blob: f8f8c90cdd719c65663c49fbe88578b06e3ae217 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.slack_webhook_hook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SlackWebhookHook(http_conn_id=None, webhook_token=None, message='', attachments=None, blocks=None, channel=None, username=None, icon_emoji=None, icon_url=None, link_names=False, proxy=None, extra_options=None, *args, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.http_hook.HttpHook`
This hook allows you to post messages to Slack using incoming webhooks.
Takes both Slack webhook token directly and connection that has Slack webhook token.
If both supplied, http_conn_id will be used as base_url,
and webhook_token will be taken as endpoint, the relative path of the url.
Each Slack webhook token can be pre-configured to use a specific channel, username and
icon. You can override these defaults in this hook.
:param http_conn_id: connection that has Slack webhook token in the extra field
:type http_conn_id: str
:param webhook_token: Slack webhook token
:type webhook_token: str
:param message: The message you want to send on Slack
:type message: str
:param attachments: The attachments to send on Slack. Should be a list of
dictionaries representing Slack attachments.
:type attachments: list
:param blocks: The blocks to send on Slack. Should be a list of
dictionaries representing Slack blocks.
:type blocks: list
:param channel: The channel the message should be posted to
:type channel: str
:param username: The username to post to slack with
:type username: str
:param icon_emoji: The emoji to use as icon for the user posting to Slack
:type icon_emoji: str
:param icon_url: The icon image URL string to use in place of the default icon.
:type icon_url: str
:param link_names: Whether or not to find and link channel and usernames in your
:type link_names: bool
:param proxy: Proxy to use to make the Slack webhook call
:type proxy: str
:param extra_options: Extra options for http hook
:type extra_options: dict
.. method:: _get_token(self, token, http_conn_id)
Given either a manually set token or a conn_id, return the webhook_token to use.
:param token: The manually provided token
:type token: str
:param http_conn_id: The conn_id provided
:type http_conn_id: str
:return: webhook_token to use
:rtype: str
.. method:: _build_slack_message(self)
Construct the Slack message. All relevant parameters are combined here to a valid
Slack json message.
:return: Slack message to send
:rtype: str
.. method:: execute(self)
Remote Popen (actually execute the slack webhook call)