blob: c17cd96ee8eb850c814ef27382d7ea7d9b76eb9a [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.opsgenie_alert_hook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: OpsgenieAlertHook(opsgenie_conn_id='opsgenie_default', *args, **kwargs)
Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.http_hook.HttpHook`
This hook allows you to post alerts to Opsgenie.
Accepts a connection that has an Opsgenie API key as the connection's password.
This hook sets the domain to, and if not set will default
to ````.
Each Opsgenie API key can be pre-configured to a team integration.
You can override these defaults in this hook.
:param opsgenie_conn_id: The name of the Opsgenie connection to use
:type opsgenie_conn_id: str
.. method:: _get_api_key(self)
Get Opsgenie api_key for creating alert
.. method:: get_conn(self, headers=None)
Overwrite HttpHook get_conn because this hook just needs base_url
and headers, and does not need generic params
:param headers: additional headers to be passed through as a dictionary
:type headers: dict
.. method:: execute(self, payload={})
Execute the Opsgenie Alert call
:param payload: Opsgenie API Create Alert payload values
:type payload: dict