blob: f3ee16669b17c5a39f3e62d7ce8ddb8c8713b02a [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.s3_to_gcs_operator
Module Contents
.. py:class:: S3ToGoogleCloudStorageOperator(bucket, prefix='', delimiter='', aws_conn_id='aws_default', verify=None, dest_gcs_conn_id=None, dest_gcs=None, delegate_to=None, replace=False, gzip=False, *args, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.contrib.operators.s3_list_operator.S3ListOperator`
Synchronizes an S3 key, possibly a prefix, with a Google Cloud Storage
destination path.
:param bucket: The S3 bucket where to find the objects. (templated)
:type bucket: str
:param prefix: Prefix string which filters objects whose name begin with
such prefix. (templated)
:type prefix: str
:param delimiter: the delimiter marks key hierarchy. (templated)
:type delimiter: str
:param aws_conn_id: The source S3 connection
:type aws_conn_id: str
:param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection.
By default SSL certificates are verified.
You can provide the following values:
- ``False``: do not validate SSL certificates. SSL will still be used
(unless use_ssl is False), but SSL certificates will not be
- ``path/to/cert/bundle.pem``: A filename of the CA cert bundle to uses.
You can specify this argument if you want to use a different
CA cert bundle than the one used by botocore.
:type verify: bool or str
:param dest_gcs_conn_id: The destination connection ID to use
when connecting to Google Cloud Storage.
:type dest_gcs_conn_id: str
:param dest_gcs: The destination Google Cloud Storage bucket and prefix
where you want to store the files. (templated)
:type dest_gcs: str
:param delegate_to: The account to impersonate, if any.
For this to work, the service account making the request must have
domain-wide delegation enabled.
:type delegate_to: str
:param replace: Whether you want to replace existing destination files
or not.
:type replace: bool
:param gzip: Option to compress file for upload
:type gzip: bool
.. code-block:: python
s3_to_gcs_op = S3ToGoogleCloudStorageOperator(
Note that ``bucket``, ``prefix``, ``delimiter`` and ``dest_gcs`` are
templated, so you can use variables in them if you wish.
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['bucket', 'prefix', 'delimiter', 'dest_gcs']
.. attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #e09411
.. method:: execute(self, context)
.. staticmethod:: _gcs_object_is_directory(object)