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<h1>XBean XML Reference 4.1</h1>
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<p><a href="using-activemq">Using ActiveMQ</a> &gt; <a href="xml-reference">Xml Reference</a> &gt; <a href="Xml Reference/xbean-xml-reference-41">XBean XML Reference 4.1</a></p>
<h3 id="elements-by-type">Elements By Type</h3>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkjmsinboundqueuebridge-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Create an Inbound Queue Bridge</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerbrokerservice-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>An ActiveMQ Message Broker which consists of a number of transport connectors, network connectors and a persistence adaptor</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerbrokerplugin-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>An authorization plugin where each operation on a destination is checked against an authorizationMap</p>
<p>A <a href="">DOT</a> file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current connections</p>
<p>A <a href="">DOT</a> file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current topic &amp; queue hierarchies.</p>
<p>Provides a JAAS based authentication plugin</p>
<p>A simple Broker interceptor which allows you to enable/disable logging.</p>
<p>Provides a simple authentication plugin configured with a map of user-passwords and a map of user-groups</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqstorejdbcjdbcadapter-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBlob()/setBlob() operations. This is a little more involved since to insert a blob you have to: 1: insert empty blob. 2: select the blob 3: finally update the blob with data value. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBytes()/getBytes() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.</p>
<p>sub-classing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations.</p>
<p>The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.</p>
<p>The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>Provides JDBCAdapter since that uses IMAGE datatype to hold binary data. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<li>MS SQL</li>
<p>Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.</p>
<p>Subclassing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations.</p>
<p>The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.</p>
<p>The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBinaryStream()/getBinaryStream() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionvirtualvirtualdestination-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Represents a virtual queue which forwards to a number of other destinations.</p>
<p>Represents a virtual topic which forwards to a number of other destinations.</p>
<p>Creates <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a> using a prefix and postfix. The virtual destination creates a wildcard that is then used to look up all active queue subscriptions which match.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicypolicymap-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicypendingmessagelimitstrategy-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>This PendingMessageLimitStrategy is configured to a constant value for all subscriptions.</p>
<p>This PendingMessageLimitStrategy sets the maximum pending message limit value to be a multiplier of the prefetch limit of the subscription.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicysubscriptionrecoverypolicy-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a fixed amount of memory available in RAM for message history which is evicted in time order.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message.</p>
<p>This is the default Topic recovery policy which does not recover any messages.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will perform a user specific query mechanism to load any messages they may have missed.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a timed buffer of messages around in memory and use that to recover new subscriptions.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqstorejdbcstatements-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerjmxmanagementcontext-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>A Flow provides different dispatch policies within the NMR</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqstorepersistenceadapterfactory-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Creates a default persistence model using the Journal and JDBC</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqsecurityauthorizationentry-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Represents an entry in a {@link DefaultAuthorizationMap} for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicydeadletterstrategy-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>A {@link DeadLetterStrategy} where each destination has its own individual DLQ using the subject naming hierarchy.</p>
<p>A default implementation of {@link DeadLetterStrategy} which uses a constant destination.</p>
<h4 id="the-javaxjmstopic-type-implementations">The <em>javax.jms.Topic</em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>An ActiveMQ Topic Destination</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqstorepersistenceadapter-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>A {@link PersistenceAdapter} implementation using JDBC for persistence storage. This persistence adapter will correctly remember prepared XA transactions, but it will not keep track of local transaction commits so that operations performed against the Message store are done as a single uow.</p>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicypolicyentry-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Represents an entry in a {@link PolicyMap} for assigning policies to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkdemandforwardingbridgesupport-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>A demand forwarding bridge which works with multicast style transports where a single Transport could be communicating with multiple remote brokers</p>
<p>Forwards messages from the local broker to the remote broker based on demand.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkjmsoutboundqueuebridge-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Create an Outbound Queue Bridge</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqmemoryusagemanager-type-implementations">The <em>org.apache.activemq.memory.UsageManager</em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqstorejdbcjdbcpersistenceadapter-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>A {@link PersistenceAdapter} implementation using JDBC for persistence storage. This persistence adapter will correctly remember prepared XA transactions, but it will not keep track of local transaction commits so that operations performed against the Message store are done as a single uow.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqcommandactivemqdestination-type-implementations">The <em>org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination</em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>An ActiveMQ Queue Destination</p>
<p>An ActiveMQ Topic Destination</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkjmsinboundtopicbridge-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Create an Inbound Topic Bridge</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkjmsjmsconnector-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>A Bridge to other JMS Queue providers</p>
<p>A Bridge to other JMS Topic providers</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqsecurityauthorizationmap-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies. Each entry in the map represents the authorization ACLs for each operation.</p>
<p>An AuthorizationMap which is configured with individual DestinationMaps for each operation.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicydispatchpolicy-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message.</p>
<p>Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message.</p>
<p>Dispatch policy that causes every subscription to see messages in the same order.</p>
<h4 id="the-javaxjmsqueue-type-implementations">The <em>javax.jms.Queue</em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>An ActiveMQ Queue Destination</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregionpolicymessageevictionstrategy-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message first (which is the default).</p>
<p>An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message with the lowest priority first.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkjmsjmsmesageconvertor-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Converts Message from one JMS to another</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqbrokerregiondestinationinterceptor-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Implements <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a>.</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqnetworkjmsoutboundtopicbridge-type-implementations">The <em></em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Create an Outbound Topic Bridge</p>
<h4 id="the-orgapacheactivemqfilterdestinationmap-type-implementations">The <em>org.apache.activemq.filter.DestinationMap</em> Type Implementations</h4>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies. Each entry in the map represents the authorization ACLs for each operation.</p>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies.</p>
<h3 id="the-authorizationentry-element">The <em>&lt;authorizationEntry&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Represents an entry in a {@link DefaultAuthorizationMap} for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.</p>
<h4 id="properties">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file</p>
<p>A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file</p>
<h3 id="the-authorizationmap-element">The <em>&lt;authorizationMap&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies. Each entry in the map represents the authorization ACLs for each operation.</p>
<h4 id="properties-1">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the individual entries on the authorization map</p>
<p>A helper method to allow the destination map to be populated from a dependency injection framework such as Spring</p>
<h3 id="the-authorizationplugin-element">The <em>&lt;authorizationPlugin&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An authorization plugin where each operation on a destination is checked against an authorizationMap</p>
<h4 id="properties-2">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-axionjdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;axionJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Axion specific Adapter. Axion does not seem to support ALTER statements or sub-selects. This means: - We cannot auto upgrade the schema was we roll out new versions of ActiveMQ - We cannot delete durable sub messages that have be acknowledged by all consumers.</p>
<h4 id="properties-3">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-blobjdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;blobJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBlob()/setBlob() operations. This is a little more involved since to insert a blob you have to: 1: insert empty blob. 2: select the blob 3: finally update the blob with data value. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<h4 id="properties-4">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-broker-element">The <em>&lt;broker&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An ActiveMQ Message Broker which consists of a number of transport connectors, network connectors and a persistence adaptor</p>
<h4 id="properties-5">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Returns the administration view of the broker; used to create and destroy resources such as queues and topics. Note this method returns null if JMX is disabled.</p>
<p>Allows the support of advisory messages to be disabled for performance reasons.</p>
