NUMBERS-202: Add DD to the user guide
diff --git a/commons-numbers-core/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/ b/commons-numbers-core/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/
index 039f8e8..0832661 100644
--- a/commons-numbers-core/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/
+++ b/commons-numbers-core/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
  * <p>It is not possible to directly specify the two parts of the number.
  * The two parts must be added using {@link #ofSum(double, double) ofSum}.
- * If the two parts already represent a number such {@code (x, xx)} such that {@code x == x + xx}
+ * If the two parts already represent a number {@code (x, xx)} such that {@code x == x + xx}
  * then the magnitudes of the parts will be unchanged; any signed zeros may be subject to a sign
  * change.
diff --git a/commons-numbers-core/src/test/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/ b/commons-numbers-core/src/test/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/
index 10f4d6e..cca4001 100644
--- a/commons-numbers-core/src/test/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/
+++ b/commons-numbers-core/src/test/java/org/apache/commons/numbers/core/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 package org.apache.commons.numbers.core;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
 import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
 import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
@@ -74,7 +75,6 @@
         Assertions.assertEquals(-1.0, x2);
     void testPrecision1() {
         // Default allows no numbers between
@@ -140,4 +140,100 @@
         Assertions.assertEquals(0.10000000000000009, Precision.representableDelta(1.0, 0.1));
+    @Test
+    void testDD1() {
+        double x = Math.PI;
+        int    y = 42;
+        long   z = -8564728970587006436L;
+        Assertions.assertEquals(x, DD.of(x).doubleValue());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(y, DD.of(y).intValue());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(z, DD.of(z).longValue());
+        Assertions.assertNotEquals(z, (long) (double) z);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testDD2() {
+        BigDecimal pi = new BigDecimal("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510");
+        DD x = DD.from(pi);
+        Assertions.assertEquals("(3.141592653589793,1.2246467991473532E-16)", x.toString());
+        Assertions.assertNotEquals(0, pi.compareTo(x.bigDecimalValue()));
+        Assertions.assertEquals(Math.PI, x.hi());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(pi.subtract(new BigDecimal(Math.PI)).doubleValue(), x.lo());
+        DD nan = DD.of(Double.NaN);
+        Assertions.assertFalse(nan.isFinite());
+        Assertions.assertThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> nan.bigDecimalValue());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testDD3() {
+        long   x = -8564728970587006436L;
+        Assertions.assertNotEquals(x + 1, DD.ONE.add(x).longValue());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(x + 1, DD.ONE.add(DD.of(x)).longValue());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testDD4() {
+        double a = 1.2345678901234567;
+        double b = 123.45678901234567;
+        DD w = DD.ofProduct(a, b);
+        DD x = DD.ofSum(a, b);
+        DD y = DD.ofDifference(a, b);
+        DD z = DD.fromQuotient(1, 3);
+        Assertions.assertEquals("(152.41578753238835,-1.0325951435749745E-14)", w.toString());
+        Assertions.assertEquals("(124.69135690246912,-1.1102230246251565E-15)", x.toString());
+        Assertions.assertEquals("(-122.22222112222221,-1.1102230246251565E-15)", y.toString());
+        Assertions.assertEquals("(0.3333333333333333,1.850371707708594E-17)", z.toString());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(a * b, w.hi());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(a + b, x.hi());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(a - b, y.hi());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(1.0 / 3, z.hi());
+        DD zz = DD.of(1).divide(DD.of(3));
+        Assertions.assertEquals(z, zz);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testDD5() {
+        Assertions.assertEquals(0.9999999999999999, 1.0 / 2 + 1.0 / 3 + 1.0 / 6);
+        DD z = DD.fromQuotient(1, 2)
