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<h1>Initial Configuration</h1>
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<p><a href="using-activemq">Using ActiveMQ</a> &gt; <a href="initial-configuration">Initial Configuration</a></p>
<h1 id="initial-configuration">Initial Configuration</h1>
<p>Firstly you need to add the jars to your classpath.</p>
<h2 id="required-jars">Required JARs</h2>
<p>To make ActiveMQ easy to use, the default <strong>activemq-all.jar</strong> comes complete with all the libraries required. If you prefer to have explicit control over all the jars used by ActiveMQ here is the full list of individual jars required</p>
<li>activemq-kahadb-store.jar (if you wish to use persistence)</li>
<li>J2EE APIs which could be the j2ee.jar from Sun or your J2EE container or you could use Geronimo’s freely distributable geronimo-spec-j2ee.jar. If you are inside a servlet container and being dependent on the j2ee.jar causes you troubles, the parts of the J2EE jar we are dependent on are as follows…
<p>If you want to grab a J2EE specification jar we recommend the Apache <a href="">repository</a></p>
<h2 id="optional-jars">Optional JARS</h2>
<li>spring.jar - if you wish to use the XML configuration file for configuring the Message Broker</li>
<li>if you wish to use message persistence then you need to add a persistent jar to your classpath (see below). If you just want a lightweight message bus with no durability you can leave this step out but we highly recommend persistence for production deployments.</li>
<h2 id="persistence-support">Persistence Support</h2>
<p>We support persistence via <a href="persistence">Specialized KahaDB file system message store or JDBC</a>. For full explict control over configuration check out the <a href="xml-configuration">Xml Configuration</a>. If you wish to use KahaDB, include kahadb.jar in your classpath. In case of JDBC you’ll need to include appropriate database driver.</p>
<p>If you’re just doing some testing or in-VM SEDA based messaging you may wish to disable persistence. You can use the <a href="xml-configuration">Xml Configuration</a> for this.</p>
<p>In 5.x you can do this by setting the <code class="highlighter-rouge">persistent=false</code> property to false either in the <a href="xml-configuration">Xml Configuration</a> or on the <a href="configuring-transports">broker URL</a>.</p>
<h2 id="next-steps">Next steps</h2>
<p>One of the first things you might want to do is <a href="run-broker">start a broker</a>. Once you have a broker running you could try some <a href="examples">example programs</a></p>
<p>If you want to write your own application, you can just instantiate an <a href="">ActiveMQConnectionFactory</a>, configure its properties directly and then you’re ready to use the standard JMS API to create Connections, Sessions, MessageProducer and MessageConsumer instances.</p>
<p>You can also take a look at our <a href="">unit tests</a> for more examples on how to use ActiveMQ.</p>
<h2 id="additional-resources">Additional Resources</h2>
<h3 id="related-reading">Related Reading</h3>
<li>Sun’s <a href="">JMS Tutorial</a> is a handy place to start looking at how to use the JMS API directly</li>
<li>The ActiveMQ <a href="">Website</a> for specifics on how to use ActiveMQ</li>
<li><a href="topologies">ActiveMQ Topologies</a></li>
<li><a href="clustering">ActiveMQ Clustering</a></li>
<li><a href="networks-of-brokers">ActiveMQ Network of Brokers</a></li>
<li><a href="">Staged Event Driven Architecture (SEDA)</a></li>
<h3 id="specifications">Specifications</h3>
<li><a href="">Java Connector Architecture 1.5</a></li>
<li><a href="">Java Messaging Service</a></li>
<h3 id="related-open-source-projects">Related open source projects</h3>
<li><a href="">Apache Camel</a></li>
<li><a href="">Apache Geronimo</a></li>
<li><a href="">Hermes JMS</a></li>
<li><a href="">Stomp</a> is an open wire protocol (similar to HTTP) for communicating with MOMs from different languages. It has clients for languages like C, C#, Python, Perl, Ruby etc.</li>
<li><a href="">XBean</a> is used as the default XML configuration mechanism for ActiveMQ</li>
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