<p>Sets the name of this broker; which must be unique in the network</p>
<p>Sets the JMX ObjectName for this broker</p>
<p>Sets the directory in which the data files will be stored by default for the JDBC and Journal persistence adaptors.</p>
<p>Sets whether or not all messages are deleted on startup - mostly only useful for testing.</p>
<p>Sets the destination interceptors to use</p>
<p>Sets the destination specific policies available either for exact destinations or for wildcard areas of destinations.</p>
<p>Sets the destinations which should be loaded/created on startup</p>
<p>Sets the policy used to decide if the current connection is authorized to consume a given message</p>
<p>Sets the network connectors which this broker will use to connect to other brokers in a federated network</p>
<p>Sets the persistence adaptor implementation to use for this broker</p>
<p>Sets whether or not persistence is enabled or disabled.</p>
<p>Sets a number of broker plugins to install such as for security authentication or authorization</p>
<p>Sets whether or not the broker should populate the JMSXUserID header.</p>
<p>Sets the network connectors which this broker will use to connect to other brokers in a federated network</p>
<p>Sets whether or not the broker is started along with the ApplicationContext it is defined within. Normally you would want the broker to start up along with the ApplicationContext but sometimes when working with JUnit tests you may wish to start and stop the broker explicitly yourself.</p>
<p>Sets the transport connectors which this broker will listen on for new clients</p>
<p>Sets whether or not the Broker’s services should be exposed into JMX or not.</p>
<p>Sets whether or not we should use commons-logging when reporting errors when shutting down the broker</p>
<p>Sets whether or not we should use a shutdown handler to close down the broker cleanly if the JVM is terminated. It is recommended you leave this enabled.</p>
<p>Sets whether or not <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a> should be supported by default if they have not been explicitly configured.</p>
<h3 id="the-bytesjdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;bytesJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBytes()/getBytes() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<h4 id="properties-6">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-compositedemandforwardingbridge-element">The <em>&lt;compositeDemandForwardingBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A demand forwarding bridge which works with multicast style transports where a single Transport could be communicating with multiple remote brokers</p>
<h4 id="properties-7">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-compositequeue-element">The <em>&lt;compositeQueue&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Represents a virtual queue which forwards to a number of other destinations.</p>
<h4 id="properties-8">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets whether a copy of the message will be sent to each destination. Defaults to true so that the forward destination is set as the destination of the message</p>
<p>Sets if the virtual destination is forward only (and so there is no physical queue to match the virtual queue) or if there is also a physical queue with the same name).</p>
<p>Sets the list of destinations to forward to</p>
<p>Sets the name of this composite destination</p>
<h3 id="the-compositetopic-element">The <em>&lt;compositeTopic&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Represents a virtual topic which forwards to a number of other destinations.</p>
<h4 id="properties-9">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets whether a copy of the message will be sent to each destination. Defaults to true so that the forward destination is set as the destination of the message</p>
<p>Sets if the virtual destination is forward only (and so there is no physical queue to match the virtual queue) or if there is also a physical queue with the same name).</p>
<p>Sets the list of destinations to forward to</p>
<p>Sets the name of this composite destination</p>
<h3 id="the-connectiondotfileplugin-element">The <em>&lt;connectionDotFilePlugin&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A <a href="">DOT</a> file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current connections</p>
<h4 id="properties-10">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the destination file name to create the destination diagram</p>
<h3 id="the-constantpendingmessagelimitstrategy-element">The <em>&lt;constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This PendingMessageLimitStrategy is configured to a constant value for all subscriptions.</p>
<h4 id="properties-11">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-db2jdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;db2JDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<h4 id="properties-12">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-defaultjdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;defaultJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.</p>
<p>sub-classing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations.</p>
<p>The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.</p>
<p>The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<h4 id="properties-13">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-demandforwardingbridge-element">The <em>&lt;demandForwardingBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Forwards messages from the local broker to the remote broker based on demand.</p>
<h4 id="properties-14">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-destinationdotfileplugin-element">The <em>&lt;destinationDotFilePlugin&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A <a href="">DOT</a> file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current topic &amp; queue hierarchies.</p>
<h4 id="properties-15">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the destination file name to create the destination diagram</p>