+                 .add(DD.fromQuotient(1, 3))
+                 .add(DD.fromQuotient(1, 6));
+        Assertions.assertEquals("(1.0,-4.622231866529366E-33)", z.toString());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(1.0, z.doubleValue());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testDD6() {
+        double a = 1;
+        double b = Math.pow(2, 53);
+        double c = Math.pow(2, 106);
+        DD z = DD.of(a).add(b).add(c).subtract(c).subtract(b);
+        Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, z.doubleValue());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testDD7() {
+        double a = 1.5 * Math.pow(2, 1023);
+        double b = 4 * Math.pow(2, -1022);
+        DD x = DD.of(a);
+        DD y = DD.of(b);
+        Assertions.assertFalse(x.multiply(y).isFinite());
+        // Create fractional representation as [0.5, 1) * 2^b
+        int[] xb = {0};
+        int[] yb = {0};
+        x = x.frexp(xb);       // (0.75, 0) * 2^1024
+        y = y.frexp(yb);       // (0.5, 0)  * 2^-1019
+        Assertions.assertEquals(0.75, x.doubleValue());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(0.5, y.doubleValue());
+        Assertions.assertEquals(1024, xb[0]);
+        Assertions.assertEquals(-1019, yb[0]);
+        DD z = x.multiply(y);  // (0.375, 0)
+        Assertions.assertEquals(0.375, z.doubleValue());
+        // Rescale by 2^5
+        Assertions.assertEquals(a * b, z.scalb(xb[0] + yb[0]).doubleValue());
+    }
diff --git a/src/site/apt/userguide/index.apt b/src/site/apt/userguide/index.apt
index 8cf82a4..3814faa 100644
--- a/src/site/apt/userguide/index.apt
+++ b/src/site/apt/userguide/index.apt
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
     * {{{Precision}Precision}}
+    * {{{DD:_double-double}DD: double-double}}
   * {{{Field}Field}}
   * {{{Fraction}Fraction}}
@@ -428,7 +430,7 @@
   is therefore not a full <<<double-double>>> implementation, which would maintain the sum
   as the current total and a round-off term. This difference makes the <<<Sum>>> class faster
   at the cost of some accuracy during addition of terms that cancel.
   If the terms to be subtracted are known then the summation can be split into the positive
   and negative terms, summed in two parts and the result computed by a final subtraction of
   the <<<Sum>>> of negative parts.
@@ -548,6 +550,264 @@
 Precision.representableDelta(1.0, 0.1)   // 0.10000000000000009
+* DD: double-double
+  The <<<DD>>> class provides an extended precision floating-point number.
+  A double-double is an unevaluated sum of two IEEE <<<double>>> precision numbers capable of
+  representing at least 106 bits of significand. A normalized double-double number \( (x, xx) \)
+  satisfies the condition that the parts are non-overlapping in magnitude such that:
+|x| > |xx|
+x == x + xx
+  The implementation assumes a normalized representation during operations on a <<<DD>>>
+  number and computes results as a normalized representation. The number is limited to the
+  same exponent range as a <<<double>>>. Thus the number can be considered
+  as a standard IEEE <<<double>>> with additional information that would be lost to rounding.
+  This information can be used in arithmetic operations so that compound calculation can
+  reduce the error present in the final result returned as a <<<double>>>.
+  The number \( (x, xx) \) may also be referred to using the labels <high> and <low> to indicate
+  the magnitude of the parts as \( ( x_\{hi\}, x_\{lo\} ) \), or using a numerical suffix
+  for the parts as \( ( x_0, x_1 ) \). The numerical suffix is typically used when the
+  extended floating-point number has an arbitrary number of parts, for example a quad-double
+  is \( ( x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3 ) \). The parts of the <<<DD>>> can be accessed using the <<<hi()>>>
+  and <<<lo()>>> methods and the evaluated sum \( x + xx \) as <<<doubleValue()>>>.
+  The <<<DD>>> class is immutable. Instances are constructed with factory methods.
+  A <<<DD>>> can be constructed from a <<<double>>>, <<<int>>> or <<<long>>> primitive. In the
+  case of a <<<long>>> this maintains the full 64-bits of information; this is not possible
+  when using implicit type conversion to a <<<double>>>. These conversions can be reversed
+  as the <<<DD>>> provides type conversions using the <<<java.lang.Number>>> methods.
