blob: 5fe947ff3c1f84c1959b5db04b43665300172964 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.azure_container_instances_operator
Module Contents
.. data:: Volume
:annotation: :Dict[str, str]
:annotation: :Sequence[str] = []
:annotation: :Sequence[Volume] = []
:annotation: = 2.0
.. data:: DEFAULT_CPU
:annotation: = 1.0
.. py:class:: AzureContainerInstancesOperator(ci_conn_id, registry_conn_id, resource_group, name, image, region, environment_variables=None, secured_variables=None, volumes=None, memory_in_gb=None, cpu=None, gpu=None, command=None, remove_on_error=True, fail_if_exists=True, tags=None, *args, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator`
Start a container on Azure Container Instances
:param ci_conn_id: connection id of a service principal which will be used
to start the container instance
:type ci_conn_id: str
:param registry_conn_id: connection id of a user which can login to a
private docker registry. If None, we assume a public registry
:type registry_conn_id: str
:param resource_group: name of the resource group wherein this container
instance should be started
:type resource_group: str
:param name: name of this container instance. Please note this name has
to be unique in order to run containers in parallel.
:type name: str
:param image: the docker image to be used
:type image: str
:param region: the region wherein this container instance should be started
:type region: str
:param environment_variables: key,value pairs containing environment
variables which will be passed to the running container
:type environment_variables: dict
:param secured_variables: names of environmental variables that should not
be exposed outside the container (typically passwords).
:type secured_variables: [str]
:param volumes: list of ``Volume`` tuples to be mounted to the container.
Currently only Azure Fileshares are supported.
:type volumes: list[<conn_id, account_name, share_name, mount_path, read_only>]
:param memory_in_gb: the amount of memory to allocate to this container
:type memory_in_gb: double
:param cpu: the number of cpus to allocate to this container
:type cpu: double
:param gpu: GPU Resource for the container.
:type gpu: azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuResource
:param command: the command to run inside the container
:type command: [str]
:param container_timeout: max time allowed for the execution of
the container instance.
:type container_timeout: datetime.timedelta
:param tags: azure tags as dict of str:str
:type tags: dict[str, str]
"my-container-name-{{ ds }}",
{"MODEL_PATH": "my_value",
"POSTGRES_LOGIN": "{{ macros.connection('postgres_default').login }}"
"POSTGRES_PASSWORD": "{{ macros.connection('postgres_default').password }}",
"JOB_GUID": "{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='task1', key='guid') }}" },
gpu=GpuResource(count=1, sku='K80'),
command=["/bin/echo", "world"],
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['name', 'image', 'command', 'environment_variables']
.. method:: execute(self, context)
.. method:: on_kill(self)
.. method:: _monitor_logging(self, ci_hook, resource_group, name)
.. method:: _log_last(self, logs, last_line_logged)
.. staticmethod:: _check_name(name)