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Connections & Hooks
Airflow is often used to pull and push data into other systems, and so it has a first-class *Connection* concept for storing credentials that are used to talk to external systems.
A Connection is essentially set of parameters - such as username, password and hostname - along with the type of system that it connects to, and a unique name, called the ``conn_id``.
They can be managed via the UI or via the CLI; see :doc:`/howto/connection` for more information on creating, editing and managing connections. There are customizable connection storage and backend options.
You can use Connections directly from your own code, or you can use them via Hooks.
A Hook is a high-level interface to an external platform that lets you quickly and easily talk to them without having to write low-level code that hits their API or uses special libraries. They're also often the building blocks that Operators are built out of.
They integrate with Connections to gather credentials, and many have a default ``conn_id``; for example, the :class:`~airflow.providers.postgres.hooks.postgres.PostgresHook` automatically looks for the Connection with a ``conn_id`` of ``postgres_default`` if you don't pass one in.
You can view a :ref:`full list of airflow hooks <pythonapi:hooks>` in our API documentation.