+double x = Math.PI;
+int    y = 42;
+long   z = -8564728970587006436L;
+DD.of(x).doubleValue()  // = x
+DD.of(y).intValue()     // = y
+DD.of(z).longValue()    // = z
+                        // (long) (double) z != z
+  The <<<DD>>> class can be created as the result of a <<<double>>> operation and the round-off
+  error. In the case of addition and multiplication the result is exact. For division the result
+  will have the closest 106-bit representation to the exact result.
+  Note that use of the factory constructors for <<<double>>> arithmetic is preferred over
+  constructing the arguments as a <<<DD>>> from a <<<double>>> and performing the equivalent
+  operation in <<<DD>>> arithmetic:
+double a = 1.2345678901234567;
+double b = 123.45678901234567;
+DD w = DD.ofProduct(a, b);     // (152.41578753238835,-1.0325951435749745E-14)
+DD x = DD.ofSum(a, b);         // (124.69135690246912,-1.1102230246251565E-15)
+DD y = DD.ofDifference(a, b);  // (-122.22222112222221,-1.1102230246251565E-15)
+DD z = DD.fromQuotient(1, 3);  // (0.3333333333333333,1.850371707708594E-17)
+// w.hi() = a * b
+// x.hi() = a + b
+// y.hi() = a - b
+// z.hi() = 1.0 / 3
+// Inefficient
+DD zz = DD.of(1).divide(DD.of(3));
+z.equals(zz)   // true
+  The <<<DD>>> can also be converted from and to a <<<BigDecimal>>>. The conversion <<from>> may
+  lose precision. The conversion <<to>> is exact but only supported for finite numbers as BigDecimal
+  does not support infinity and NaN. The method <<<isFinite()>>> can be used to verify that the
+  evaluated sum \( x + xx \) is finite; this is only true when both parts are finite and conversion
+  to <<<BigDecimal>>> is possible. Note that <<<BigDecimal>>> can be used for numerical equality
+  and ranking operations as the <<<DD>>> class does not support <<<java.lang.Comparable>>>, and
+  the <<<equals(Object)>>> method is true for <<binary>> equality of the parts, not <<numerical>>
+  equality of their evaluated sum.
+  The following demonstrates a round trip of \( \pi \) to 50 decimal places. The <<<DD>>> is
+  limited to approximately 34 decimal places and this is split into
+  the <<<double>>> value for \( \pi \) and a <<<double>>> representing the rounding error.
+BigDecimal pi = new BigDecimal("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510");
+DD x = DD.from(pi);         // (3.141592653589793,1.2246467991473532E-16)
+pi.compareTo(x.bigDecimalValue())  // != 0
+// x.hi() = Math.PI
+// x.lo() = pi.subtract(new BigDecimal(Math.PI)).doubleValue()
+DD nan = DD.of(Double.NaN);
+nan.isFinite()          // false
+nan.bigDecimalValue()   // throws NumberFormatException
+  Note: It is not possible to directly specify the two parts of the <<<DD>>> number.
+  The two parts must be added using a sum to ensure the <<<DD>>> maintains a normalized
+  representation. If the two parts already represent a number
+  \( (x, xx) \) such that \( x == x + xx \) then the magnitudes of the parts will be
+  unchanged; any signed zeros may be subject to a sign change.
+  The <<<DD>>> class provides the arithmetic operations add, subtract, multiply, and divide for a
+  <<<double>>> or <<<DD>>> argument. <<<int>>> and <<<long>>> arguments can be used as a
+  <<<double>>> due to implicit type conversion. However if the <<<long>>> value has more than
+  53-bits of precision then it should first be converted to a <<<DD>>>.
