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<title>Libaio Native Libraries</title>
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<h1>Libaio Native Libraries</h1>
<div id="toc" class="toc2">
<div id="toctitle"><a href="index.html">User Manual for 2.31.0</a></div>
<ul class="sectlevel1">
<li><a href="#runtime-dependencies">1. Runtime dependencies</a></li>
<li><a href="#compiling-the-native-libraries">2. Compiling the native libraries</a></li>
<li><a href="#compilation-dependencies">3. Compilation dependencies</a></li>
<li><a href="#invoking-the-compilation">4. Invoking the compilation</a></li>
<div id="content">
<div id="preamble">
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<div class="paragraph">
<p>Apache ActiveMQ Artemis distributes a native library, used as a bridge for its fast journal, between Apache ActiveMQ Artemis and Linux libaio.</p>
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<p><code>libaio</code> is a library, developed as part of the Linux kernel project.
With <code>libaio</code> we submit writes to the operating system where they are processed asynchronously.
Some time later the OS will call our code back when they have been processed.</p>
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<p>We use this in our high performance journal if configured to do so, please see <a href="persistence.html#persistence">Persistence</a>.</p>
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<p>These are the native libraries distributed by Apache ActiveMQ Artemis:</p>
<div class="ulist">
<p> - x86 64 bits</p>
<p>We distributed a 32-bit version until early 2017.
While it&#8217;s not available on the distribution any longer it should still be possible to compile to a 32-bit environment if needed.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>When using libaio, Apache ActiveMQ Artemis will always try loading these files as long as they are on the <a href="using-server.html#library-path">library path</a></p>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="runtime-dependencies"><a class="anchor" href="#runtime-dependencies"></a><a class="link" href="#runtime-dependencies">1. Runtime dependencies</a></h2>
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<div class="paragraph">
<p>If you just want to use the provided native binaries you need to install the required libaio dependency.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>You can install libaio using the following steps as the root user:</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Using yum, (e.g. on Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux):</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>yum install libaio</pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Using aptitude, (e.g. on Ubuntu or Debian system):</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>apt-get install libaio1</pre>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="compiling-the-native-libraries"><a class="anchor" href="#compiling-the-native-libraries"></a><a class="link" href="#compiling-the-native-libraries">2. Compiling the native libraries</a></h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>In the case that you are using Linux on a platform other than x86_32 or x86_64 (for example Itanium 64 bits or IBM Power) you may need to compile the native library, since we do not distribute binaries for those platforms with the release.</p>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="compilation-dependencies"><a class="anchor" href="#compilation-dependencies"></a><a class="link" href="#compilation-dependencies">3. Compilation dependencies</a></h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="admonitionblock note">
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<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
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<p>The native layer is only available on Linux.
If you are in a platform other than Linux the native compilation will not work</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>These are the required linux packages to be installed for the compilation to work:</p>
<div class="ulist">
<p>gcc - C Compiler</p>
<p>gcc-c&#43;&#43; or g&#43;&#43; - Extension to gcc with support for C&#43;&#43;</p>
<p>libtool - Tool for link editing native libraries</p>
<p>libaio - library to disk asynchronous IO kernel functions</p>
<p>libaio-dev - Compilation support for libaio</p>
<p>A full JDK installed with the environment variable JAVA_HOME set to its location</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>To perform this installation on RHEL or Fedora, you can simply type this at a command line:</p>
<div class="literalblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>sudo yum install libtool gcc-c++ gcc libaio libaio-devel cmake</pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Or on Debian systems:</p>
<div class="literalblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>sudo apt-get install libtool gcc-g++ gcc libaio libaio- cmake</pre>
<div class="admonitionblock note">
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<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
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<p>You could find a slight variation of the package names depending on the version and Linux distribution.
(for example gcc-c&#43;&#43; on Fedora versus g&#43;&#43; on Debian systems)</p>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="invoking-the-compilation"><a class="anchor" href="#invoking-the-compilation"></a><a class="link" href="#invoking-the-compilation">4. Invoking the compilation</a></h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>In the source distribution or git clone, in the <code>artemis-native</code> directory, execute the shell script <code></code>.
This script will invoke the proper commands to perform the native build.</p>
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<p>If you want more information refer to the <a href="">cmake web pages</a>.</p>