Mirror of Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

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  1. 31243b1 ARTEMIS-4723 Optimization on HandlerBase by Clebert Suconic · 16 hours ago main
  2. a1c6a5c NO-JIRA making test more reliable by Clebert Suconic · 14 hours ago
  3. e4a6687 ARTEMIS-4723 Avoid objects left on ThreadLocal from OrderedExecutorFactory by Clebert Suconic · 7 days ago
  4. c0cf01f NO-JIRA Speeding up ReceiverNoWaitTest by Clebert Suconic · 21 hours ago
  5. f4581de ARTEMIS-4729 Upgrade slf4j version to 2.0.12 by Domenico Francesco Bruscino · 32 hours ago

Welcome to Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

ActiveMQ Artemis is the next generation message broker from Apache ActiveMQ.

Getting Started

See the User Manual for an in-depth explanation of all aspects of broker configuration and behavior.

The ActiveMQ Artemis Examples repository contains over 90 examples demonstrating many of the client and broker features.

How to Build, etc.

See the Hacking Guide for details about modifying the code, building the project, running tests, IDE integration, etc.

Migrate from ActiveMQ Classic

See the Migration Guide for information about the architectural and configuration differences between ActiveMQ Classic and ActiveMQ Artemis.

Report an Issue

See our website for details on how to report an bug, request a feature, etc.