+long x = -8564728970587006436L;
+DD.ONE.add(x).longValue()         // != x + 1
+DD.ONE.add(DD.of(x)).longValue()  // == x + 1
+  The arithmetic methods are not intended to provide an exactly rounded
+  result to 106-bit precision. A compromise has been made between accuracy and performance so
+  that the <<<DD>>> class is a viable alternative to using <<<BigDecimal>>> for high accuracy
+  arithmetic when the ultimate result is required as a <<<double>>>. The approximate error bounds
+  of operations are supplied in the class javadoc. Typical errors bounds are within a relative error
+  of 1-4 <eps> of the exact result where <eps> is \( 2^\{-106\} \).
+  The following demonstrates a simple sum where the <<<double>>> representation of a fraction is
+  inexact and results in a rounding error. This is removed by extending the fraction to a
+  double-double representation:
+1.0 / 2 + 1.0 / 3 + 1.0 / 6            // = 0.9999999999999999
+DD z = DD.fromQuotient(1, 2)
+         .add(DD.fromQuotient(1, 3))
+         .add(DD.fromQuotient(1, 6));  // (1.0,-4.622231866529366E-33)
+z.doubleValue()                        // = 1.0
+  Note that the error on the final result is influenced by the calculation.
+  For summation of terms of the same sign a very large number of operations would be required to
+  observe a 1 ULP error in the final <<<double>>> result. If terms of the opposite sign are
+  summed then smaller magnitude intermediate terms can be lost due to the limited 106-bit
+  precision. In this case almost total cancellation will product the incorrect result.
+double a = 1;
+double b = Math.pow(2, 53);
+double c = Math.pow(2, 106);
+DD.of(a).add(b).add(c).subtract(c).subtract(b)  // (0, 0)
+                                                // NOT (1, 0)
+  When using products the compound error will accumulate faster but is not influenced by the
+  sign of the operands. A power function <<<pow(int)>>> is provided for compound multiplication
+  of the same argument that is more efficient but does not reduce the error bound.
+  The <<<DDMath>>> class provides special support for operations using the <<<DD>>> class.
+  The purpose is to supplement the arithmetic operations in the <<<DD>>> class providing
+  greater accuracy at the cost of performance.
+  This includes a power function that returns the result in a fractional representation
+  to avoid over or underflow, with a lower error bound that the equivalent function in <<<DD>>>.
+** Overflow and underflow
+  A double-double number is limited to the same finite range as a <<<double>>>.
+  The class is intended for use when the ultimate result is finite and intermediate values
+  do not approach infinity or zero.
+  This implementation does not support IEEE standards for handling infinite and NaN when used
+  in arithmetic operations. Computations may split a 64-bit <<<double>>> into two parts and/or use
+  subtraction of intermediate terms to compute round-off parts. These operations may generate
+  infinite values due to overflow which then propagate through further operations to NaN,
+  for example computing the round-off using <<<Inf - Inf = NaN>>>.
+  Operations that involve splitting a double (multiply, divide) are safe
+  when the base 2 exponent is below 996. This puts an upper limit of approximately +/-6.7e299 on
+  any values to be split; in practice the arguments to multiply and divide operations are further
+  constrained by the expected finite value of the product or quotient.
+  Likewise the smallest value that can be represented is \( 2^\{-1074\} \). The full
+  106-bit accuracy will be lost when intermediates are within \( 2^\{53\} \) of the minimum
+  normalized <<<double>>> \( 2^\{-1022\} \).
+  The <<<DD>>> result can be verified by checking it is a finite evaluated sum using
+  <<<isFinite()>>>. Computations expecting to approach over or underflow must use scaling of
+  intermediate terms using <<<frexp(int[])>>> and <<<scalb(int)>>> and
+  appropriate management of the current base 2 scale. The <<<frexp(int[])>>> method creates
+  a number with a fractional part \( f \) in the range \( [0.5, 1) \) and an exponent part
+  \( 2^b \) such that \( x = f \times 2^b \). The following example demonstrates scaling and
+  rescaling:
+double a = 1.5 * Math.pow(2, 1023);
+double b = 4 * Math.pow(2, -1022);
+DD x = DD.of(a);
+DD y = DD.of(b);
+// Values too extreme for DD arithmetic!
