blob: b66ca200417e41c3bf6b9c96117362d5d8d16be7 [file] [log] [blame]
# -* coding: utf-8 -*-
Tiny wrapper around python-openid to make working with the basic
API in a flask application easier. Adapt this code for your own
project if necessary.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import pickle
import tempfile
from functools import wraps
from datetime import date
from flask import request, session, redirect, current_app, url_for
from werkzeug import url_quote
from import FileOpenIDStore
from openid.extensions import ax
from openid.extensions.sreg import SRegRequest, SRegResponse
from openid.consumer.consumer import Consumer, SUCCESS, CANCEL
from openid.consumer import discover
# python-openid is a really stupid library in that regard, we have
# to disable logging by monkey patching. We still call the original
# implementation if we are in debug mode though.
from openid import oidutil
_original_log = oidutil.log
def _dispatching_log(message, level=None):
app = current_app._get_current_object()
if app is None or app.debug:
return _original_log(message, level)
oidutil.log = _dispatching_log
'nickname': ['',
'email': ['',
'fullname': ['',
'dob': ['',
'gender': ['',
'postcode': ['',
'country': ['',
'language': ['',
'timezone': ['',
'phone': [''],
'aim': [''],
'icq': [''],
'msn': [''],
'yahoo': [''],
'jabber': [''],
'skype': [''],
'website': ['',
'blog': [''],
'image': ['',
SREG_KEYS = set(['nickname', 'email', 'fullname', 'dob', 'gender',
'postcode', 'country', 'language', 'timezone'])
# these are required if provided, otherwise google will not return
# the information for the application.
REQUIRED_KEYS = set(['country', 'email', 'fullname', 'language'])
'google': '',
'yahoo': '',
'aol': '',
'steam': ''
def softint(x):
return int(x)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
class SessionWrapper(object):
name_mapping = {
'_yadis_services__openid_consumer_': 'yoc',
'_openid_consumer_last_token': 'lt'
def __init__(self, ext):
self.ext = ext
def __getitem__(self, name):
rv = session[self.name_mapping.get(name, name)]
if isinstance(rv, dict) and len(rv) == 1 and ' p' in rv:
return pickle.loads(rv[' p'].encode('utf-8'))
return rv
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
if not getattr(current_app.session_interface, 'pickle_based', True):
value = {' p': pickle.dumps(value, 0)}
session[self.name_mapping.get(name, name)] = value
def __delitem__(self, name):
del session[self.name_mapping.get(name, name)]
def get(self, name, default=None):
return self[name]
except KeyError:
return default
def __contains__(self, name):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
class RegLookup(object):
def __init__(self, resp, extensions):
sreg_resp = SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(resp)
self.sreg = sreg_resp and or {}
self.ax_resp = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(resp) or {}
# Process the OpenID response with the OpenIDResponse class provided
self.ext = {}
for extension in extensions:
ext_name = getattr(extension, 'ns_alias', extension.__name__)
self.ext[ext_name] = \
def get(self, name, default=None):
assert name in ALL_KEYS, 'unknown key %r' % name
rv = self.sreg.get(name)
if rv is not None:
return rv
for uri in AX_MAPPING.get(name, ()):
rv = self.get_uri(uri)
if rv is not None:
return rv
return default
def get_uri(self, uri):
return self.ax_resp.get(uri)[0]
except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
return None
def get_combined(self, sreg_key, ax_uris):
rv = self.sreg.get(sreg_key)
if rv is not None:
return rv
for uri in ax_uris:
rv = self.get_uri(uri)
if rv is not None:
return rv
class OpenIDResponse(object):
"""Passed to the `after_login` function. Provides all the information
sent from the OpenID provider. The profile information has to be
requested from the server by passing a list of fields as `ask_for` to
the :meth:`~OpenID.try_login` function.
def __init__(self, resp, extensions):
#: the openid the user used for sign in
self.identity_url = resp.identity_url
lookup = RegLookup(resp, extensions)
#: the full name of the user
self.fullname = lookup.get_combined('fullname', FULL_NAME_URIS)
if self.fullname is None:
first = lookup.get_uri('')
last = lookup.get_uri(u'')
self.fullname = u' '.join(x for x in [first, last] if x) or None
#: desired nickname of the user
self.nickname = lookup.get('nickname')
#: the email address of the user = lookup.get('email')
#: the gender of the user (``f`` for femail and ``m`` for male)
self.gender = (lookup.get('gender') or '').lower() or None
#: the country of the user as specified by ISO3166 = lookup.get('country')
#: free text that should conform to the user's country's postal system
self.postcode = lookup.get('postcode')
#: the user's preferred language as specified by ISO639
self.language = lookup.get('language')
#: timezone string from the TimeZone database
self.timezone = lookup.get('timezone')
#: date of birth as :class:`~datetime.datetime` object.
