blob: 425b06bc26bfaeeae5631d8a5381093ffcf4acb7 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module::
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: RedshiftHook(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: :py:obj:``
Interact with AWS Redshift, using the boto3 library
Additional arguments (such as ``aws_conn_id``) may be specified and
are passed down to the underlying AwsBaseHook.
.. seealso::
:param aws_conn_id: The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials.
.. py:method:: create_cluster(self, cluster_identifier, node_type, master_username, master_user_password, params)
Creates a new cluster with the specified parameters
:param cluster_identifier: A unique identifier for the cluster.
:param node_type: The node type to be provisioned for the cluster.
Valid Values: ``ds2.xlarge``, ``ds2.8xlarge``, ``dc1.large``,
``dc1.8xlarge``, ``dc2.large``, ``dc2.8xlarge``, ``ra3.xlplus``,
``ra3.4xlarge``, and ``ra3.16xlarge``.
:param master_username: The username associated with the admin user account
for the cluster that is being created.
:param master_user_password: password associated with the admin user account
for the cluster that is being created.
:param params: Remaining AWS Create cluster API params.
.. py:method:: cluster_status(self, cluster_identifier)
Return status of a cluster
:param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster
:param skip_final_cluster_snapshot: determines cluster snapshot creation
:param final_cluster_snapshot_identifier: Optional[str]
.. py:method:: delete_cluster(self, cluster_identifier, skip_final_cluster_snapshot = True, final_cluster_snapshot_identifier = None)
Delete a cluster and optionally create a snapshot
:param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster
:param skip_final_cluster_snapshot: determines cluster snapshot creation
:param final_cluster_snapshot_identifier: name of final cluster snapshot
.. py:method:: describe_cluster_snapshots(self, cluster_identifier)
Gets a list of snapshots for a cluster
:param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster
.. py:method:: restore_from_cluster_snapshot(self, cluster_identifier, snapshot_identifier)
Restores a cluster from its snapshot
:param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster
:param snapshot_identifier: unique identifier for a snapshot of a cluster
.. py:method:: create_cluster_snapshot(self, snapshot_identifier, cluster_identifier)
Creates a snapshot of a cluster
:param snapshot_identifier: unique identifier for a snapshot of a cluster
:param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster