blob: ac32efe9a422f6b8dda48e9c2f5d96c538661704 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
* An AddressControl is used to manage an address.
public interface AddressControl {
String ROUTED_MESSAGE_COUNT_DESCRIPTION = "number of messages routed to one or more bindings";
String UNROUTED_MESSAGE_COUNT_DESCRIPTION = "number of messages not routed to any bindings";
String ADDRESS_SIZE_DESCRIPTION = "the number of estimated bytes being used by all the queue(s) bound to this address; used to control paging and blocking";
String NUMBER_OF_PAGES_DESCRIPTION = "number of pages used by this address";
* Returns the managed address.
@Attribute(desc = "managed address")
String getAddress();
* Whether multicast routing is enabled for this address
* */
@Attribute(desc = "Get the routing types enabled on this address")
String[] getRoutingTypes();
* Whether multicast routing is enabled for this address
* */
@Attribute(desc = "Get the routing types enabled on this address as JSON")
String getRoutingTypesAsJSON() throws Exception;
* Returns the roles (name and permissions) associated with this address.
@Attribute(desc = "roles (name and permissions) associated with this address")
Object[] getRoles() throws Exception;
* Returns the roles (name and permissions) associated with this address
* using JSON serialization.
* <br>
* Java objects can be recreated from JSON serialization using {@link RoleInfo#from(String)}.
@Attribute(desc = "roles (name and permissions) associated with this address using JSON serialization")
String getRolesAsJSON() throws Exception;
* Returns the number of estimated bytes being used by all the queue(s) bound to this address; used to control paging and blocking.
long getAddressSize();
* Returns the sum of messages on queue(s), including messages in delivery.
@Attribute(desc = "the sum of messages on queue(s), including messages in delivery")
long getNumberOfMessages() throws Exception;
* Returns the names of the remote queue(s) bound to this address.
@Attribute(desc = "names of the remote queue(s) bound to this address")
String[] getRemoteQueueNames() throws Exception;
* Returns the names of the local queue(s) bound to this address.
@Attribute(desc = "names of the local queue(s) bound to this address")
String[] getQueueNames() throws Exception;
* Returns the names of both the local and remote queue(s) bound to this address.
@Attribute(desc = "names of both the local & remote queue(s) bound to this address")
String[] getAllQueueNames() throws Exception;
* Returns the number of pages used by this address.
int getNumberOfPages();
* Returns whether this address is paging.
* @throws Exception
@Attribute(desc = "whether this address is paging")
boolean isPaging() throws Exception;
* Returns the number of bytes used by each page for this address.
@Attribute(desc = "number of bytes used by each page for this address")
long getNumberOfBytesPerPage() throws Exception;
* Returns the names of all bindings (both queues and diverts) bound to this address
@Attribute(desc = "names of all bindings (both queues and diverts) bound to this address")
String[] getBindingNames() throws Exception;
@Attribute(desc = "number of messages currently in all queues bound to this address (includes scheduled, paged, and in-delivery messages)")
long getMessageCount();
* Returns the number of messages routed to one or more bindings
long getRoutedMessageCount();
* Returns the number of messages not routed to any bindings
long getUnRoutedMessageCount();
* @param headers the message headers and properties to set. Can only
* container Strings maped to primitive types.
* @param body the text to send
* @param durable
* @param user
* @param password @return
* @throws Exception
@Operation(desc = "Sends a TextMessage to a password-protected address.", impact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION)
String sendMessage(@Parameter(name = "headers", desc = "The headers to add to the message") Map<String, String> headers,
@Parameter(name = "type", desc = "A type for the message") int type,
@Parameter(name = "body", desc = "The body (byte[]) of the message encoded as a string using Base64") String body,
@Parameter(name = "durable", desc = "Whether the message is durable") boolean durable,
@Parameter(name = "user", desc = "The user to authenticate with") String user,
@Parameter(name = "password", desc = "The users password to authenticate with") String password) throws Exception;
* Pauses all the queues bound to this address.Messages are no longer delivered to all its bounded queues.
* Newly added queue will be paused too until resume is called.
* @throws java.lang.Exception
@Operation(desc = "Pauses the queues bound to this address", impact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION)
void pause() throws Exception;
* Pauses all the queues bound to this address.Messages are no longer delivered to all its bounded queues.Newly added queue will be paused too until resume is called.
* @param persist if true, the pause state will be persisted.
* @throws java.lang.Exception
@Operation(desc = "Pauses the queues bound to this address", impact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION)
void pause(@Parameter(name = "persist", desc = "if true, the pause state will be persisted.") boolean persist) throws Exception;
* Resume all the queues bound of this address.Messages are delivered again to all its bounded queues.
* @throws java.lang.Exception
@Operation(desc = "Resumes the queues bound to this address", impact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION)
void resume() throws Exception;
@Attribute(desc = "indicates if the queues bound to this address are paused")
boolean isPaused();
@Attribute(desc = "whether this address is used for a retroactive address")
boolean isRetroactiveResource();
@Attribute(desc = "the size of the duplicate ID cache for this address")
long getCurrentDuplicateIdCacheSize();
@Attribute(desc = "clear the duplicate ID cache for this address both from memory and from the journal")
boolean clearDuplicateIdCache() throws Exception;