<h3 id="the-destinationentry-element">The <em>&lt;destinationEntry&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A default entry in a DestinationMap which holds a single value.</p>
<h4 id="properties-16">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file</p>
<p>A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file</p>
<h3 id="the-fixedcountsubscriptionrecoverypolicy-element">The <em>&lt;fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message.</p>
<h4 id="properties-17">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the maximum number of messages that this destination will hold around in RAM</p>
<h3 id="the-fixedsizedsubscriptionrecoverypolicy-element">The <em>&lt;fixedSizedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a fixed amount of memory available in RAM for message history which is evicted in time order.</p>
<h4 id="properties-18">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the maximum amount of RAM in bytes that this buffer can hold in RAM</p>
<h3 id="the-forwardingbridge-element">The <em>&lt;forwardingBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Forwards all messages from the local broker to the remote broker.</p>
<h4 id="properties-19">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-imagebasedjdbcadaptor-element">The <em>&lt;imageBasedJDBCAdaptor&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Provides JDBCAdapter since that uses IMAGE datatype to hold binary data. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<li>MS SQL</li>
<h4 id="properties-20">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-inboundqueuebridge-element">The <em>&lt;inboundQueueBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Create an Inbound Queue Bridge</p>
<h4 id="properties-21">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-inboundtopicbridge-element">The <em>&lt;inboundTopicBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Create an Inbound Topic Bridge</p>
<h4 id="properties-22">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-individualdeadletterstrategy-element">The <em>&lt;individualDeadLetterStrategy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A {@link DeadLetterStrategy} where each destination has its own individual DLQ using the subject naming hierarchy.</p>
<h4 id="properties-23">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the prefix to use for all dead letter queues for queue messages</p>
<p>Sets the prefix to use for all dead letter queues for topic messages</p>
<p>Sets whether a queue or topic should be used for queue messages sent to a DLQ. The default is to use a Queue</p>
<p>Sets whether a queue or topic should be used for topic messages sent to a DLQ. The default is to use a Queue</p>
<h3 id="the-informixjdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;informixJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>JDBC Adapter for Informix database. Because Informix database restricts length of composite primary keys, length of <em>container name</em> field and <em>subscription id</em> field must be reduced to 150 characters. Therefore be sure not to use longer names for container name and subscription id than 150 characters.</p>
<h4 id="properties-24">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-jaasauthenticationplugin-element">The <em>&lt;jaasAuthenticationPlugin&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Provides a JAAS based authentication plugin</p>
<h4 id="properties-25">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the JAAS configuration domain name used</p>
<p>Enables or disables the auto-discovery of the login.config file for JAAS to initialize itself. This flag is enabled by default such that if the <strong></strong> system property is not defined then it is set to the location of the <strong>login.config</strong> file on the classpath.</p>
<h3 id="the-jdbcpersistenceadapter-element">The <em>&lt;jdbcPersistenceAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A {@link PersistenceAdapter} implementation using JDBC for persistence storage. This persistence adapter will correctly remember prepared XA transactions, but it will not keep track of local transaction commits so that operations performed against the Message store are done as a single uow.</p>
<h4 id="properties-26">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the database locker strategy to use to lock the database on startup</p>
<h3 id="the-jmsqueueconnector-element">The <em>&lt;jmsQueueConnector&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A Bridge to other JMS Queue providers</p>
<h4 id="properties-27">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>One way to configure the local connection - this is called by The BrokerService when the Connector is embedded</p>
<h3 id="the-jmstopicconnector-element">The <em>&lt;jmsTopicConnector&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A Bridge to other JMS Topic providers</p>
<h4 id="properties-28">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>One way to configure the local connection - this is called by The BrokerService when the Connector is embedded</p>
<h3 id="the-journalpersistenceadapter-element">The <em>&lt;journalPersistenceAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<h4 id="properties-29">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-journaledjdbc-element">The <em>&lt;journaledJDBC&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Creates a default persistence model using the Journal and JDBC</p>
<h4 id="properties-30">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-kahapersistenceadapter-element">The <em>&lt;kahaPersistenceAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<h4 id="properties-31">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-lastimagesubscriptionrecoverypolicy-element">The <em>&lt;lastImageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message.</p>
<h3 id="the-loggingbrokerplugin-element">The <em>&lt;loggingBrokerPlugin&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A simple Broker interceptor which allows you to enable/disable logging.</p>
