blob: 12cc34679b2383cc7a4b559cbe31ed8710b83641 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.spark_sql_hook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SparkSqlHook(sql, conf=None, conn_id='spark_sql_default', total_executor_cores=None, executor_cores=None, executor_memory=None, keytab=None, principal=None, master='yarn', name='default-name', num_executors=None, verbose=True, yarn_queue='default')
Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.base_hook.BaseHook`
This hook is a wrapper around the spark-sql binary. It requires that the
"spark-sql" binary is in the PATH.
:param sql: The SQL query to execute
:type sql: str
:param conf: arbitrary Spark configuration property
:type conf: str (format: PROP=VALUE)
:param conn_id: connection_id string
:type conn_id: str
:param total_executor_cores: (Standalone & Mesos only) Total cores for all executors
(Default: all the available cores on the worker)
:type total_executor_cores: int
:param executor_cores: (Standalone & YARN only) Number of cores per
executor (Default: 2)
:type executor_cores: int
:param executor_memory: Memory per executor (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G)
:type executor_memory: str
:param keytab: Full path to the file that contains the keytab
:type keytab: str
:param master: spark://host:port, mesos://host:port, yarn, or local
:type master: str
:param name: Name of the job.
:type name: str
:param num_executors: Number of executors to launch
:type num_executors: int
:param verbose: Whether to pass the verbose flag to spark-sql
:type verbose: bool
:param yarn_queue: The YARN queue to submit to (Default: "default")
:type yarn_queue: str
.. method:: get_conn(self)
.. method:: _prepare_command(self, cmd)
Construct the spark-sql command to execute. Verbose output is enabled
as default.
:param cmd: command to append to the spark-sql command
:type cmd: str or list[str]
:return: full command to be executed
.. method:: run_query(self, cmd='', **kwargs)
Remote Popen (actually execute the Spark-sql query)
:param cmd: command to append to the spark-sql command
:type cmd: str or list[str]
:param kwargs: extra arguments to Popen (see subprocess.Popen)
:type kwargs: dict
.. method:: kill(self)