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<h1>ActiveMQ Artemis 2.12.0 Release Notes</h1>
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<p>A complete list of JIRAs for the 2.12.0 release can be found <a href=";styleName=Text&amp;projectId=12315920&amp;Create=Create&amp;atl_token=A5KQ-2QAV-T4JA-FDED_3276fb93ed0bcc7a73253cccadc445be587a276d_lout">here</a></p>
<p>A list of commits can be found <a href="commit-report-2.12.0">here</a>.</p>
<p>Release Notes - ActiveMQ Artemis - Version 2.12.0
Release Notes - ActiveMQ Artemis - Version 2.12.0</p>
<h2 id="bug">Bug</h2>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>* [ARTEMIS-975] - Reading messages from page causes lost entries in db backend
* [ARTEMIS-2176] - RA connection properties are not propagated to XARecoveryConfig
* [ARTEMIS-2325] - SendAcknowledgementHandler when multiple mesages are sent
* [ARTEMIS-2476] - New MQTT subscriptions receive older (not last published) retained message.
* [ARTEMIS-2544] - Remove rolledback PageTransactionInfo to free up memory
* [ARTEMIS-2576] - NullPointerException during AMQP SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_VIOLATION notification handling
* [ARTEMIS-2597] - Memory Leak when closing AMQP Consumers in the context
* [ARTEMIS-2599] - DescribeJournal isn't correctly counting surviving msg
* [ARTEMIS-2603] - Deadlock on testsuite: PagingStoreImpl::getCurrentIDs is a read operation
* [ARTEMIS-2606] - Artemis Admin Web Console not loading on server with many queues
* [ARTEMIS-2607] - Interceptor returns false but processing continues
* [ARTEMIS-2608] - ClassCastException when consuming a message using OpenWire
* [ARTEMIS-2612] - artemis-plugin-war manifest
* [ARTEMIS-2622] - Replication on paging eventually erroring on page already closed.
* [ARTEMIS-2625] - testListConsumers failing on IBM JDK 8
* [ARTEMIS-2626] - Postgresql Journal implementation requires the jdbc driver to be in the same classloader
* [ARTEMIS-2627] - simpleSecureServer failing on IBM Java 8 JVM
* [ARTEMIS-2629] - Queue never auto-deleted after last message expires
* [ARTEMIS-2631] - Orphaned address from JMS temp queue
* [ARTEMIS-2637] - Resilience around UDP Discovery
* [ARTEMIS-2639] - Lost notification properties when using OpenWire client with a divert
* [ARTEMIS-2640] - Audit log messages AMQ601065 and AMQ601072 interpolate the queue name into the user name field
* [ARTEMIS-2641] - Openwire client runs out of credits after reconnection
* [ARTEMIS-2642] - Client Drain requests can cause long drain times and client Timeouts
* [ARTEMIS-2643] - Allow masked password when resetting user via management
* [ARTEMIS-2645] - Refactor CLI FQQN support
* [ARTEMIS-2647] - JDBC store query append-to-file not correct for mysql
* [ARTEMIS-2650] - The delivering count is wrong after reconnecting an openwire client
* [ARTEMIS-2656] - NPE with read-whole-page == true
* [ARTEMIS-2658] - AMQP message read from page has wrong encode size
* [ARTEMIS-2659] - AMQP integration test instabilities, failure to deliver messages, etc
* [ARTEMIS-2661] - AMQP Journal loading is triggering reencode
* [ARTEMIS-2662] - Page is broken for AMQP if readWholePage=true
* [ARTEMIS-2664] - The prefetch size is exceeded after delivered acks
* [ARTEMIS-2667] - NPE when clearing non-persistent duplicate ID cache
* [ARTEMIS-2668] - Wrong formatting Strings in class LoggingResultSet
* [ARTEMIS-2669] - ARTEMIS-2669 not durable AMQP messages cannot became durable on depaging
* [ARTEMIS-2671] - Hard-coded search in LegacyLDAPSecuritySettingPlugin listener
* [ARTEMIS-2672] - Multiple threads creating shared subscription can lead to issues.