<h4 id="properties-32">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-managementcontext-element">The <em>&lt;managementContext&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A Flow provides different dispatch policies within the NMR</p>
<h4 id="properties-33">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Get the MBeanServer</p>
<p>Enables/disables the searching for the Java 5 platform MBeanServer</p>
<h3 id="the-memorypersistenceadapter-element">The <em>&lt;memoryPersistenceAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<h4 id="properties-34">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-multicastnetworkconnector-element">The <em>&lt;multicastNetworkConnector&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A network connector which uses some kind of multicast-like transport that communicates with potentially many remote brokers over a single logical {@link Transport} instance such as when using multicast. This implementation does not depend on multicast at all; any other group based transport could be used.</p>
<h4 id="properties-35">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the remote transport implementation</p>
<p>Sets the remote transport URI to some group transport like <code class="highlighter-rouge">multicast://address:port</code></p>
<h3 id="the-networkconnector-element">The <em>&lt;networkConnector&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A network connector which uses a discovery agent to detect the remote brokers available and setup a connection to each available remote broker</p>
<h4 id="properties-36">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-nosubscriptionrecoverypolicy-element">The <em>&lt;noSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This is the default Topic recovery policy which does not recover any messages.</p>
<h3 id="the-oldestmessageevictionstrategy-element">The <em>&lt;oldestMessageEvictionStrategy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message first (which is the default).</p>
<h4 id="properties-37">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the high water mark on which we will eagerly evict expired messages from RAM</p>
<h3 id="the-oldestmessagewithlowestpriorityevictionstrategy-element">The <em>&lt;oldestMessageWithLowestPriorityEvictionStrategy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message with the lowest priority first.</p>
<h4 id="properties-38">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the high water mark on which we will eagerly evict expired messages from RAM</p>
<h3 id="the-oraclejdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;oracleJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.</p>
<p>Subclassing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations.</p>
<p>The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.</p>
<p>The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<h4 id="properties-39">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-outboundqueuebridge-element">The <em>&lt;outboundQueueBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Create an Outbound Queue Bridge</p>
<h4 id="properties-40">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-outboundtopicbridge-element">The <em>&lt;outboundTopicBridge&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Create an Outbound Topic Bridge</p>
<h4 id="properties-41">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-policyentry-element">The <em>&lt;policyEntry&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Represents an entry in a {@link PolicyMap} for assigning policies to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.</p>
<h4 id="properties-42">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the policy used to determine which dead letter queue destination should be used</p>
<p>Sets the eviction strategy used to decide which message to evict when the slow consumer needs to discard messages</p>
<p>Sets the number of hash buckets to use for the message group functionality. This is only applicable to using message groups to parallelize processing of a queue while preserving order across an individual JMSXGroupID header value. This value sets the number of hash buckets that will be used (i.e. the maximum possible concurrency).</p>
<p>Sets the strategy to calculate the maximum number of messages that are allowed to be pending on consumers (in addition to their prefetch sizes). Once the limit is reached, non-durable topics can then start discarding old messages. This allows us to keep dispatching messages to slow consumers while not blocking fast consumers and discarding the messages oldest first.</p>
<p>A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file</p>
<p>Sends an advisory message if a non-persistent message is sent and there are no active consumers</p>
<p>A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file</p>
<h3 id="the-policymap-element">The <em>&lt;policyMap&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies.</p>
<h4 id="properties-43">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>A helper method to allow the destination map to be populated from a dependency injection framework such as Spring</p>
<p>Sets the individual entries on the policy map</p>
<h3 id="the-prefetchratependingmessagelimitstrategy-element">The <em>&lt;prefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This PendingMessageLimitStrategy sets the maximum pending message limit value to be a multiplier of the prefetch limit of the subscription.</p>
<h4 id="properties-44">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the multiplier of the prefetch size which will be used to define the maximum number of pending messages for non-durable topics before messages are discarded.</p>
<h3 id="the-proxyconnector-element">The <em>&lt;proxyConnector&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<h4 id="properties-45">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-querybasedsubscriptionrecoverypolicy-element">The <em>&lt;queryBasedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will perform a user specific query mechanism to load any messages they may have missed.</p>