self.date_of_birth = None
#: the year of birth of the user as integer
self.year_of_birth = None
#: the month of birth of the user as integer (1 based)
self.month_of_birth = None
# check if we can get the full birthday first
dobstr = lookup.get_combined('dob', FULL_DOB_URIS)
if dobstr is not None:
pieces = [int(x) for x in dobstr.split('-')]
if len(pieces) != 3:
raise ValueError()
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if pieces[0]:
self.year_of_birth = pieces[0]
if pieces[1]:
self.month_of_birth = pieces[1]
self.date_of_birth = date(*pieces)
except (ValueError, TypeError, OverflowError):
# next try just year and month
if self.year_of_birth is None:
self.year_of_birth = softint(lookup.get_uri(
self.month_of_birth = softint(lookup.get_uri(
#: phone number of the user as string = lookup.get('phone')
#: AIM messenger address as string
self.aim = lookup.get('aim')
#: icq messenger number as string
self.icq = lookup.get('icq')
#: msn name as string
self.msn = lookup.get('msn')
#: yahoo messenger address as string = lookup.get('yahoo')
#: jabber address as string
self.jabber = lookup.get('jabber')
#: skype name as string = lookup.get('skype')
#: URL of website as string = lookup.get('website')
#: URL of blog as string = lookup.get('blog')
#: URL to profile image as string
self.image = lookup.get('image')
#: Hash of the response object from the OpenID Extension by the
# OpenID Extension class name
self.extensions = lookup.ext
class OpenID(object):
"""Simple helper class for OpenID auth. Has to be created in advance
like a :class:`~flask.Flask` object.
There are two usage modes which work very similar. One is binding
the instance to a very specific Flask application::
app = Flask(__name__)
db = OpenID(app)
The second possibility is to create the object once and configure the
application later to support it::
oid = OpenID()
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
:param app: the application to register this openid controller with.
:param fs_store_path: if given this is the name of a folder where the
OpenID auth process can store temporary
information. If neither is provided a temporary
folder is assumed. This is overridden by the
``OPENID_FS_STORE_PATH`` configuration key.
:param store_factory: alternatively a function that creates a
python-openid store object.
:param fallback_endpoint: optionally a string with the name of an URL
endpoint the user should be redirected to
if the HTTP referrer is unreliable. By
default the user is redirected back to the
application's index in that case.
:param extension_responses: a list of OpenID Extensions Response class.
def __init__(self, app=None, fs_store_path=None, store_factory=None,
fallback_endpoint=None, extension_responses=None, safe_roots=None):
# backwards compatibility support
if isinstance(app, basestring):
from warnings import warn
warn(DeprecationWarning('OpenID constructor expects application '
'as first argument now. If you want to '
'provide a hardcoded fs_store_path you '
'have to use a keyword argument. It is '
'recommended though to use the config '
'key.'), stacklevel=2)
fs_store_path = app
app = None = app
if app is not None:
self.fs_store_path = fs_store_path
if store_factory is None:
store_factory = self._default_store_factory
self.store_factory = store_factory
self.after_login_func = None
self.fallback_endpoint = fallback_endpoint
if not extension_responses:
extension_responses = []
self.extension_responses = extension_responses
if isinstance(safe_roots, basestring):
self.safe_roots = [safe_roots]
self.safe_roots = safe_roots
def init_app(self, app):
"""This callback can be used to initialize an application for the
use with this openid controller.
.. versionadded:: 1.0
app.config.setdefault('OPENID_FS_STORE_PATH', None)
def _default_store_factory(self):
"""Default store factory that creates a filesystem store from
the configuration.
app = if is not None else current_app
if 'OPENID_FS_STORE_PATH' not in app.config:
from warnings import warn
warn(DeprecationWarning('init_app not called for this '
'application. This is deprecated functionality'))
path = app.config['OPENID_FS_STORE_PATH'] or self.fs_store_path
if path is None:
path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'flask-openid')
return FileOpenIDStore(path)
def signal_error(self, msg):
"""Signals an error. It does this by storing the message in the
session. Use :meth:`errorhandler` to this method.
