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Creating Custom ``@task`` Decorators
As of Airflow 2.2 it is possible add custom decorators to the TaskFlow interface from within a provider
package and have those decorators appear natively as part of the ``@task.____`` design.
For an example. Let's say you were trying to create an easier mechanism to run python functions as "foo"
tasks. The steps to create and register ```` are:
1. Create a ``FooDecoratedOperator``
In this case, we are assuming that you have an existing ``FooOperator`` that takes a python function as an
argument. By creating a ``FooDecoratedOperator`` that inherits from ``FooOperator`` and
``airflow.decorators.base.DecoratedOperator``, Airflow will supply much of the needed functionality required
to treat your new class as a taskflow native class.
2. Create a ``foo_task`` function
Once you have your decorated class, create a function like this, to convert
the new ``FooDecoratedOperator`` into a TaskFlow function decorator!
.. code-block:: python
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from airflow.decorators.base import task_decorator_factory
from airflow.decorators.base import TaskDecorator
def foo_task(
python_callable: Optional[Callable] = None,
multiple_outputs: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> "TaskDecorator":
return task_decorator_factory(
3. Register your new decorator in get_provider_info of your provider
Finally, add a key-value ``task-decorators`` to the dict returned from the provider entrypoint. This should be
a list with each item containing ``name`` and ``class-name`` keys. When Airflow starts, the
``ProviderManager`` class will automatically import this value and ```` will work as a new decorator!
.. code-block:: python
def get_provider_info():
return {
"package-name": "foo-provider-airflow",
"name": "Foo",
"task-decorators": [
"name": "foo",
# "Import path" and function name of the `foo_task`
"class-name": ["name.of.python.package.foo_task"],
# ...
Please note that the ``name`` must be a valid python identifier.
(Optional) Adding IDE auto-completion support
.. note::
This section mostly applies to the apache-airflow managed providers. We have not decided if we will allow third-party providers to register auto-completion in this way.
For better or worse, Python IDEs can not auto-complete dynamically
generated methods (see `JetBrain's write up on the subject <>`_).
To hack around this problem, a type stub ``airflow/decorators/__init__.pyi`` is provided to statically declare
the type signature of each task decorator. A newly added task decorator should declare its signature stub
like this:
.. exampleinclude:: ../../../airflow/decorators/__init__.pyi
:language: python
:start-after: [START decorator_signature]
:end-before: [END decorator_signature]
The signature should allow only keyword-only arguments, including one named ``multiple_outputs`` that's
automatically provided by default. All other arguments should be copied directly from the real FooOperator,
and we recommend adding a comment to explain what arguments are filled automatically by FooDecoratedOperator
and thus not included.
If the new decorator can be used without arguments (e.g. ``@task.python`` instead of ``@task.python()``),
You should also add an overload that takes a single callable immediately after the "real" definition so mypy
can recognize the function as a "bare decorator":
.. exampleinclude:: ../../../airflow/decorators/__init__.pyi
:language: python
:start-after: [START mixin_for_typing]
:end-before: [END mixin_for_typing]
Once the change is merged and the next Airflow (minor or patch) release comes out, users will be able to see your decorator in IDE auto-complete. This auto-complete will change based on the version of the provider that the user has installed.
Please note that this step is not required to create a working decorator, but does create a better experience for users of the provider.