blob: d6d6f3435d6d7561a595399e14592f7cbc0b5b5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "parquet/util/mem-allocator.h"
#include "parquet/util/visibility.h"
namespace parquet {
class Buffer;
class OwnedMutableBuffer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Random access input (e.g. file-like)
// Random
class PARQUET_EXPORT RandomAccessSource {
virtual ~RandomAccessSource() {}
virtual void Close() = 0;
virtual int64_t Tell() const = 0;
virtual void Seek(int64_t pos) = 0;
int64_t Size() const;
// Returns actual number of bytes read
virtual int64_t Read(int64_t nbytes, uint8_t* out) = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<Buffer> Read(int64_t nbytes) = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> ReadAt(int64_t pos, int64_t nbytes);
int64_t size_;
class PARQUET_EXPORT LocalFileSource : public RandomAccessSource {
explicit LocalFileSource(MemoryAllocator* allocator = default_allocator())
: file_(nullptr), is_open_(false), allocator_(allocator) {}
virtual ~LocalFileSource();
virtual void Open(const std::string& path);
virtual void Close();
virtual int64_t Tell() const;
virtual void Seek(int64_t pos);
// Returns actual number of bytes read
virtual int64_t Read(int64_t nbytes, uint8_t* out);
virtual std::shared_ptr<Buffer> Read(int64_t nbytes);
bool is_open() const { return is_open_; }
const std::string& path() const { return path_; }
// Return the integer file descriptor
int file_descriptor() const;
void CloseFile();
void SeekFile(int64_t pos, int origin = SEEK_SET);
std::string path_;
FILE* file_;
bool is_open_;
MemoryAllocator* allocator_;
class PARQUET_EXPORT MemoryMapSource : public LocalFileSource {
explicit MemoryMapSource(MemoryAllocator* allocator = default_allocator())
: LocalFileSource(allocator), data_(nullptr), pos_(0) {}
virtual ~MemoryMapSource();
virtual void Close();
virtual void Open(const std::string& path);
virtual int64_t Tell() const;
virtual void Seek(int64_t pos);
// Copy data from memory map into out (must be already allocated memory)
// @returns: actual number of bytes read
virtual int64_t Read(int64_t nbytes, uint8_t* out);
// Return a buffer referencing memory-map (no copy)
virtual std::shared_ptr<Buffer> Read(int64_t nbytes);
void CloseFile();
uint8_t* data_;
int64_t pos_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A file-like object that reads from virtual address space
class PARQUET_EXPORT BufferReader : public RandomAccessSource {
explicit BufferReader(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buffer);
virtual void Close() {}
virtual int64_t Tell() const;
virtual void Seek(int64_t pos);
virtual int64_t Read(int64_t nbytes, uint8_t* out);
virtual std::shared_ptr<Buffer> Read(int64_t nbytes);
const uint8_t* Head() { return data_ + pos_; }
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer_;
const uint8_t* data_;
int64_t pos_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Streaming input interfaces
// Interface for the column reader to get the bytes. The interface is a stream
// interface, meaning the bytes in order and once a byte is read, it does not
// need to be read again.
class InputStream {
// Returns the next 'num_to_peek' without advancing the current position.
// *num_bytes will contain the number of bytes returned which can only be
// less than num_to_peek at end of stream cases.
// Since the position is not advanced, calls to this function are idempotent.
// The buffer returned to the caller is still owned by the input stream and must
// stay valid until the next call to Peek() or Read().
virtual const uint8_t* Peek(int64_t num_to_peek, int64_t* num_bytes) = 0;
// Identical to Peek(), except the current position in the stream is advanced by
// *num_bytes.
virtual const uint8_t* Read(int64_t num_to_read, int64_t* num_bytes) = 0;
// Advance the stream without reading
virtual void Advance(int64_t num_bytes) = 0;
virtual ~InputStream() {}
InputStream() {}
// Implementation of an InputStream when all the bytes are in memory.
class InMemoryInputStream : public InputStream {
InMemoryInputStream(RandomAccessSource* source, int64_t start, int64_t end);
explicit InMemoryInputStream(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buffer);
virtual const uint8_t* Peek(int64_t num_to_peek, int64_t* num_bytes);
virtual const uint8_t* Read(int64_t num_to_read, int64_t* num_bytes);
virtual void Advance(int64_t num_bytes);
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer_;
int64_t len_;
int64_t offset_;
// Implementation of an InputStream when only some of the bytes are in memory.
class BufferedInputStream : public InputStream {
BufferedInputStream(MemoryAllocator* pool, int64_t buffer_size,
RandomAccessSource* source, int64_t start, int64_t end);
virtual const uint8_t* Peek(int64_t num_to_peek, int64_t* num_bytes);
virtual const uint8_t* Read(int64_t num_to_read, int64_t* num_bytes);
virtual void Advance(int64_t num_bytes);
std::shared_ptr<OwnedMutableBuffer> buffer_;
RandomAccessSource* source_;
int64_t stream_offset_;
int64_t stream_end_;
int64_t buffer_offset_;
int64_t buffer_size_;
} // namespace parquet