session['openid_error'] = msg
def fetch_error(self):
"""Fetches the error from the session. This removes it from the
session and returns that error. This method is probably useless
if :meth:`errorhandler` is used.
return session.pop('openid_error', None)
def get_next_url(self):
"""Returns the URL where we want to redirect to. This will
always return a valid URL.
return (
self.check_safe_root(request.values.get('next')) or
self.check_safe_root(request.referrer) or
(self.fallback_endpoint and self.check_safe_root(url_for(self.fallback_endpoint))) or
def check_safe_root(self, url):
if url is None:
return None
if self.safe_roots is None:
return url
if url.startswith(request.url_root) or url.startswith('/'):
# A URL inside the same app is deemed to always be safe
return url
for safe_root in self.safe_roots:
if url.startswith(safe_root):
return url
return None
def get_current_url(self):
"""the current URL + next."""
return request.base_url + '?next=' + url_quote(self.get_next_url())
def get_success_url(self):
"""Return the internal success URL.
return self.get_current_url() + '&openid_complete=yes'
def attach_reg_info(self, auth_request, keys, optional_keys):
"""Attaches sreg and ax requests to the auth request.
keys = set(keys or [])
optional_keys = set(optional_keys or [])
sreg_keys = list(SREG_KEYS & keys)
sreg_optional_keys = list(SREG_KEYS & optional_keys)
auth_request.addExtension(SRegRequest(required=sreg_keys, optional=sreg_optional_keys))
ax_req = ax.FetchRequest()
for key in (keys | optional_keys):
for uri in AX_MAPPING.get(key, ()):
ax_req.add(ax.AttrInfo(uri, required=key in REQUIRED_KEYS))
def errorhandler(self, f):
"""Called if an error occurs with the message. By default
``'openid_error'`` is added to the session so that :meth:`fetch_error`
can fetch that error from the session. Alternatively it makes sense
to directly flash the error for example::
def on_error(message):
flash(u'Error: ' + message)
self.signal_error = f
return f
def after_login(self, f):
"""This function will be called after login. It must redirect to
a different place and remember the user somewhere. The session
is not modified by SimpleOpenID. The decorated function is
passed a :class:`OpenIDResponse` object.
self.after_login_func = f
return f
def loginhandler(self, f):
"""Marks a function as login handler. This decorator injects some
more OpenID required logic. Always decorate your login function with
this decorator.
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
if request.args.get('openid_complete') != u'yes':
return f(*args, **kwargs)
consumer = Consumer(SessionWrapper(self), self.store_factory())
args = request.args.to_dict()
openid_response = consumer.complete(args, self.get_current_url())
if openid_response.status == SUCCESS:
return self.after_login_func(OpenIDResponse(
openid_response, self.extension_responses))
elif openid_response.status == CANCEL:
self.signal_error(u'The request was cancelled')
return redirect(self.get_current_url())
self.signal_error(u'OpenID authentication error')
return redirect(self.get_current_url())
return decorated
def try_login(self, identity_url, ask_for=None, ask_for_optional=None, extensions=None):
"""This tries to login with the given identity URL. This function
must be called from the login_handler. The `ask_for` and
`ask_for_optional`parameter can be a set of values to be asked
from the openid provider, where keys in `ask_for` are marked as
required, and keys in `ask_for_optional` are marked as optional.
The following strings can be used in the `ask_for` and
`ask_for_optional` parameters:
``aim``, ``blog``, ``country``, ``dob`` (date of birth), ``email``,
``fullname``, ``gender``, ``icq``, ``image``, ``jabber``, ``language``,
``msn``, ``nickname``, ``phone``, ``postcode``, ``skype``,
``timezone``, ``website``, ``yahoo``
`extensions` can be a list of instances of OpenID extension requests
that should be passed on with the request. If you use this, please make
sure to pass the Response classes of these extensions when initializing
if ask_for and __debug__:
for key in ask_for:
if key not in ALL_KEYS:
raise ValueError('invalid key %r' % key)
for key in ask_for_optional:
if key not in ALL_KEYS:
raise ValueError('invalid optional key %r' % key)
consumer = Consumer(SessionWrapper(self), self.store_factory())
auth_request = consumer.begin(identity_url)
if ask_for or ask_for_optional:
self.attach_reg_info(auth_request, ask_for, ask_for_optional)
if extensions:
for extension in extensions:
except discover.DiscoveryFailure:
self.signal_error(u'The OpenID was invalid')
return redirect(self.get_current_url())
trust_root = request.host_url
return redirect(auth_request.redirectURL(request.host_url,