blob: cccd2f75c187e7e2c3ab81a90d9301816081768f [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.sqoop_hook
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
This module contains a sqoop 1.x hook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SqoopHook(conn_id='sqoop_default', verbose=False, num_mappers=None, hcatalog_database=None, hcatalog_table=None, properties=None)
Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.base_hook.BaseHook`
This hook is a wrapper around the sqoop 1 binary. To be able to use the hook
it is required that "sqoop" is in the PATH.
Additional arguments that can be passed via the 'extra' JSON field of the
sqoop connection:
* ``job_tracker``: Job tracker local|jobtracker:port.
* ``namenode``: Namenode.
* ``lib_jars``: Comma separated jar files to include in the classpath.
* ``files``: Comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster.
* ``archives``: Comma separated archives to be unarchived on the compute
* ``password_file``: Path to file containing the password.
:param conn_id: Reference to the sqoop connection.
:type conn_id: str
:param verbose: Set sqoop to verbose.
:type verbose: bool
:param num_mappers: Number of map tasks to import in parallel.
:type num_mappers: int
:param properties: Properties to set via the -D argument
:type properties: dict
.. method:: get_conn(self)
.. method:: cmd_mask_password(self, cmd_orig)
.. method:: Popen(self, cmd, **kwargs)
Remote Popen
:param cmd: command to remotely execute
:param kwargs: extra arguments to Popen (see subprocess.Popen)
:return: handle to subprocess
.. method:: _prepare_command(self, export=False)
.. staticmethod:: _get_export_format_argument(file_type='text')
.. method:: _import_cmd(self, target_dir, append, file_type, split_by, direct, driver, extra_import_options)
.. method:: import_table(self, table, target_dir=None, append=False, file_type='text', columns=None, split_by=None, where=None, direct=False, driver=None, extra_import_options=None)
Imports table from remote location to target dir. Arguments are
copies of direct sqoop command line arguments
:param table: Table to read
:param target_dir: HDFS destination dir
:param append: Append data to an existing dataset in HDFS
:param file_type: "avro", "sequence", "text" or "parquet".
Imports data to into the specified format. Defaults to text.
:param columns: <col,col,col…> Columns to import from table
:param split_by: Column of the table used to split work units
:param where: WHERE clause to use during import
:param direct: Use direct connector if exists for the database
:param driver: Manually specify JDBC driver class to use
:param extra_import_options: Extra import options to pass as dict.
If a key doesn't have a value, just pass an empty string to it.
Don't include prefix of -- for sqoop options.
.. method:: import_query(self, query, target_dir, append=False, file_type='text', split_by=None, direct=None, driver=None, extra_import_options=None)
Imports a specific query from the rdbms to hdfs
:param query: Free format query to run
:param target_dir: HDFS destination dir
:param append: Append data to an existing dataset in HDFS
:param file_type: "avro", "sequence", "text" or "parquet"
Imports data to hdfs into the specified format. Defaults to text.
:param split_by: Column of the table used to split work units
:param direct: Use direct import fast path
:param driver: Manually specify JDBC driver class to use
:param extra_import_options: Extra import options to pass as dict.
If a key doesn't have a value, just pass an empty string to it.
Don't include prefix of -- for sqoop options.
.. method:: _export_cmd(self, table, export_dir, input_null_string, input_null_non_string, staging_table, clear_staging_table, enclosed_by, escaped_by, input_fields_terminated_by, input_lines_terminated_by, input_optionally_enclosed_by, batch, relaxed_isolation, extra_export_options)
.. method:: export_table(self, table, export_dir, input_null_string, input_null_non_string, staging_table, clear_staging_table, enclosed_by, escaped_by, input_fields_terminated_by, input_lines_terminated_by, input_optionally_enclosed_by, batch, relaxed_isolation, extra_export_options=None)
Exports Hive table to remote location. Arguments are copies of direct
sqoop command line Arguments
:param table: Table remote destination
:param export_dir: Hive table to export
:param input_null_string: The string to be interpreted as null for
string columns
:param input_null_non_string: The string to be interpreted as null
for non-string columns
:param staging_table: The table in which data will be staged before
being inserted into the destination table
:param clear_staging_table: Indicate that any data present in the
staging table can be deleted
:param enclosed_by: Sets a required field enclosing character
:param escaped_by: Sets the escape character
:param input_fields_terminated_by: Sets the field separator character
:param input_lines_terminated_by: Sets the end-of-line character
:param input_optionally_enclosed_by: Sets a field enclosing character
:param batch: Use batch mode for underlying statement execution
:param relaxed_isolation: Transaction isolation to read uncommitted
for the mappers
:param extra_export_options: Extra export options to pass as dict.
If a key doesn't have a value, just pass an empty string to it.
Don't include prefix of -- for sqoop options.