blob: b211beecd14c4566458d31cff4de1b85c1173b80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Initially imported from Apache Impala on 2016-02-23, and has been modified
// since for parquet-cpp
#include "parquet/util/mem-pool.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "parquet/util/bit-util.h"
namespace parquet {
const int MemPool::INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE;
const int MemPool::MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
MemPool::MemPool(MemoryAllocator* allocator)
: current_chunk_idx_(-1),
allocator_(allocator) {}
MemPool::ChunkInfo::ChunkInfo(int64_t size, uint8_t* buf)
: data(buf), size(size), allocated_bytes(0) {}
MemPool::~MemPool() {
int64_t total_bytes_released = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks_.size(); ++i) {
total_bytes_released += chunks_[i].size;
allocator_->Free(chunks_[i].data, chunks_[i].size);
DCHECK(chunks_.empty()) << "Must call FreeAll() or AcquireData() for this pool";
void MemPool::Clear() {
current_chunk_idx_ = -1;
for (auto chunk = chunks_.begin(); chunk != chunks_.end(); ++chunk) {
chunk->allocated_bytes = 0;
total_allocated_bytes_ = 0;
void MemPool::FreeAll() {
int64_t total_bytes_released = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks_.size(); ++i) {
total_bytes_released += chunks_[i].size;
allocator_->Free(chunks_[i].data, chunks_[i].size);
next_chunk_size_ = INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE;
current_chunk_idx_ = -1;
total_allocated_bytes_ = 0;
total_reserved_bytes_ = 0;
bool MemPool::FindChunk(int64_t min_size) {
// Try to allocate from a free chunk. The first free chunk, if any, will be immediately
// after the current chunk.
int first_free_idx = current_chunk_idx_ + 1;
// (cast size() to signed int in order to avoid everything else being cast to
// unsigned long, in particular -1)
while (++current_chunk_idx_ < static_cast<int>(chunks_.size())) {
// we found a free chunk
DCHECK_EQ(chunks_[current_chunk_idx_].allocated_bytes, 0);
if (chunks_[current_chunk_idx_].size >= min_size) {
// This chunk is big enough. Move it before the other free chunks.
if (current_chunk_idx_ != first_free_idx) {
std::swap(chunks_[current_chunk_idx_], chunks_[first_free_idx]);
current_chunk_idx_ = first_free_idx;
if (current_chunk_idx_ == static_cast<int>(chunks_.size())) {
// need to allocate new chunk.
int64_t chunk_size;
DCHECK_GE(next_chunk_size_, INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
DCHECK_LE(next_chunk_size_, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
chunk_size = std::max<int64_t>(min_size, next_chunk_size_);
// Allocate a new chunk. Return early if malloc fails.
uint8_t* buf = allocator_->Malloc(chunk_size);
if (UNLIKELY(buf == NULL)) {
DCHECK_EQ(current_chunk_idx_, static_cast<int>(chunks_.size()));
current_chunk_idx_ = static_cast<int>(chunks_.size()) - 1;
return false;
// If there are no free chunks put it at the end, otherwise before the first free.
if (first_free_idx == static_cast<int>(chunks_.size())) {
chunks_.push_back(ChunkInfo(chunk_size, buf));
} else {
current_chunk_idx_ = first_free_idx;
auto insert_chunk = chunks_.begin() + current_chunk_idx_;
chunks_.insert(insert_chunk, ChunkInfo(chunk_size, buf));
total_reserved_bytes_ += chunk_size;
// Don't increment the chunk size until the allocation succeeds: if an attempted
// large allocation fails we don't want to increase the chunk size further.
next_chunk_size_ =
static_cast<int>(std::min<int64_t>(chunk_size * 2, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
DCHECK_LT(current_chunk_idx_, static_cast<int>(chunks_.size()));
return true;
void MemPool::AcquireData(MemPool* src, bool keep_current) {
int num_acquired_chunks;
if (keep_current) {
num_acquired_chunks = src->current_chunk_idx_;
} else if (src->GetFreeOffset() == 0) {
// nothing in the last chunk
num_acquired_chunks = src->current_chunk_idx_;
} else {
num_acquired_chunks = src->current_chunk_idx_ + 1;
if (num_acquired_chunks <= 0) {
if (!keep_current) src->FreeAll();
auto end_chunk = src->chunks_.begin() + num_acquired_chunks;
int64_t total_transfered_bytes = 0;
for (auto i = src->chunks_.begin(); i != end_chunk; ++i) {
total_transfered_bytes += i->size;
src->total_reserved_bytes_ -= total_transfered_bytes;
total_reserved_bytes_ += total_transfered_bytes;
// insert new chunks after current_chunk_idx_
auto insert_chunk = chunks_.begin() + current_chunk_idx_ + 1;
chunks_.insert(insert_chunk, src->chunks_.begin(), end_chunk);
src->chunks_.erase(src->chunks_.begin(), end_chunk);
current_chunk_idx_ += num_acquired_chunks;
if (keep_current) {
src->current_chunk_idx_ = 0;
DCHECK(src->chunks_.size() == 1 || src->chunks_[1].allocated_bytes == 0);
total_allocated_bytes_ += src->total_allocated_bytes_ - src->GetFreeOffset();
src->total_allocated_bytes_ = src->GetFreeOffset();
} else {
src->current_chunk_idx_ = -1;
total_allocated_bytes_ += src->total_allocated_bytes_;
src->total_allocated_bytes_ = 0;
peak_allocated_bytes_ = std::max(total_allocated_bytes_, peak_allocated_bytes_);
if (!keep_current) src->FreeAll();
std::string MemPool::DebugString() {
std::stringstream out;
char str[16];
out << "MemPool(#chunks=" << chunks_.size() << " [";
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks_.size(); ++i) {
sprintf(str, "0x%lx=", reinterpret_cast<size_t>(chunks_[i].data)); // NOLINT
out << (i > 0 ? " " : "") << str << chunks_[i].size << "/"
<< chunks_[i].allocated_bytes;
out << "] current_chunk=" << current_chunk_idx_
<< " total_sizes=" << GetTotalChunkSizes()
<< " total_alloc=" << total_allocated_bytes_ << ")";
return out.str();
int64_t MemPool::GetTotalChunkSizes() const {
int64_t result = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks_.size(); ++i) {
result += chunks_[i].size;
return result;
bool MemPool::CheckIntegrity(bool current_chunk_empty) {
// check that current_chunk_idx_ points to the last chunk with allocated data
DCHECK_LT(current_chunk_idx_, static_cast<int>(chunks_.size()));
int64_t total_allocated = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(chunks_.size()); ++i) {
DCHECK_GT(chunks_[i].size, 0);
if (i < current_chunk_idx_) {
DCHECK_GT(chunks_[i].allocated_bytes, 0);
} else if (i == current_chunk_idx_) {
if (current_chunk_empty) {
DCHECK_EQ(chunks_[i].allocated_bytes, 0);
} else {
DCHECK_GT(chunks_[i].allocated_bytes, 0);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(chunks_[i].allocated_bytes, 0);
total_allocated += chunks_[i].allocated_bytes;
DCHECK_EQ(total_allocated, total_allocated_bytes_);
return true;
} // namespace parquet