* [ARTEMIS-2673] - PageStore should only be removed when Address is removed
* [ARTEMIS-2681] - Timestamp not set on notification messages
* [ARTEMIS-2684] - NullPointer exception when slave tries to scale down
* [ARTEMIS-2685] - Openwire should not block netty thread
* [ARTEMIS-2686] - Fix MQTT connect message rejection
* [ARTEMIS-2688] - FileStoreMonitor.calculateUsage Should Check for NaN
* [ARTEMIS-2702] - QuorumVoteServerConnect with requestToStayLive is voting order sensitive
* [ARTEMIS-2706] - outgoing AMQP messages split into an unexpectedly large number of transfer frames
* [ARTEMIS-2708] - JDK bug causes missed properties reload
* [ARTEMIS-2711] - Use peer host &amp; port for acceptor's SSL engine
* [ARTEMIS-2712] - updated large message handling not accounted for in aborted message cleanup
* [ARTEMIS-2713] - Master failback can trigger a useless quorum vote on slave failover
* [ARTEMIS-2724] - The setting auto-delete-created-queues doesn't work
* [ARTEMIS-2728] - Deadlock on LargeMessage processing
* [ARTEMIS-2729] - JdbcLeaseLock won't work on SQL Server
<h2 id="new-feature">New Feature</h2>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>* [ARTEMIS-1194] - SOCKS proxy support
* [ARTEMIS-1975] - Real LargeMessage support for AMQP
* [ARTEMIS-2587] - ActiveMQ5-like dead letter strategy
* [ARTEMIS-2613] - Support DivertBindings for Federated Addresses
* [ARTEMIS-2624] - Auto-create expiry resources
* [ARTEMIS-2692] - Provide Improved API for Queue Creation
<h2 id="improvement">Improvement</h2>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>* [ARTEMIS-1676] - Allow users to override JAVA_ARGS via environment variables
* [ARTEMIS-1953] - Fix Object conversions for AMQP LargeMessages
* [ARTEMIS-2571] - Remove unneccessary synchronization in ActiveMQServerImpl
* [ARTEMIS-2602] - Improve Journal loading heap usage
* [ARTEMIS-2604] - Improve Journal loading heap usage
* [ARTEMIS-2610] - Improve ActiveMQServer.getConnectionCount()
* [ARTEMIS-2617] - Improve AMQP Journal loading
* [ARTEMIS-2619] - Allow "server" header in STOMP CONNECTED frame to be disabled
* [ARTEMIS-2636] - Expose disk store used percentage metric
* [ARTEMIS-2644] - Include client id into non durable subscriber queue name
* [ARTEMIS-2663] - Add customizer support for the embedded web server
* [ARTEMIS-2674] - AMQP should use a separate executor for IO
* [ARTEMIS-2676] - PageCursorProviderImpl::cleanup can save decoding pages without large messages
* [ARTEMIS-2691] - Improve critical analyzer LOG policy
* [ARTEMIS-2693] - Improve log of starting acceptor errors
* [ARTEMIS-2695] - Return error message in AMQP response after failed conversion
* [ARTEMIS-2698] - Expose queue group attributes
* [ARTEMIS-2699] - Warn if queue stats are limited by default maxRows
* [ARTEMIS-2701] - Update delivery / DLQ check to be resilient to record not existent
* [ARTEMIS-2714] - Log details for "Address already in use"
* [ARTEMIS-2715] - Master broker created with --replicated should use vote-on-replication-failure=true
* [ARTEMIS-2723] - Read the default CLI connector from the related broker
<h2 id="test">Test</h2>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>* [ARTEMIS-2725] - Implement a way to retry flaky tests on the testsuite
<h2 id="task">Task</h2>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>* [ARTEMIS-2598] - Update netty version to 4.1.43.Final
* [ARTEMIS-2600] - Update mqtt-client version to 1.16
* [ARTEMIS-2601] - Update jetty version to 9.4.26.v20200117
* [ARTEMIS-2615] - Update netty version to 4.1.45.Final
* [ARTEMIS-2646] - Allow setting message properties when sending messages via REST
* [ARTEMIS-2652] - Fix PageCursorProviderImplTest on IBM JVM
* [ARTEMIS-2653] - Update to Proton-J 0.33.4 and Qpid JMS 0.50.0
* [ARTEMIS-2665] - AMQP Shared Non Durable queues are not being created same as CORE
* [ARTEMIS-2679] - Deprecate message-expiry-thread-priority
* [ARTEMIS-2703] - Update commons-configuration2 version to 2.7
* [ARTEMIS-2709] - Fix LiveToLiveFailoverTest::scaleDownDelay
* [ARTEMIS-2721] - Activation keeps retrying even after server.stop()
* [ARTEMIS-2722] - Separate tests for FileLockNodeManager
* [ARTEMIS-2727] - Update netty version to 4.1.48.Final
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