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title: Board Report - October 2007
breadcrumb: Board Report - October 2007
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<h1>BOARD REPORT - October 2007</h1>
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<h5 class="text-green">Community</h5>
<li>The developer and user communities remain very active.</li>
<li>The Camel project, NMS project, and recent release candidate for ActiveMQ 5.0 have generated much mailing list activity.</li>
<li>A code grant has been submitted for an NMS implementation that access Tibco EMS. (JIRA issue AMQNET-68)</li>
<h5 class="text-green">Development</h5>
<li>We are starting to produce ActiveMQ 5.0.0 release candidates so a release is now eminent.</li>
<li>Camel 1.2.0 is also producing release candidates.</li>
<h5 class="text-green">Releases</h5>
<li>ActiveMQ Camel 1.1.0 - A routing and mediation engine</li>
<li>ActiveMQ CPP 2.1 - A C++ client to ActiveMQ that implements the CMS API</li>