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title: Board Report - April 2017
breadcrumb: Board Report - April 2017
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<h1>BOARD REPORT - April 2017</h1>
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<p><strong>Report: </strong></p>
<li>HornetQ IP clearance has been completed 100% 
<li>HornetQ code base migrated to ActiveMQ Artemis
<li>Eliminated all HornetQ references </li>
<li>The code base is now 100% an ActiveMQ project</li>
<li>Discussion around development methodology differences between the 5.x code base and the ActiveMQ Artemis
<li>Garnered fairly active participation from many committers</li>
<li>It did result in a good description of the commit then review process that was agreed upon on the mailing list which was then documented at <strong><a href="" class="uri"></a></strong></li>
<li>There were also good discussions around code formatting setups to make working on the various codebases within ActiveMQ more consistent and easier to pull ideas and code back and forth</li>
<li>ActiveMQ Artemis code base is now receiving contributions from a wider scope of people (beyond just the original HornetQ contributors)
<li>Long standing committers from the 5.x project are starting to contribute to ActiveMQ Artemis</li>
<li>Active collaboration between 5.x development and ActiveMQ Artemis development is now taking place 
<li>ActiveMQ 5.x features actively being migrated to Artemis 
<li>Test framework from 5.x migrated ActiveMQ Artemis </li>
<li>Migration of the MQTT protocol from 5.x to ActiveMQ Artemis </li>
<li>Also discussion is taking place to improve the the 5.x code base with regard multi-protocol detection on a single socket based on ideas from Artemis and Apollo</li>
<li>PMC is actively working toward diversifying the community by inviting more committers to the project
<li>Christopher Shannon was added this month</li>
<li>Three others added since May 2015</li>
<li>Artemis 1.0 was successfully released 
<li>Work is on-going for the 1.0.1 release</li>
<li>Back in the April report, one PMC member voiced the following concern:<br />
<em>&quot;At least one member of the PMC, as well as several members of the community, feels strongly that disagreements and concerns are not getting addressed in a manner that will move the community toward consensus.&quot; </em>
<li>While this comment is true, the community member who was raising these concerns has gone silent</li>
<li>Initiated discussion to address past issues from some community members as instructed by the board
<li>Result so far is zero replies</li>