<h4 id="properties-46">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the query strategy to load initial messages</p>
<h3 id="the-queue-element">The <em>&lt;queue&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An ActiveMQ Queue Destination</p>
<h4 id="properties-47">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI</p>
<h3 id="the-quickjournalpersistenceadapter-element">The <em>&lt;quickJournalPersistenceAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<h4 id="properties-48">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-rapidpersistenceadapter-element">The <em>&lt;rapidPersistenceAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<h4 id="properties-49">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-roundrobindispatchpolicy-element">The <em>&lt;roundRobinDispatchPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message.</p>
<h3 id="the-shareddeadletterstrategy-element">The <em>&lt;sharedDeadLetterStrategy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>A default implementation of {@link DeadLetterStrategy} which uses a constant destination.</p>
<h4 id="properties-50">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-simpleauthenticationplugin-element">The <em>&lt;simpleAuthenticationPlugin&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Provides a simple authentication plugin configured with a map of user-passwords and a map of user-groups</p>
<h4 id="properties-51">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the groups a user is in. The key is the user name and the value is a Set of groups</p>
<p>Sets the map indexed by user name with the value the password</p>
<h3 id="the-simpleauthorizationmap-element">The <em>&lt;simpleAuthorizationMap&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An AuthorizationMap which is configured with individual DestinationMaps for each operation.</p>
<h4 id="properties-52">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-simpledispatchpolicy-element">The <em>&lt;simpleDispatchPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message.</p>
<h3 id="the-simplejmsmessageconvertor-element">The <em>&lt;simpleJmsMessageConvertor&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Converts Message from one JMS to another</p>
<h4 id="properties-53">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-statements-element">The <em>&lt;statements&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<h4 id="properties-54">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-streamjdbcadapter-element">The <em>&lt;streamJDBCAdapter&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBinaryStream()/getBinaryStream() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<h4 id="properties-55">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-strictorderdispatchpolicy-element">The <em>&lt;strictOrderDispatchPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Dispatch policy that causes every subscription to see messages in the same order.</p>
<h3 id="the-timedsubscriptionrecoverypolicy-element">The <em>&lt;timedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a timed buffer of messages around in memory and use that to recover new subscriptions.</p>
<h4 id="properties-56">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-topic-element">The <em>&lt;topic&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>An ActiveMQ Topic Destination</p>
<h4 id="properties-57">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI</p>
<h3 id="the-transportconnector-element">The <em>&lt;transportConnector&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<h4 id="properties-58">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the policy used to decide if the current connection is authorized to consume a given message</p>
<p>Sets the server transport URI to use if there is not a {@link TransportServer} configured via the {@link #setServer(TransportServer)} method. This value is used to lazy create a {@link TransportServer} instance</p>
<h3 id="the-usagemanager-element">The <em>&lt;usageManager&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage.</p>
<h4 id="properties-59">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets the memory limit in bytes</p>
<p>Sets the memory limit in kilobytes</p>
<p>Sets the memory limit in megabytes</p>
<p>Sets the minimum number of percentage points the usage has to change before a UsageListener event is fired by the manager.</p>
<h3 id="the-virtualdestinationinterceptor-element">The <em>&lt;virtualDestinationInterceptor&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Implements <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a>.</p>
<h4 id="properties-60">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<h3 id="the-virtualtopic-element">The <em>&lt;virtualTopic&gt;</em> Element</h3>
<p>Creates <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a> using a prefix and postfix. The virtual destination creates a wildcard that is then used to look up all active queue subscriptions which match.</p>
<h4 id="properties-61">Properties</h4>
<p>Property Name</p>
<p>Sets any postix used to identify the queue consumers</p>
<p>Sets the prefix wildcard used to identify the queue consumers for a given topic</p>
<h3 id="element-index">Element Index</h3>
<p>Represents an entry in a {@link DefaultAuthorizationMap} for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.</p>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies. Each entry in the map represents the authorization ACLs for each operation.</p>
<p>An authorization plugin where each operation on a destination is checked against an authorizationMap</p>
<p>Axion specific Adapter. Axion does not seem to support ALTER statements or sub-selects. This means: - We cannot auto upgrade the schema was we roll out new versions of ActiveMQ - We cannot delete durable sub messages that have be acknowledged by all consumers.</p>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBlob()/setBlob() operations. This is a little more involved since to insert a blob you have to: 1: insert empty blob. 2: select the blob 3: finally update the blob with data value. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>An ActiveMQ Message Broker which consists of a number of transport connectors, network connectors and a persistence adaptor</p>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBytes()/getBytes() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>A demand forwarding bridge which works with multicast style transports where a single Transport could be communicating with multiple remote brokers</p>
