy documentation.
.. note::
Airflow is known - especially in high-performance setup - to open many connections to metadata database. This might cause problems for
Postgres resource usage, because in Postgres, each connection creates a new process and it makes Postgres resource-hungry when a lot
of connections are opened. Therefore we recommend to use `PGBouncer <>`_ as database proxy for all Postgres
production installations. PGBouncer can handle connection pooling from multiple components, but also in case you have remote
database with potentially unstable connectivity, it will make your DB connectivity much more resilient to temporary network problems.
Example implementation of PGBouncer deployment can be found in the :doc:`helm-chart:index` where you can enable pre-configured
PGBouncer instance with flipping a boolean flag. You can take a look at the approach we have taken there and use it as
an inspiration, when you prepare your own Deployment, even if you do not use the Official Helm Chart.
See also :ref:`Helm Chart production guide <production-guide:pgbouncer>`
.. note::
For managed Postgres such as Redshift, Azure Postgresql, CloudSQL, Amazon RDS, you should use
``keepalives_idle`` in the connection parameters and set it to less than the idle time because those
services will close idle connections after some time of inactivity (typically 300 seconds),
which results with error ``The error: psycopg2.operationalerror: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected``.
The ``keepalive`` settings can be changed via ``sql_alchemy_connect_args`` configuration parameter
:doc:`../configurations-ref` in ``[database]`` section. You can configure the args for example in your and the ``sql_alchemy_connect_args`` should be a full import path to the dictionary
that stores the configuration parameters. You can read about
`Postgres Keepalives <>`_.
An example setup for ``keepalives`` that has been observed to fix the problem might be:
.. code-block:: python
keepalive_kwargs = {
"keepalives": 1,
"keepalives_idle": 30,
"keepalives_interval": 5,
"keepalives_count": 5,
Then, if it were placed in ````, the config import path would be:
.. code-block:: text
sql_alchemy_connect_args = airflow_local_settings.keepalive_kwargs
.. spelling::
Setting up a MySQL Database
You need to create a database and a database user that Airflow will use to access this database.
In the example below, a database ``airflow_db`` and user with username ``airflow_user`` with password ``airflow_pass`` will be created
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE DATABASE airflow_db CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER 'airflow_user' IDENTIFIED BY 'airflow_pass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON airflow_db.* TO 'airflow_user';
.. note::
The database must use a UTF-8 character set. A small caveat that you must be aware of is that utf8 in newer versions of MySQL is really utf8mb4 which
causes Airflow indexes to grow too large (see Therefore as of Airflow 2.2
all MySQL databases have ``sql_engine_collation_for_ids`` set automatically to ``utf8mb3_bin`` (unless you override it). This might
lead to a mixture of collation ids for id fields in Airflow Database, but it has no negative consequences since all relevant IDs in Airflow use
ASCII characters only.
We rely on more strict ANSI SQL settings for MySQL in order to have sane defaults.
Make sure to have specified ``explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=1`` option under ``[mysqld]`` section
in your ``my.cnf`` file. You can also activate these options with the ``--explicit-defaults-for-timestamp`` switch passed to ``mysqld`` executable
We recommend using the ``mysqlclient`` driver and specifying it in your SqlAlchemy connection string.
.. code-block:: text
But we also support the ``mysql-connector-python`` driver, which lets you connect through SSL
without any cert options provided.
.. code-block:: text
However if you want to use other drivers visit the `MySQL Dialect <>`__ in SQLAlchemy documentation for more information regarding download
and setup of the SqlAlchemy connection.
In addition, you also should pay particular attention to MySQL's encoding. Although the ``utf8mb4`` character set is more and more popular for MySQL (actually, ``utf8mb4`` becomes default character set in MySQL8.0), using the ``utf8mb4`` encoding requires additional setting in Airflow 2+ (See more details in `#7570 <>`__.). If you use ``utf8mb4`` as character set, you should also set ``sql_engine_collation_for_ids=utf8mb3_bin``.
.. note::
In strict mode, MySQL doesn't allow ``0000-00-00`` as a valid date. Then you might get errors like ``"Invalid default value for 'end_date'"`` in some cases (some Airflow tables use ``0000-00-00 00:00:00`` as timestamp field default value). To avoid this error, you could disable ``NO_ZERO_DATE`` mode on you MySQL server. Read for how to disable it. See `SQL Mode - NO_ZERO_DATE <>`__ for more information.
Setting up a MsSQL Database
You need to create a database and a database user that Airflow will use to access this database.
In the example below, a database ``airflow_db`` and user with username ``airflow_user`` with password ``airflow_pass`` will be created.
Note, that in case of MsSQL, Airflow uses ``READ COMMITTED`` transaction isolation and it must have
``READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT`` feature enabled, otherwise read transactions might generate deadlocks
(especially in case of backfill). Airflow will refuse to use database that has the feature turned off.
You can read more about transaction isolation and snapshot features at
`Transaction isolation level <>`_
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE LOGIN airflow_user WITH PASSWORD='airflow_pass123%';
USE airflow;
CREATE USER airflow_user FROM LOGIN airflow_user;
We recommend using the ``mssql+pyodbc`` driver and specifying it in your SqlAlchemy connection string.
.. code-block:: text
You do not need to specify the Driver if you have default driver configured in your system. For the
Official Docker image we have ODBC driver installed, so you need to specify the ODBC driver to use:
.. code-block:: text
Other configuration options
There are more configuration options for configuring SQLAlchemy behavior. For details, see :ref:`reference documentation <config:core>` for ``sqlalchemy_*`` option in ``[core]`` section.
For instance, you can specify a database schema where Airflow will create its required tables. If you want Airflow to install its tables in the ``airflow`` schema of a PostgreSQL database, specify these environment variables:
.. code-block:: bash
export AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN="postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/my_database?options=-csearch_path%3Dairflow"
Note the ``search_path`` at the end of the ``SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN`` database URL.
Initialize the database
After configuring the database and connecting to it in Airflow configuration, you should create the database schema.
.. code-block:: bash
airflow db init
What's next?
By default, Airflow uses ``SequentialExecutor``, which does not provide parallelism. You should consider
configuring a different :doc:`executor </executor/index>` for better performance.