blob: e6f0cb2c4ccdca4906b62676ea5db93c58980455 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
PostgreSQL to GCS operator.
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: PostgresToGCSOperator(*, postgres_conn_id='postgres_default', use_server_side_cursor=False, cursor_itersize=2000, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:``
Copy data from Postgres to Google Cloud Storage in JSON or CSV format.
:param postgres_conn_id: Reference to a specific Postgres hook.
:param use_server_side_cursor: If server-side cursor should be used for querying postgres.
For detailed info, check
:param cursor_itersize: How many records are fetched at a time in case of server-side cursor.
.. py:attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #a0e08c
.. py:attribute:: type_map
.. py:method:: query(self)
Queries Postgres and returns a cursor to the results.
.. py:method:: field_to_bigquery(self, field)
Convert a DBAPI field to BigQuery schema format.
.. py:method:: convert_type(self, value, schema_type, stringify_dict=True)
Takes a value from Postgres, and converts it to a value that's safe for
JSON/Google Cloud Storage/BigQuery.
Timezone aware Datetime are converted to UTC seconds.
Unaware Datetime, Date and Time are converted to ISO formatted strings.
Decimals are converted to floats.
:param value: Postgres column value.
:param schema_type: BigQuery data type.
:param stringify_dict: Specify whether to convert dict to string.