blob: cc4012f965b16e78e7520c230f95e043ddd05c5e [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.executors.base_executor
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
Base executor - this is the base class for all the implemented executors.
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:data:: PARALLELISM
:annotation: :int
:annotation: = The executor should be started first!
:annotation: = 5
.. py:data:: CommandType
.. py:data:: QueuedTaskInstanceType
.. py:data:: EventBufferValueType
.. py:data:: TaskTuple
.. py:class:: BaseExecutor(parallelism = PARALLELISM)
Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
Class to derive in order to interface with executor-type systems
like Celery, Kubernetes, Local, Sequential and the likes.
:param parallelism: how many jobs should run at one time. Set to
``0`` for infinity
.. py:attribute:: job_id
:annotation: :None | int | str
.. py:attribute:: callback_sink
:annotation: :BaseCallbackSink | None
.. py:method:: __repr__()
Return repr(self).
.. py:method:: start()
Executors may need to get things started.
.. py:method:: queue_command(task_instance, command, priority = 1, queue = None)
Queues command to task
.. py:method:: queue_task_instance(task_instance, mark_success = False, pickle_id = None, ignore_all_deps = False, ignore_depends_on_past = False, ignore_task_deps = False, ignore_ti_state = False, pool = None, cfg_path = None)
Queues task instance.
.. py:method:: has_task(task_instance)
Checks if a task is either queued or running in this executor.
:param task_instance: TaskInstance
:return: True if the task is known to this executor
.. py:method:: sync()
Sync will get called periodically by the heartbeat method.
Executors should override this to perform gather statuses.
.. py:method:: heartbeat()
Heartbeat sent to trigger new jobs.
.. py:method:: order_queued_tasks_by_priority()
Orders the queued tasks by priority.
:return: List of tuples from the queued_tasks according to the priority.
.. py:method:: trigger_tasks(open_slots)
Initiates async execution of the queued tasks, up to the number of available slots.
:param open_slots: Number of open slots
.. py:method:: change_state(key, state, info=None)
Changes state of the task.
:param info: Executor information for the task instance
:param key: Unique key for the task instance
:param state: State to set for the task.
.. py:method:: fail(key, info=None)
Set fail state for the event.
:param info: Executor information for the task instance
:param key: Unique key for the task instance
.. py:method:: success(key, info=None)
Set success state for the event.
:param info: Executor information for the task instance
:param key: Unique key for the task instance
.. py:method:: get_event_buffer(dag_ids=None)
Returns and flush the event buffer. In case dag_ids is specified
it will only return and flush events for the given dag_ids. Otherwise
it returns and flushes all events.
:param dag_ids: the dag_ids to return events for; returns all if given ``None``.
:return: a dict of events
.. py:method:: execute_async(key, command, queue = None, executor_config = None)
This method will execute the command asynchronously.
:param key: Unique key for the task instance
:param command: Command to run
:param queue: name of the queue
:param executor_config: Configuration passed to the executor.
.. py:method:: end()
This method is called when the caller is done submitting job and
wants to wait synchronously for the job submitted previously to be
all done.
.. py:method:: terminate()
This method is called when the daemon receives a SIGTERM
.. py:method:: try_adopt_task_instances(tis)
Try to adopt running task instances that have been abandoned by a SchedulerJob dying.
Anything that is not adopted will be cleared by the scheduler (and then become eligible for
:return: any TaskInstances that were unable to be adopted
:rtype: Sequence[airflow.models.TaskInstance]
.. py:method:: slots_available()
Number of new tasks this executor instance can accept
.. py:method:: validate_command(command)
Back-compat method to Check if the command to execute is airflow command
:param command: command to check
:return: None
.. py:method:: validate_airflow_tasks_run_command(command)
Check if the command to execute is airflow command
Returns tuple (dag_id,task_id) retrieved from the command (replaced with None values if missing)
.. py:method:: debug_dump()
Called in response to SIGUSR2 by the scheduler
.. py:method:: send_callback(request)
Sends callback for execution.
Provides a default implementation which sends the callback to the `callback_sink` object.
:param request: Callback request to be executed.