blob: b8bfa50e6b47cfdcd1702da4c3c9bc5d145aafe3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Apache.NMS.Selector
/// <summary>
/// A couple of numeric values converted to the type of the largest type.
/// </summary>
public class AlignedNumericValues
private object left;
public object Left
get { return left; }
private object right;
public object Right
get { return right; }
private T type;
public T TypeEnum
get { return type; }
public Type Type
get { return GetType(type); }
public AlignedNumericValues(object lvalue, object rvalue)
if(lvalue == null || rvalue == null)
T ltypeEnum = GetTypeEnum(lvalue);
T rtypeEnum = GetTypeEnum(rvalue);
type = targetType[(int)ltypeEnum][(int)rtypeEnum];
left = (ltypeEnum == type ? lvalue : ConvertValue(lvalue, type));
right = (rtypeEnum == type ? rvalue : ConvertValue(rvalue, type));
public enum T
SByteType = 0, // Signed 8-bit integer (-128 to 127)
ByteType = 1, // Unsigned 8-bit integer (0 to 255)
CharType = 2, // Unicode 16-bit character (U+0000 to U+ffff)
ShortType = 3, // Signed 16-bit integer (-32 768 to 32 767)
UShortType = 4, // Unsigned 16-bit integer (0 to 65 535)
IntType = 5, // Signed 32-bit integer (-2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647)
UIntType = 6, // Unsigned 32-bit integer (0 to 4 294 967 295)
LongType = 7, // Signed 64-bit integer (-9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807)
ULongType = 8, // Unsigned 64-bit integer (0 to 18 446 744 073 709 551 615)
FloatType = 9, // 7 digits (±1.5e−45 to ±3.4e38)
DoubleType = 10 // 15-16 digits (±5.0e−324 to ±1.7e308)
private static Dictionary<Type, T> typeEnums
= new Dictionary<Type, T>
{ typeof(sbyte ), T.SByteType },
{ typeof(byte ), T.ByteType },
{ typeof(char ), T.CharType },
{ typeof(short ), T.ShortType },
{ typeof(ushort), T.UShortType },
{ typeof(int ), T.IntType },
{ typeof(uint ), T.UIntType },
{ typeof(long ), T.LongType },
{ typeof(ulong ), T.ULongType },
{ typeof(float ), T.FloatType },
{ typeof(double), T.DoubleType }
private static T[][] targetType = new T[][]
// SByteType , ByteType , CharType , ShortType , UShortType, IntType , UIntType , LongType , ULongType , FloatType , DoubleType
/*SByteType */new T[] { T.SByteType , T.ShortType , T.IntType , T.ShortType , T.IntType , T.IntType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*ByteType */new T[] { T.ShortType , T.ByteType , T.UShortType, T.ShortType , T.UShortType, T.IntType , T.UIntType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*CharType */new T[] { T.IntType , T.UShortType, T.CharType , T.IntType , T.UShortType, T.IntType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*ShortType */new T[] { T.ShortType , T.ShortType , T.IntType , T.ShortType , T.IntType , T.IntType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*UShortType*/new T[] { T.IntType , T.UShortType, T.UShortType, T.IntType , T.UShortType, T.IntType , T.UIntType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*IntType */new T[] { T.IntType , T.IntType , T.IntType , T.IntType , T.IntType , T.IntType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*UIntType */new T[] { T.LongType , T.UIntType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.UIntType , T.LongType , T.UIntType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*LongType */new T[] { T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.LongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*ULongType */new T[] { T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.ULongType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.LongType , T.ULongType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*FloatType */new T[] { T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.FloatType , T.DoubleType },
/*DoubleType*/new T[] { T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType, T.DoubleType }
private T GetTypeEnum(object value)
return GetTypeEnum(value.GetType());
private T GetTypeEnum(Type type)
return typeEnums[type];
throw new NotSupportedException(
string.Format("Unsupported data type {0}.", type));
private Type GetType(T typeEnum)
case T.SByteType : return typeof(sbyte );
case T.ByteType : return typeof(byte );
case T.CharType : return typeof(char );
case T.ShortType : return typeof(short );
case T.UShortType: return typeof(ushort);
case T.IntType : return typeof(int );
case T.UIntType : return typeof(uint );
case T.LongType : return typeof(long );
case T.ULongType : return typeof(ulong );
case T.FloatType : return typeof(float );
case T.DoubleType: return typeof(double);
throw new NotSupportedException(
string.Format("Unsupported data type {0}.", typeEnum));
private object ConvertValue(object value, T targetTypeEnum)
case T.SByteType : return Convert.ToSByte (value);
case T.ByteType : return Convert.ToByte (value);
case T.CharType : return Convert.ToChar (value);
case T.ShortType : return Convert.ToInt16 (value);
case T.UShortType: return Convert.ToUInt16(value);
case T.IntType : return Convert.ToInt32 (value);
case T.UIntType : return Convert.ToUInt32(value);
case T.LongType : return Convert.ToInt64 (value);
case T.ULongType : return Convert.ToUInt64(value);
case T.FloatType : return Convert.ToSingle(value);
case T.DoubleType: return Convert.ToDouble(value);
throw new NotSupportedException(
string.Format("Unsupported data type {0}.", targetTypeEnum));