+x.multiply(y).isFinite()  // false
+// Create fractional representation as [0.5, 1) * 2^b
+int[] xb = {0};
+int[] yb = {0};
+x = x.frexp(xb);       // (0.75, 0) * 2^1024
+y = y.frexp(yb);       // (0.5, 0)  * 2^-1019
+DD z = x.multiply(y);  // (0.375, 0)
+// Rescale by 2^5
+z.scalb(xb[0] + yb[0]).doubleValue()  // = a * b
+  This simple example shows the added complexity in avoiding under and overflow. Some
+  common operations have been implemented in the <<<Sum>>> and <<<Norm>>> classes with
+  extended precision floating-point arithmetic. These use appropriate scaling and
+  ensure the correct IEEE result is returned in the event of a non-finite result.
+  Algorithms include summation, sum-of-products and Euclidean norms.
+** Comparison to Math.fma
+  The fused multiply-add method <<<Math.fma(double, double, double)>>> added in Java 9 returns
+  the exact product of the first two arguments summed with the third argument and then rounded
+  once to the nearest <<<double>>>. This avoids the two rounding operations that would occur
+  using <<<a * b + c>>> as a regular floating-point expression. The result is returned
+  as a <<<double>>>.
+  The <<<DD>>> class can represent the exact 106-bit product <<<a * b>>> as \( (x, xx) \).
+  Unlike <<<Math.fma>>>, which uses effectively unlimited precision arithmetic, the addend
+  <<<c>>> can only be used if it overlaps either the upper part \( x \) or the lower part
+  \( xx \) of the number. If too small then it will not change \(x, xx \); if too large then
+  the final result will be \( (c, x) \).
+  However the result will be returned with information that can be used in further computation.
+  Also note that <<<Math.fma>>> will compute the correct IEEE result if the value is non-finite.
+  It will also be protected from over and underflow for the intermediate result, for example:
+Math.fma(Double.MAX_VALUE, 2.0, -Double.MAX_VALUE)  // = Double.MAX_VALUE
+Math.fma(Double.MIN_VALUE, 0.5,  Double.MIN_VALUE)  // = Double.MIN_VALUE * 1.5
+  The round-off from a standard floating-point expression <<<x * y>>> can be computed using
+  FMA:
+double x = ...
+double y = ...
+DD z = DD.ofProduct(x, y);
+z.hi()  // = x * y;
+z.lo()  // = Math.fma(x, y, -x * y)
+  This optimisation is not available on Java 8. The <<<DD>>> class uses standard <<<double>>>
+  arithmetic to split the arguments into parts \( x = x_h + x_l \) and \( y = y_h + y_l \),
+  each of which can be multiplied exactly by <<<double>>> arithmetic and used to compute
+  the round-off component. Splitting and computation of the round-off takes 16 FLOPS which is
+  far slower than a hardware supported FMA operation.
+** Application of DD
+  <<<DD>>> arithmetic is slower than <<<double>>> arithmetic and faster than <<<BigDecimal>>>.
+  The class has been implemented to avoid costly branch conditions in operations, such as those
+  required to support IEEE arithmetic for non-finite values, and avoid significant extra
+  computation for a gain of only 1 or 2 ULP accuracy in the lower part of the double-double number.
+  Users should assess the benefits of using standard <<<double>>> arithmetic, with or without
+  <<<Math.fma>>>, against <<<DD>>> or <<<BigDecimal>>> arithmetic with suitable accuracy and
+  performance benchmark data. For example the <<<DD>>> class is used in <<<Commons Numbers>>> and
+  {{{}commons-statistics}}
+  in targeted parts of function evaluations where accuracy is improved by 8-10 bits over standard
+  <<<double>>> arithmetic, or even to enable computations that have catastrophic error using
+  <<<double>>> arithmetic.
   The {{{../commons-numbers-field/index.html}commons-numbers-field}} module