<p>Represents a virtual queue which forwards to a number of other destinations.</p>
<p>Represents a virtual topic which forwards to a number of other destinations.</p>
<p>A <a href="">DOT</a> file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current connections</p>
<p>This PendingMessageLimitStrategy is configured to a constant value for all subscriptions.</p>
<p>Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.</p>
<p>sub-classing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations.</p>
<p>The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.</p>
<p>The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>Forwards messages from the local broker to the remote broker based on demand.</p>
<p>A <a href="">DOT</a> file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current topic &amp; queue hierarchies.</p>
<p>A default entry in a DestinationMap which holds a single value.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a fixed amount of memory available in RAM for message history which is evicted in time order.</p>
<p>Forwards all messages from the local broker to the remote broker.</p>
<p>Provides JDBCAdapter since that uses IMAGE datatype to hold binary data. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<li>MS SQL</li>
<p>Create an Inbound Queue Bridge</p>
<p>Create an Inbound Topic Bridge</p>
<p>A {@link DeadLetterStrategy} where each destination has its own individual DLQ using the subject naming hierarchy.</p>
<p>JDBC Adapter for Informix database. Because Informix database restricts length of composite primary keys, length of <em>container name</em> field and <em>subscription id</em> field must be reduced to 150 characters. Therefore be sure not to use longer names for container name and subscription id than 150 characters.</p>
<p>Provides a JAAS based authentication plugin</p>
<p>A {@link PersistenceAdapter} implementation using JDBC for persistence storage. This persistence adapter will correctly remember prepared XA transactions, but it will not keep track of local transaction commits so that operations performed against the Message store are done as a single uow.</p>
<p>A Bridge to other JMS Queue providers</p>
<p>A Bridge to other JMS Topic providers</p>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<p>Creates a default persistence model using the Journal and JDBC</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message.</p>
<p>A simple Broker interceptor which allows you to enable/disable logging.</p>
<p>A Flow provides different dispatch policies within the NMR</p>
<p>A network connector which uses some kind of multicast-like transport that communicates with potentially many remote brokers over a single logical {@link Transport} instance such as when using multicast. This implementation does not depend on multicast at all; any other group based transport could be used.</p>
<p>A network connector which uses a discovery agent to detect the remote brokers available and setup a connection to each available remote broker</p>
<p>This is the default Topic recovery policy which does not recover any messages.</p>
<p>An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message first (which is the default).</p>
<p>An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message with the lowest priority first.</p>
<p>Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.</p>
<p>Subclassing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations.</p>
<p>The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.</p>
<p>The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>Create an Outbound Queue Bridge</p>
<p>Create an Outbound Topic Bridge</p>
<p>Represents an entry in a {@link PolicyMap} for assigning policies to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.</p>
<p>Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies.</p>
<p>This PendingMessageLimitStrategy sets the maximum pending message limit value to be a multiplier of the prefetch limit of the subscription.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will perform a user specific query mechanism to load any messages they may have missed.</p>
<p>An ActiveMQ Queue Destination</p>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<p>An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage.</p>
<p>Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message.</p>
<p>A default implementation of {@link DeadLetterStrategy} which uses a constant destination.</p>
<p>Provides a simple authentication plugin configured with a map of user-passwords and a map of user-groups</p>
<p>An AuthorizationMap which is configured with individual DestinationMaps for each operation.</p>
<p>Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message.</p>
<p>Converts Message from one JMS to another</p>
<p>This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBinaryStream()/getBinaryStream() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:</p>
<p>Dispatch policy that causes every subscription to see messages in the same order.</p>
<p>This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a timed buffer of messages around in memory and use that to recover new subscriptions.</p>
<p>An ActiveMQ Topic Destination</p>
<p>Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage.</p>
<p>Implements <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a>.</p>
<p>Creates <a href=" Features/Features/Destination Features/virtual-destinations">Virtual Topics</a> using a prefix and postfix. The virtual destination creates a wildcard that is then used to look up all active queue subscriptions which match.</p>
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